Special needs pension (SpNP) - description
Note: SpNP is closed to new claimants, with no new claims possible after 30 June 1995 for SpNP WP or 20 September 2000 for other SpNPs.
Note: All remaining SpNP recipients are on SpNP DSP. Payments of SpNP WP and WidB ceased from 20 March 2020. There were no SpNP WP recipients by this time and SpNP WidB recipients were automatically transferred to Age. There are currently no SpNP Age recipients.
Objective of the SpNP
SpNP is paid to people who were long-term residents but who left Australia (1.1.A.320) before 7 May 1973, when general portability (1.1.P.310) of payments was introduced. It was a way of getting Age, DSP, WP or WidB paid outside Australia.
Background information
SpNP was introduced on 7 May 1973, following the introduction of general portability of payments.