Caretaker message

Before an election, the Australian Government assumes a caretaker role. Limited updates will be made to this site in line with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions.

The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia. Qualification for CA (child) with combined DCLA scores of 2 children


A carer with 2 children with disability who do not individually have a qualifying score when measured by the DCLA (1.1.D.170) MAY qualify their carer for CA (child) even if neither child meets the definition of a CA child (1.1.C.90).

Explanation: This method of qualifying for CA (child) recognises the impact on a carer of 2 children whose combined functional abilities (1.1.F.250) and special care needs are at a significant level when measured by the DCLA. Generally carers will apply for CA for each child, and if neither qualifies in their own right, the delegate will make a joint assessment.

Qualification (1.1.Q.10) criteria

To qualify for CA (child) based on the combined DCLA score of 2 children, the carer must meet the criteria listed in the following table. Where more detail about a criterion is required, the second column indicates where you will find this.

Criterion More detail
ALL of the following:
The carer has 2 dependent children, AND -
both children have physical, intellectual or psychiatric disabilities (1.1.P.280), AND -
both children are likely to suffer from the disability permanently or for an extended period (1.1.P.230), AND -
both children have an individual rating against the DCLA with a score above zero by the THP (1.1.T.170), AND 3.6.12 Disability Care Load Assessment (Child) (DCLA)
the combined score from BOTH ACL ratings is 85 or higher, with a minimum ACL score of 20 for an individual child, AND 3.6.12 Disability Care Load Assessment (Child) (DCLA)
FTB is payable for BOTH children, or would be but for certain legislative requirements, AND 1.1.C.90 CA child
because of the disability, both children receive care and attention on a daily basis (1.1.C.10) from the carer or their partner, AND -
both children receive the care and attention in the private residential home of the carer and children. -
The carer's ATI, and that of their current partner (where applicable), must be below the $250,000 income test threshold. Assessment of income for CA

Act reference: SSAct section 5(2) Dependent child-under 16, section 953(2) A person is qualified for CA for 2 …

Extent of benefit

Carers who qualify for CA (child) on this basis will be paid CA (child) as if they had one CA (child) child only. The fortnightly rate is that payable for one CA child, although both children receive a HCC.

Act reference: SSAct section 953 Qualification for CA—caring for either 1 or 2 disabled children

Policy reference: SS Guide CA - current rate

Time limits on claim for joint assessment

Joint assessment can ONLY be done when the carer lodges a claim for CA (child) for a second child within 3 months of being advised of the outcome of the claim for the first child.

If the claim is lodged more than 3 months later, the carer must reclaim for the first child before a joint assessment can be made.

Last reviewed: