1.1.R.35 Reportable superannuation contribution
Reportable superannuation contributions, for an individual and an income year, means the sum of:
- the individual's reportable employer superannuation contributions (if any) for the income year, and
- the individual's deductions (if any) under Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 subdivision 290-C for the income year.
Definition: reportable employer superannuation contributions
Reportable employer superannuation contributions are those contributions an employer makes for an employee where all of the following apply:
- the employee influenced the rate or amount the employer contributed for them, and
- the contributions are additional to the compulsory contributions an employer must make under any of the following
- superannuation guarantee law
- an industrial agreement
- the trust deed or governing rules of a superannuation fund, or
- a federal, state or territory law.
Superannuation contributions that an employer must make to an employee may be known as superannuation guarantee or mandated contributions. These contributions are not considered to be reportable employer superannuation contributions.
Example: A common example of a reportable employer superannuation contribution is a contribution an employer makes on behalf of an employee to a superannuation fund under a salary sacrifice arrangement.
Definition: personal deductible superannuation contributions
Reportable superannuation contributions also include any personal contributions made to a superannuation fund for which an income tax deduction is claimed on an individual's tax return.
Personal deductible superannuation contributions will be added to any reportable employer superannuation contributions reported on the tax return. The total will form the reportable superannuation contribution amount.
Act reference: Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 section 995-1(1) Definitions
Policy reference: FA Guide 3.2.9 Reportable superannuation contributions