The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia. Widow class A & supporting parent's benefit (sole parent pension) - additional payments from October 1956 to January 1993


This table shows the rates in dollars per annum.

Note A
Child's allowance & additional pension for children ($ p.a.) Mother's or guardian's (1.1.G.80) allowance ($ p.a.) RA ($ p.a) Note S
16/10/1956 52 Note B - -
28/10/1958 52 - 52 Note C
10/10/1961 78 - 52
08/10/1963 78 Note D 208 Note D 52
19/10/1965 78 Note E 208 104 Note F
01/10/1968 130 Note G 208 104
30/09/1969 130 or 182 Note H 208 or 312 Note I 104
12/10/1971 234 208 or 312 104
10/10/1972 234 208 or 312 208
27/03/1973 234 Note J 208 or 312 208
09/10/1973 260 208 or 312 208
05/11/1974 286 208 or 312 260 Note K
06/05/1975 364 208 or 312 260
04/11/1975 390 208 or 312 260
09/11/1978 390 Note L 208 or 312 260
08/11/1979 390 208 or 312 260
06/11/1980 520 312 or 416 260
11/02/1982 520 312 or 416 416 Note M
04/11/1982 520 312 or 416 520 Note N
03/11/1983 624 312 or 416 520
03/05/1984 624 416 Note O 520
01/11/1984 728 520 780 Note P
21/03/1985 728 520 780 Note Q
14/11/1985 832 520 780
09/01/1986 832 or 728 Note S 520 780
01/05/1986 832 or 728 624 780
13/11/1986 884 or 728 624 780
25/12/1986 884 or 728 624 780 Note R
08/01/1987 884 or 728 Note T 624 780
09/07/1987 884 or 728 624 780 Note U
24/12/1987 1,456, 1,144 or 884 Note V 624 780
22/12/1988 1,612, 1,248 or 884 Note W 624 780
22/06/1989 1,612, 1,248 or 884 624 780 or
Note X Note Y
06/07/1989 1,773.20, 1,248 or 884 Note Z 624 780 or
21/12/1989 1,773.20, 1,248 or 884 624 1,040 or
01/01/1990 1,833.00, 1,255.80 or 884
Note AA
670.80 Note AA 1,040 or
26/04/1990 1,833.00, 1,255.80 or 884 670.80 1,040 or
27/09/1990 1,833.80, 1,255.80 or 884 - 1,560,
1,820 or
2,080 Note BB
03/01/1991 2,009.80, 1,378.80 or 884 - 1,560 or
1,820 or
2,080 Note CC
28/03/1991 2,009.80, 1,378.80 or 884 - 1,612 or
1,820.40 or
2,254.20 Note DD
02/01/1992 2,077.40, 1,424.80 or 884 746.20 1,612 or
1,820.40 or
2,254.20 Note DD
26/03/1992 2,077.40, 1,424.80 or 884 746.20 1,635.40, 1,911 or 2,181.40
03/04/1992 2,233.40, 1,580.80 or 884 746.20 1,635.40, 1,911, or 2,181.40
24/09/1992 2,233.40, 1,580.80 or 884 746.20 1,635.40, 1,911.60 or 2,184.00
01/01/1993 No longer payable Note EE


These notes relate to widow class A & supporting parent's benefit (sole parent pension) - additional payments from October 1956 to January 1993.

Note Explanation
A The dates on which the new rates applied.
B Additional pension was introduced for second and subsequent children of 16 years of age or under, in the widow's custody, care and control.
C RA was introduced for recipients paying rent (1.1.R.160) and entirely dependent upon pension.
D Child's allowance for the first child introduced, equal to the rate of additional pension for subsequent children. Additional pension for subsequent children was made payable up to end of year (31 December) in which the student child attained the age of 18 years. Mother's allowance/guardian allowance (GA) introduced.
E Student child - age limit raised to 21 years.
F RA - a means test was introduced. The maximum rate was reduced by the amount by which means as assessed exceeds $52.00.
G Child's allowance was abolished and additional pension for children substituted thus placing payments for all children of a recipient on the same basis.
H Additional pension for each child after the first increased to $182.00 per annum.
I Mother's allowance or GA increased from $208.00 per annum to $312.00 per annum where the recipient has a child under 6 years of age or an invalid child under 16 years of age requiring full-time care.
J The previous upper limit of 21 years for a full-time student to be classified as a qualifying child and to attract mother's allowance or GA and additional pension was removed.
K The increase applied subject to the principle that for payment of RA approved on or after 1 November 1974 the rate was not to exceed the amount of rent paid. No existing payment was to be reduced as a result of the adoption of this principle (savings provision).
L Additional pension for student children ceased at age 25 years.
M The maximum rate of RA (1.1.M.60) increased to $8.00 per week (one half was paid to each recipient member of a pensioner couple (SSAct section 9(1)-'pensioner couple')) and the rules for payment changed. The rate of RA was:
  • half the amount of rent in excess of $10.00 per week to the maximum of $8.00 per week
  • less half the income (combined income for a husband and wife) apart from pension (Entitlement ceased when income reached $16.00 per week.)
  • not payable where rent was paid to a state or Australian Government Housing Authority. A savings provision protected payments current at 1 February 1982.
N The maximum rate of RA was increased to $10.00 per week. The rate of RA payable was:
  • half the amount of rent in excess of $10.00 per week to the maximum of $10.00 per week
  • less half the income (combined income for a husband and wife), apart from pension. Entitlement ceased when income reached $20.00 per week.
O Mother's allowance or GA paid at uniform rate regardless of age and health of children.
P The maximum rate of RA was increased to $15.00 per week. The rate of RA payable was:
  • half the amount of rent in excess of $10.00 per week to a maximum of $15.00 per week
  • less half the income (combined income for a husband and wife), apart from pension. Entitlement ceased when income reached $30.00 per week.

The savings provision which applied on 1 February 1982 still applied.

Q From the introduction of the assets (1.1.A.290) test on 21 March 1985, persons whose rates were determined under the assets test were ineligible for RA.
R The lower rate of additional pension was payable for a child 16 years or over, where the child received payments under the Tertiary Education Assistance Scheme, or where payments under the Secondary Allowances Scheme were being made in respect of the child.
S From 25 December 1986 the rate of RA payable was:
  • half the amount of rent in excess of $15.00 per week, to a maximum of $15.00 per week
  • less half the income (combined income for a husband and wife) apart from pension.
T The range of education allowances which resulted in the lower rate of additional pension being payable was amended from 8 January 1987 to:
U From 9 July 1987 RA became an increase to the basic rate of pension, rather than a separate entitlement. Also from 9 July 1987, the separate income test applying to RA was removed.
V From 24 December 1987 rates increased to:
  • $1,456 per annum for children aged 13, 14 or 15 years
  • $1,144 per annum for children under 13 years
  • $884.00 per annum for student children aged 16 to 24 years not on Austudy and not receiving or attracting payment of a Commonwealth pension, benefit or allowance (unchanged).
W From 22 December 1988 rates for dependent children (1.1.D.70) increased to:
  • $1,612 per annum for children aged 13, 14 or 15 years
  • $1,248 per annum for children under 13 years
  • $884.00 per annum for student children aged 16 to 24 years not on Austudy and not receiving or attracting payment of a Commonwealth pension, benefit or allowance (unchanged).
X In March 1989 supporting parent's benefit and class A widow's pension were amalgamated under the new title of sole parent pension.
Y From 22 June 1989, RA for recipients with dependent children increased by $5.00 per week to $20.00 per week.
Z From 6 July 1989 the rate of additional pension for 13 to 15 year olds increased to $34.10 per week, $1,773.20 per annum.
AA From 1 January 1990 additional pension for children apart from student children and mother's allowance or GA became subject to annual indexation (1.1.I.100).
BB From 26 June 1990 rates of RA increased by $5.00 per week, plus an additional increase of $5.00 per week for recipients with 3 or more children.
CC From 26 September 1990 rates of RA increased by $5.00 per week.
DD From 20 March 1991 RA became subject to twice yearly indexation (March and September).
EE From 1 January 1993, Additional pension for child, GA and RA became part of additional family payment (AFP).

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