Caretaker message
Before an election, the Australian Government assumes a caretaker role. Limited updates will be made to this site in line with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions.
Keyword: family tax benefit (FTB) - child support
- 1.1.A.15 Actual assessment method (FTB)
- 1.1.C.20 Child support (FTB)
- 1.1.C.40 Cohabitation, living together (FTB)
- 1.1.D.75 Designated child support child (FTB)
- 1.1.D.100 Disbursement method (FTB)
- 1.1.E.35 Entitlement method (FTB)
- 1.1.E.60 Ex-nuptial child (FTB)
- 1.1.F.50 Formula assessment (FTB)
- 1.1.M.10 Maintenance (FTB)
- 1.1.M.15 Maintenance agreement (FTB)
- 1.1.M.20 Maintenance income credit (MIC)
- 1.1.M.21 Maintenance income free area (FTB)
- 1.1.M.22 Maintenance income test ceiling (FTB)
- 1.1.M.65 Modified entitlement method (FTB)
- 1.1.N.27 Non-agency payment (NAP)
- 1.1.N.37 Non-resident parent
- 1.1.N.45 Notional assessment (FTB)
- 1.1.P.71 Payee (FTB)
- 1.1.P.72 Payer (FTB)
- 1.1.P.110 Presumption of parentage (FTB)
- 1.1.P.130 Private collection (FTB)
- 1.1.R.25 Relevant period (FTB)
- 1.1.R.40 Resident parent (FTB)
- 1.1.R.50 Routine assessment method (FTB)
- 1.1.V.13 Voluntary child support
- 1.1.V.20 Voluntary maintenance
- 3.1.5 Maintenance action test for FTB Part A
- 3.1.7 Maintenance income test
- FTB reconciliation due to maintenance income
- Impact of maintenance action test on FTB reconciliation
- 7.4 Child support debts