4.1 Independent Decision Makers
The Scheme has engaged Independent Decision Makers to assist the Operator to make determinations on applications for redress under section 29 and section 75 of the NRSAct.
Independent Decision Makers use information provided in a person's application and information obtained from the relevant institution/s as part of the request for information process to make a determination on a person's eligibility for redress. Independent Decision Makers use the Scheme's Assessment Framework to determine the level of redress payment and counselling and psychological care (payment or services) a person may receive.
Independent Decision Makers are not connected to participating institutions and when engaged by the Scheme, are required to disclose any interests as outlined with the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013.
Independent Decision Makers also undertake reviews of determinations.
Act reference: NRSAct section 185 Engaging persons to be independent decision-makers, Part 4-1 Division 2 Review of determination, section 29 The Operator must make a determination on the application
Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 Part 2-2 Division 3 General duties of officials
National Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse Assessment Framework 2018
Policy reference: Redress Guide 4.11 Review of a determination, Part 6 Use & disclosure of Scheme information