1.1.R.22 Relationship parent/child
If someone is a child of an individual within the meaning of the Family Law Act 1975 and they are not a biological or adopted child of the individual, then the child is the 'relationship child' of the individual and the individual is the 'relationship parent' of the child. The situations in the Family Law Act where someone is a child of a person, but is not a biological or adopted child of that person, include:
- children born as a result of artificial conception procedures
- children of de facto partners, and
- children born under surrogacy arrangements.
The same provisions also apply to a parent or grandparent of a relationship parent of the child.
Act reference: FAAct section 3(1)-'relationship child', section 3(1)-'relationship parent'
SSAct section 5(1)-'relationship child', section 5(1)-'relationship parent', section 5(25) Relationship child and relationship parent
Family Law Act 1975 section 4(1)-'child', section 60H Children born as a result of artificial conception procedures, section 60HA Children of de facto partners, section 60HB Children born under surrogacy arrangements