1.1.G.15 Grandparent carer (FTB Part B)
For the purposes of FTB Part B, a grandparent is a parent of a parent of a child (including step-parents).
A great-grandparent is a parent of a grandparent of a child (including step-parents).
An individual is also considered to be a grandparent if they are the former partner of a natural, adoptive or relationship grandparent or great-grandparent (1.1.R.22).
For the purposes of the above, definitions are:
- a parent is a natural, adoptive, relationship or step-parent of a child, and
- a step-parent is the partner or former partner of a natural, adoptive or relationship parent of a child.
Example: Rona is caring for Mitchell who is the son of Barb. Rona is Barb's natural parent and therefore is the grandparent of Mitchell.
Example: Robert is caring for Sarah who is the adoptive daughter of Renee. Robert is Renee's natural parent and is considered Sarah's grandparent because Renee is considered to be Sarah's parent.
Example: Albert is caring for a child named Joe. Although he is not Joe's biological great-grandparent, he is considered a great-grandparent for FTB purposes because:
- Albert is Margaret's biological father
- Margaret is Stuart's adoptive parent
- Stuart is a relationship parent of Joe.
Example: Kevin is caring for Charlie, who is the child of his ex-partner's (Tracey) adoptive daughter Sarah. Kevin is considered a grandparent because Tracey is considered Sarah's parent, and in turn Sarah is Charlie's parent.