Wrong person receives a PLP instalment or PPL funding amount
A debt will arise if the wrong person:
- receives all or part of an instalment of PLP from Centrelink or an employer, or
- receives all or part of a PPL funding amount from Centrelink, AND
- is not authorised by the right recipient (the person to whom the PPL payment is payable) or authorised under law to receive the instalment.
If the original payment is made by Centrelink, the amount received by the wrong person is a debt due to the Commonwealth by that person.
If the original PLP payment is made by the employer, the amount received by the wrong person is a debt due to the employer by that person.
Centrelink is obliged to pay the right recipient the amount of the PLP payment that is payable to them. An employer is obliged to pay the right recipient the amount of PLP that is payable to them.
Where the amount is paid by Centrelink into the wrong person's bank account, Centrelink may, under the 'recovery from an ADI' provision, recover the amount.