The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia. Supplementary benefits & employment assistance for CP recipients

Other benefits

CP recipients MAY also qualify for the following assistance, if they meet the relevant qualification criteria:

  • carer allowance
  • rent assistance
  • pension supplement
  • remote area allowance
  • PCC or HCC
  • crisis payment
  • energy supplement, AND
  • EdEP if participating in education/training.

Carers who receive CP (child) may automatically qualify for and receive CA for each qualifying child.

Carers who receive CP qualify for a PCC.

Exception: Carers who receive CP (child) under short term (1.1.S.172) or episodic (1.1.E.132) provisions qualify for a HCC.

The partner of a person receiving CP may test their qualification for other payments such as JSP.

Act reference: SSAct section 665ZFA to section 665ZFB Payment to a CP recipient, section 1061ZA General qualification rules (PCC), section 954B Qualification for CA-receiving CP for caring for child or children

Policy reference: SS Guide 3.2.1 JSP - qualification & payability, 3.6.7 CA - qualification & payability, Qualification for CA (child) - automatic qualification for CA (child) through qualification for CP (child), 3.8.1 RA - qualification & payability, 3.12.1 Pension supplement - qualification & payability, 3.8.6 EdEP - qualification & payability, 3.7.4 CrP - qualification & payability, 3.15.1 CEA - qualification & payability, 3.15.2 ES - qualification & payability

Employment incentives

CP recipients may receive the following incentives to take up a job:

  • access to working credits
  • payment of certain supplementary benefits during the employment income nil rate period
  • continued use of their PCC for a certain period
  • able to have their payment resumed during the employment income nil rate period if they report a fall in income sufficient for CP to be payable again
  • the use of temporary cessation of care days to remain qualified for CP if working hours exceed 100 hours over a 4-week period, and
  • suspension of CP for up to 26 weeks, if the 100 hour limit is exceeded and temporary cessation of care days are not used or have been exhausted; or earned income precludes payment

Act reference: SSAct section 23(4A) Despite subsection (4) …, section 23(4AA) For the purposes of subsection (4A) …, section 1061ZEA Further extended qualification rule: loss of payment because of employment income, section 1073J Working credit balance prevents loss of qualification in certain cases

SS(Admin)Act section 95CA CP—suspension instead of cancellation under section 93 or 94

Policy reference: SS Guide 3.1.11 Working credit, 3.1.12 Employment income nil rate period, PCC extension rules, Qualification for CP during temporary cessation of care

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