The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia. Payability of RAA


This topic explains the payability provisions that apply to RAA. The following table outlines the circumstances in which payability of RAA is affected. If more detail about the circumstance is required, the second column indicates where you will find this.

Circumstances More detail
RAA is NOT payable if …

A recipient exceeds income and assets tests limits for income support payment.

This topic

RAA MAY NOT be payable if …

A recipient, their FTB child or regular care (RC) child is temporarily absent from the RAA remote area (1.1.R.150).

This topic

A recipient's FTB child or RC child lives permanently outside the RAA remote area.

This topic

Policy reference: SS Guide 3.1.6 General payability provisions

FA Guide FTB child, 1.1.R.21 Regular care child

Income & assets testing

If, after applying the income and assets tests for the income support payment, a person is entitled to ANY amount of income support payment, they will receive the full RAA amount.

Explanation: The full amount of RAA is added to the person's income support payment once the income and assets tests have been applied.

The following table shows where you will find detailed information about the income and assets tests that are applied for each payment type.

Payment type Guide reference
  • Age pension, OR
  • Disability support pension

4.2.1 Pension income test & additional free area for dependent children

  • Jobseeker payment, OR
  • Austudy payment

4.2.2 Benefits income test & limits

4.2.3 Pensions & benefits assets tests

Parenting payment (single) PPS income & assets tests & limits

Parenting payment (partnered) PPP income & assets tests & limits

Youth allowance

4.2.8 YA means tests & limits

Carer payment

4.2.5 CP income & assets tests

Act reference: SSAct section 8(8) Excluded amounts-general

Temporary absence

RAA is paid for the first 8 weeks of a recipient's, their FTB child's or their RC child's TEMPORARY absence from their usual place of residence, including overseas absences. To be temporarily absent an RAA recipient, their FTB child or their RC child must intend to return to their usual place of residence.

Explanation: An RAA recipient is taken to be physically present at their usual place of residence for the first 8 weeks of a temporary absence, including overseas absences.

Example 1: An RAA recipient is absent from their home for a 4-week holiday. The recipient is taken to be temporarily absent only and is paid RAA for the full 4 weeks.

Example 2: An RAA recipient is absent from their home for a 10-week holiday. The recipient is taken to be temporarily absent from their home for the FIRST 8 weeks of their holiday. The recipient is NOT physically present for the final 2 weeks of the holiday; therefore, they are not paid RAA for this period.

Act reference: SSAct section 14(1) Remote area definitions, section 14(2) If a person's usual place of residence …

Policy reference: SS Guide Application of portability rules (portability table)

Child living outside RAA remote area

RAA is payable for the first 8 weeks that a recipient's FTB or RC child lives outside the RAA remote area IF:

  • the child is an FTB or RC child, AND
  • the child's usual place of residence is in the RAA remote area.

Example 1: A recipient's child attends an Australian boarding school outside the RAA remote area. The child qualifies for RAA. However, during the school term RAA is ONLY payable for the first 8 weeks of each term. RAA for this child is suspended several times during the year.

Example 2: A recipient's child is overseas for a year and qualifies for RAA. RAA is only payable for the first 8 weeks of the year of temporary overseas absence.

Policy reference: FA Guide FTB child, 1.1.R.21 Regular care child

Last reviewed: