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The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia.

11.4.2 Tax file numbers & taxation information


Access to taxation information is essential for the effective assessment, collection and enforcement of child support (1.1.C.60). For example, child support assessments (1.1.C.70) are based on taxable income (1.1.T.20) as assessed by the ATO, and the Registrar can collect debts by intercepting a tax refund (1.1.T.40). 

The Registrar is permitted to use TFNs to obtain and exchange information with the ATO.

Act references

CSRC Act section 16, section 16B, section 16C

CSA Act section 150, section 150B, section 150D

Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 section 202(ga)

Taxation Administration Act 1953 section 8WA, section 8WB, section 355-65

Privacy Act 1988 section 13, section 17, section 18

Authority to use taxation information

The exchange of information between Services Australia and the ATO is permitted by the secrecy provisions of the child support and taxation legislation (CSRC Act sections 16(2A), 16(3)(ca) and 16(6), CSA Act sections 150(2A), 150(3)(ca) and 150(6)). In addition, the child support legislation specifically authorises the Registrar to:

  • request, but not compel, a person to provide a written statement of their TFN (CSRC Act section 16B, CSA Act section 150B)
  • require the Commissioner of Taxation to provide information the Commissioner possesses about people, including TFNs, being information that
    • is in the possession of the Commissioner, or
    • may come into the possession of the Commissioner after the requirement is made (including information that comes into existence after the requirement is made). The requirement may be of a standing nature. (CSRC Act section 16C(1), CSA Act section 150D(1))
  • use the information to identify a person and decide if that person can apply for a child support assessment, make or amend a child support assessment and decide whether a terminating event has happened (CSA Act section 150D(2)), and
  • use the information to identify a person, so as to register and collect child support payments (CSRC Act section 16C(2)).

One of the objects of the TFN system is to facilitate the administration of the child support legislation (Income Tax Assessment Act section 202(ga)). The ATO can disclose protected information about taxpayers to Services Australia where the information is necessary for the administration of the child support legislation (Taxation Administration Act section 355-65).

Privacy (Tax File Number) Rule 2015 (TFN Rule)

The Privacy Commissioner, in the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC), issued the TFN Rule made under section 17 of the Privacy Act, which regulates the collection, storage, use, disclosure, security and disposal of individuals' TFN information. The TFN Rule is legally binding, and a breach of the rule is an interference with individual privacy under the Privacy Act. Individuals who consider their TFN information has been mishandled may make a complaint to the Information Commissioner. Where a breach of privacy is very serious, the Information Commissioner may seek to impose a civil penalty.

As well as constituting a breach of the TFN Rule, unauthorised use or disclosure of TFNs may constitute an offence under the Taxation Administration Act, with a maximum penalty of 100 penalty units (11.6.7) or 2 years imprisonment, or both (Taxation Administration Act section 8WA).

Services Australia is an authorised recipient of TFN information for the purposes of child support legislation.

The TFN Rule recognises that Services Australia uses TFNs for child support purposes and explains some of Services Australia's obligations when collecting and using them.

More detailed information about privacy is available on the OAIC website, and the Services Australia website.

TFN queries or enquiries can be directed to Services Australia through their Contact us page.

Last reviewed: