Deductions from PLP relating to child support
An employer may deduct an amount from an instalment (1.1.I.80) if required under the Child Support (Registration and Collection) Act 1988 section 46 or 72A.
Centrelink is required to make deductions from an instalment payable to a person in accordance with a notice given to Centrelink under the Child Support (Registration and Collection) Act 1988 section 72AD.
In this way, the Child Support Registrar will be able to collect amounts due to the Commonwealth under a maintenance liability and to child support debts through deductions from instalments of PLP.
Act reference: PPLAct section 69 Deductions relating to child support
Child Support (Registration and Collection) Act 1988 section 46 Duty of employer to make deductions from salary or wages, section 72A Registrar may collect debts from a third person, section 72AD Deductions from PLP