Guiding principles of income management
Guiding principles
There are 4 guiding principles that should be used in all decisions about the use of income managed funds:
- While the delegate has authority to make decisions about a person's income managed payments, the person should also have significant input to these decisions. The intention is to help the person meet their priority needs.
- Where a person has funds in their income management account, and the delegate is aware of an unmet priority need of the person, their partner, children and/or other dependants, then the delegate must take action to meet that need.
- Income managed funds cannot be unreasonably withheld from a person. If current and reasonably foreseeable priority needs have been met and a person seeks access to unspent funds, this request should be granted. The delegate should discuss the purpose of access to unspent funds; so that the delegate is assured that the payment will not be spent on excluded goods or services.
- If a person has children or other dependants in their care, the delegate must have regard to the best interests of those children and/or dependants in deciding how income managed funds should be used.