1.1.P.72 Payer (FTB)
For the purposes of FTB, the payer is a parent who must pay child support to the payee (1.1.P.71) of a child. The parent must be the child's natural or adoptive parent or otherwise a 'parent' under the Family Law Act 1975.
A payer may have contact with the child, or share the care of the child with the payee.
It is important to note that a partner or former partner of a parent of the child is not automatically considered to be a 'payer' for the purposes of FTB. However, any payments or benefits received from a partner or former partner of a parent of the child, for the upkeep of that FTB child, are considered to be maintenance income (1.1.M.10).
Before 1 July 2008, payers were referred to as 'non-resident parents' and before the Family Law Reform changes in 1996, they were known as 'non-custodial parents'.