The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia. Pensioner concession card (PCC) - description

Purpose of a PCC

The main purpose of the PCC is to assist pensioners and selected benefit recipients with certain living costs, by allowing access to specific services at a concessional rate.

Who receives a PCC

The PCC is automatically issued to:

  • all social security pensioners (that is, recipients of Age, DSP, CP, PPS), DVA service pensioners and war widows receiving income support supplement
  • certain older benefit recipients (that is, long-term income support recipients aged over 55, who are currently in receipt of JSP, PPP, SpB)
  • PPP recipients who have a partial capacity to work
  • JSP and YA (job seeker) recipients who either have a partial capacity to work or are single principal carers, and
  • a person currently granted but not receiving one of the above income support payments due solely to the operation of an 8 week non-payment period as a result of a serious participation failure or multiple participation failures.

Once recipients move off income support, they must generally stop using their PCC, however in some instances the PCC may be kept for an extended period. Age recipients with a nil payment rate and some income from employment, can keep their PCC for 2 years. DSP recipients can keep their PCC for 2 years if they start working 30 hours per week or more or have a nil rate of payment and income from employment. Some older long-term benefit recipients can keep their PCC for a further 26 weeks. JSP and YA (job seeker) with partial capacity to work can keep their PCC for 12 months after leaving payment for work. JSP and YA (job seeker) who are single principal carers can keep their PCC for 26 weeks after ceasing payment due to earnings. These provisions are designed to assist people to make the transition from income support to work.

Note: Participation in the HEAS (formerly PLS) does not, of itself, entitle a person to additional benefits that are ordinarily available to people who receive a social security pension or payment. A person who is receiving a loan under the HEAS is entitled to receive a PCC if they receive a social security pension (that is, part-rate and maximum rate pensioners are entitled). Self-funded retirees whose fortnightly payment is entirely comprised of a HEAS loan (that is, there is no pension entitlement) are not entitled to receive a PCC.

Act reference: SSAct section 1061ZA General qualification rules (PCC), section 1061ZA(2A) General qualification rules (PCC - YA), section 1061ZA(2B) General qualification rules (PCC - JSP), section 1061ZA(2D) General qualification rules (PCC - PP), section 1061ZCA Extended qualification rule: former recipient of Age and partner, section 1061ZEA(2) Further extended qualification rule: loss of payment because of employment income, section 1061ZEB(2) Extended qualification rule: persons with a partial capacity to work, section 1061ZM(1BA) Qualification for health care card: employment-affected person, section 1137A Non-receipt of social security pension or social security payment

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