1.1.P.310 Portability, proportional portability
Definition: portability
'Portability' refers to a person's continuing entitlement to an Australian social security payment while outside Australia (1.1.A.320). Once portability of entitlement is established, payments may continue in Australia or be directed overseas, depending on the type of payment and/or the duration of the absence.
Act reference: SSAct section 23(1)-'social security payment'
Usage: proportional portability
The proportional portability definition applies to:
- age pension
- parenting payment (single)
- disability support pension, and
- carer payment.
Note: From 20 March 2020 JSP was introduced. WP and WidB ceased and recipients were transferred to an alternative payment depending on their circumstances. Prior to this date, proportional portability also applied to WP and WidB.
Definition: proportional portability
'Proportional portability' refers to the rate of pension to be paid after a pensioner has been absent from Australia for a continuous period of 26 weeks. It usually means that the pension rate overseas is based on the person's AWLR (1.1.A.340) up to a maximum period of 35 years or 420 months.