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Before an election, the Australian Government assumes a caretaker role. Limited updates will be made to this site in line with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions.

The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia. FAA entitlement

Entitlement categories

The journeys that an eligible student can receive FAA for are explained in the following table.

If the student … then they are entitled to …

receives YA, Austudy or PES as a tertiary student for LESS THAN 3 months in a study year

  • one trip to the institution from their permanent home to commence studies, AND
  • one trip back to their permanent home after ceasing or discontinuing studies.

receives YA, Austudy or PES as a tertiary student for 3 MONTHS OR MORE in a study year

  • one trip to the institution from their permanent home to commence studies for the academic year
  • one trip back to their permanent home after ceasing or discontinuing studies for the academic year, AND
  • one return trip between the institution and their permanent home during the period of the course in the academic year.

is engaged in a tertiary external course that has a compulsory residential component

one return trip from their permanent home to the institution and back. A student is eligible for FAA for EACH external course undertaken during a year that requires attendance at the institution for a residential component.

Travel by public transport

The circumstances in which FAA is reimbursed for different types of travel are explained in the following table.

If the student … then FAA …

qualifies for a concessional rate for a journey

will only meet the concessional fare, EVEN if the student paid full fare.

does not qualify for the concessional rate

the full fare is paid.

  • is unable through illness or incapacity to travel by a cheaper mode of travel, OR
  • a journey by bus would exceed 18 hours, including waiting time between connections, OR
  • a journey by train would exceed 36 hours, including waiting time between connections

is limited to the next cheapest mode of travel.

The cost of a sleeping berth may be included in the cost of second-class rail travel if it is not possible for the journey to be made by day.

is compelled to make all or part of the journey by taxi or private car, because public transport is unavailable

is a kilometre rate based on the type of vehicle used. Determining the FAA reimbursement for Austudy, PES & YA

would face rail travel longer than 36 hours, or it is not possible to travel by car or other means of public transport

provides an economy air fare.

The airfare is only reimbursed if the student actually travelled by air. If the student travelled by rail, the rail fare would be reimbursed.

If other types of transport are used, the student is reimbursed the actual cost of travel.

Example: Ferries.

Act reference: SSAct Part 2.26 Fares allowance

Policy reference: SS Guide Determining the FAA reimbursement for Austudy, PES & YA, Eligibility for FAA, Travel outside the study year for FAA

Last reviewed: