Supplementary benefits & employment assistance for PA recipients
Note: PA ceased on 1 January 2022. The following information is for historical purposes only.
Other departmental benefits
PA recipients MAY also qualify for the following benefits, if they meet the relevant qualification criteria:
- rent assistance (
- pharmaceutical allowance (
- telephone allowance (
- utilities allowance (
- crisis payment (
- clean energy advance (
- energy supplement (
- remote area allowance (
- bereavement payments (3.1.5)
- health care card (
- PCC in restricted circumstances (that is, where a PA recipient who is 60 years of age or more and has been receiving income support for the preceding 9 months) (
- pension supplement if over age pension age (
- education entry payments (, and
- language, literacy and numeracy training and supplement (
Act reference: SSAct section 1061ZK Qualification: general rules (HCC), section 1061ZA General qualification rules (PCC)
Policy reference: SS Guide 3.8.1 RA - qualification & payability, 3.8.2 PhA - qualification & payability, 3.8.6 EdEP - qualification & payability, 3.8.7 TAL - qualification & payability, 3.8.8 RAA - qualification & payability, 3.9.1 HCC - qualification provisions, 3.9.2 PCC - qualification provisions, 3.7.4 CrP - qualification & payability, 3.1.5 Bereavement payment provisions, 3.12.1 Pension supplement - qualification & payability, 3.15.1 CEA - qualification & payability, 3.15.2 ES - qualification & payability
Employment assistance
PA recipients are eligible for employment assistance through jobactive or CDP, which will not affect their qualification for PA or make any difference to their obligations.
Explanation: This means they do not have to look for work although they may choose to do so on a voluntary basis.
Employment incentives
PA recipients may receive the following incentives to take up a job:
- access to working credits
- payment of certain supplementary benefits during the employment income nil rate period
- continued use of their HCC or PCC for a certain period, and
- able to have their payment resumed during the employment income nil rate period if they report a fall in income sufficient for PA to be payable again.
Act reference: SSAct section 23(4A) Despite subsection (4) …, section 23(4AA) For the purposes of subsection (4A) …, section 1061ZMA Further extended qualification rule: loss of payment because of employment income (HCC), section 1061ZEA Further extended qualification rule: loss of payment because of employment income (PCC)
Policy reference: SS Guide 3.1.11 Working credit, 3.1.12 Employment income nil rate period, Qualification for HCC - automatic issue, PCC extension rules