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The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia. Payment of FAA


FAA may be paid for travel to commence study that is from their permanent home to the educational institution, providing the applicant's claim for YA, Austudy or PES is approved for the course in which the travel is required. FAA may also be available for a return trip during the academic year and a trip back home at the end of the academic year.

Travel before & after a course

This section applies to students who are not external students.

FAA may be paid for a journey to the educational institution at the start of a course that is undertaken before the student starts receiving YA, Austudy or PES.

Example: A student who travels in January 2023 to commence a course in February 2023, and who starts receiving YA in March 2023, is eligible to be reimbursed for FAA for the journey to commence the course.

FAA may be paid for a journey from the educational institution at the completion or discontinuation of a course, that is undertaken after the student finishes receiving YA, Austudy or PES, provided the journey is in the study year or before 1 April in the next year.

Example: A student who completes their course in October 2022, who stops receiving YA in October 2022, and who then travels home in December 2022, may be eligible to be paid FAA for the journey home.

FAA may be paid to a student who travels before or after the year of study, PROVIDED they are eligible for FAA and the journey is completed and claimed for before 1 April of the year following the year of study.

Example: A continuing student who travels in December 2018 to commence a course in February 2019 must claim FAA before 1 April 2020.

Mid-year return trip home

FAA may be paid for a return journey from the educational institution to home during the study year, provided the student has received YA, Austudy or PES for at least 3 months in that year and is receiving YA, Austudy or PES when the journey is made.

Example: A student who commences receiving YA on 1 March 2023 will be eligible to be paid FAA for a mid-year return journey home on or after 1 June 2023.

FAA by reimbursement

FAA is normally paid as a reimbursement of costs incurred by the student, which is claimed after the journey has been completed.

Pre-booked FAA

Payment may be made in advance by pre-booking a fare for an eligible student. Payment is not made directly to the student, but is paid to the commercial operator. Pre-booked FAA will usually be for airfares.

A pre-booked fare CANNOT be paid for a student unless they are currently in receipt of YA, Austudy or PES.

Student dies after undertaking journey

Another person may apply to receive FAA on behalf of a qualified student should that student die after undertaking the journey. A claim for FAA must be lodged within the normal time limits, that is before 1 April in the year after the year of study AND the application must be lodged within 6 months of the student's death, or a further period allowed by the Secretary if there are special circumstances.

Act reference: SSAct section 19A FAA definitions, section 1061ZAAA Qualification for FAA, section 1061ZAAB Journey by person who is not an external student

SS(Admin)Act section 49 Timing of payment of FAA, section 50 To whom FAA is to be paid, section 58 Payment of social security payment after death

Policy reference: SS Guide FAA entitlement, Determining the FAA reimbursement for Austudy, PES & YA

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