1.1.R.21 Regular care child
For the purposes of FA, an individual (1.1.I.90) has a regular care child when the child is in the individual's care between 14% and less than 35% of the time.
An individual with regular care of a child will not have an entitlement to the child related components of FTB but may continue to be eligible for the RA component of FTB Part A and other government benefits including:
- CCS - if the individual also meets other CCS eligibility criteria and pays child care fees to an approved provider (1.1.A.90)
- a HCC (if income does not exceed the income threshold for the maximum rate of FTB Part A)
- the lower threshold for the Medicare Safety Net if income is below the income cut-out amount for FTB Part A, and
- additional RAA paid with social security income support payments (e.g. JSP).
Act reference: FAAct section 3(1)-'regular care child'