The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia.

2.2.1 FTB eligibility criteria for individuals

FTB eligibility for individuals

An individual is eligible for FTB if:

  • they have at least one FTB child in their care (for at least 35% of the time), or
  • they are not an absent overseas individual and have at least one regular care child who is also a RA child, and
  • the individual is an Australian resident, or
  • they are an SCV holder residing in Australia, or
  • they are the holder of a visa approved by the Minister for the purposes of SSAct subparagraph 729(2)(f)(v), or
  • their rate of FTB is greater than nil, and
  • no other provision applies to make them ineligible for FTB.

From 1 January 2019, a NARWP applies to FTB Part A. There is no NARWP for FTB Part B. There are a range of exemptions from the NARWP for FTB and situations where the NARWP does not apply (

Act reference: FAAct section 21 When an individual is eligible for FTB in normal circumstances, section 3(1)-'Australian resident', section 61AA Part A rate of FTB is nil for a day in the newly arrived resident's waiting period, section 58 Rate of FTB

SSAct section 729 Qualification for SpB

Policy reference: FA Guide 2.1.1 FTB child & regular care child, Residence requirements, Verifying residency/citizenship, 3.1 FTB rate calculation, 4.2.1 Summary of the FTB claim process, Regular care child, 1.1.A.130 Australian resident, NARWP for FTB Part A

Only one member of a couple is eligible for FTB at a time

Even though both members of a couple may otherwise be eligible for payment/benefit for an FTB or regular care child, only one member of a couple is eligible at a time.

Exceptions: In some circumstances FTB may be shared including by couples in blended families ( and individuals who claim FTB for a past period prior to separation.

Where both members of a couple claim FTB, a decision as to which person should be paid FTB is based on:

  • which person is the primary carer (1.1.P.120), and
  • whether there is a written agreement nominating one member of the couple as the person to claim FTB.

Act reference: FAAct section 26 Only 1 member of a couple eligible for FTB

Policy reference: FA Guide FTB in blended families, Sharing FTB for separated couple

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