1.1.C.20 Centrelink
A program within Services Australia delivers Centrelink payments. Centrelink is responsible for delivering family assistance payments, including PLP, to Australian families. Centrelink is responsible for deciding whether a person is eligible to be paid PLP and other family assistance payments and determining whether the person is to be paid their PLP by their employer or directly by Centrelink.
Internet site
Information about Centrelink services available to families can be found in the Raising kids section of the Services Australia website.
Call centres
Families can receive assistance with the PPL scheme and family assistance enquiries by telephoning 13 61 50. The call centre operates from 8 am to 8 pm local time.
Act reference: Human Services (Centrelink) Act 1997 section 8A Chief Executive Centrelink's service delivery functions, section 12 Delegation