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Before an election, the Australian Government assumes a caretaker role. Limited updates will be made to this site in line with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions.

The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia. Youth related payments - July 1986 to present date


This topic contains tables under the following headings:

1Under 18 years single unemployment benefit (UB) & sickness benefit (SB) - November 1984 to December 1987
2Job search allowance (JSA) & SA for under 18 years - January 1988 to December 1994
3YTA and SA - January 1995 to June 1998
4YA - July 1998 to present date
5Young homeless allowance (YHA) - July 1986 to January 1990

Table 1: Under 18 years single unemployment benefit (UB) & sickness benefit (SB) - November 1984 to December 1987

This table shows the rates in dollars per week (pw).

DateRate ($ pw)Comment
01/11/1984lower 45.00
higher 50.00
Note A
01/05/1985lower 45.00
higher 50.00
01/11/198550.00Note B
13/12/198750.00Note C

Notes for Table 1

AA higher rate of benefit for benefit recipients under 18 years was introduced from 1 November 1984. This higher rate is paid to an unemployment or sickness beneficiary, under 18 years of age with no dependants, who have been in continuous receipt of a 'prescribed pension' or a payment under a Labour Force Training Program for 26 weeks or more.
BFrom 1 November 1985 unmarried benefit recipients under 18 years (UB or SB), received the same rate. The lower and higher rates operative from 1 November 1984 to 31 October 1985 were combined.
CThe rate of benefit for under 18 years was not increased. As part of the 'Priority One' program, rates of benefits and allowances are to be standardised, so as to achieve a common allowance structure for youth.

Table 2: Job search allowance (JSA) & SA for under 18 years - January 1988 to December 1994

Before 1 July 1991 JSA was available only to people under 18 years of age. JSA had a 2-tiered level of payment. The maximum rate could be paid to claimants but was subject to a Parental Income Test (PIT) (1.1.P.40). The minimum rate applied where parental income was above the relevant limit. This rate was also subject to the normal income test. From 13 December 1987 the weekly income test was changed to a fortnightly income test. After this date, when calculating a person's entitlements affected by income, the weekly rate of income should be converted to a fortnightly amount.

SB was changed to SA on 1 July 1991.

This table shows the single rates of JSA and SA for under 18 years:

DateMaximum rate ($)Minimum rate ($)Parental income test ($ p.a.)Comment
01/01/198850.00 pw25.00 pw16,950-
01/01/198953.55 pw25.00 pw16,950Note D
01/01/199057.60 pw26.90 pw18,150Note E
Note F
01/01/199162.05 pw28.95 pw19,300-
From 1 July 1991 the rate has been expressed in $ per fortnight (pf).
01/07/1991124.10 pf57.90 pf19,300-
01/01/1992128.30 pf59.90 pf20,700Note G
01/01/1993129.80 pf60.60 pf20,950-
01/01/1994132.30 pf61.80 pf21,350-

Notes for Table 2

DFrom 1 January 1989 the maximum rate of JSA and SA for under 18 year olds became subject to annual indexation (1.1.I.100).
EFrom 1 January 1990 the minimum rate of JSA and SA and the parental income test became subject to annual indexation.
FParental Assets Test was introduced as of 20 September 1990. If parental assets (1.1.A.290) exceed the prescribed amount then the minimum rate applies. Parental Income Test still applies too, as well as normal income test.
GFrom 1 July 1991 the NSA program was introduced. JSA was extended to people aged 18 years of age or more. Parental income and assets tests still only applied to people under 18 years of age.
HFrom 1 January 1995 no new JSA recipients under 18 years. Unemployed under 18 years now eligible for YTA. Saved JSA recipients will remain on JSA unless payments are interrupted for 6 weeks or more.

Act reference: SSAct section 8(1)-'income'

Table 3: YTA & SA - January 1995 to June 1998

From 1 January 1995 to 30 June 1998, unemployed young people aged 16 or 17 (and certain 15 year olds) were eligible for YTA, rather than JSA. There were 3 categories of payment:

  • at home
  • away from home, that is, living away from home to undertake training or job search, and
  • independent (including homeless).

These are the same as the AUSTUDY basic rates of payment. YTA rates are indexed every January. Minimum rate for YTA was abolished from 1 January 1997.

The following tables show the rates, in dollars per fortnight (pf), for the 4 years from 1995 to 1998:

1995Maximum rate ($ pf)Minimum rate ($ pf)Parental income test ($ p.a.)Parental assets test ($)Personal assets test ($)
at home134.5062.9021,660375,630-
away from home222.1062.9021,660375,630-
independent - no children222.10---111,870
independent - with children321.60---111,870
Partner (1.1.P.85) - under 18
independent - no children222.10---159,470
independent - with children269.20---159,470
1996Maximum rate ($ pf)Minimum rate ($ pf)Parental income test ($ p.a.)Parental assets test ($)Personal assets test ($)
at home140.6065.7522,650393,750-
away from home232.1065.7522,650393,750-
independent - no children232.10---116,950
independent - with children336.10---116,950
Partner - under 18
independent - no children232.10---166,650
independent - with children281.30---166,650
1997Maximum rate ($ pf)Minimum rate ($ pf)Parental income test ($ p.a.)Parental assets test ($)Personal assets test ($)
at home145.00-23,350406,000-
away from home239.30-23,350406,000-
independent - no children239.30---116,950
independent - with children346.50---116,950
Partner - under 18
independent - no children239.30---166,650
independent - with children290.00---166,650
01/01/1998 to 30/06/1998Maximum rate ($ pf)Minimum rate ($ pf)Parental income test ($ p.a.)Parental assets test ($)Personal assets test ($)
at home145.40-23,400406,000-
away from home-----
independent - no children-----
independent - with children-----
Partner - under 18
independent - no children-----
independent - with children-----

Table 4: YA - July 1998 to present date

This table shows the rates in dollars per fortnight (pf).

 At home 16 to 17 ($ pf)At home 18 and over ($ pf)Away from home ($ pf)Single with child ($ pf)Partnered with child ($ pf)

Notes for Table 4

From 1 July 1998, YA replaced YTA, AUSTUDY and SA for recipients under 21 (unemployed) or 24 (students).

Rates changed from 1 July 2000 due to the introduction of the new taxation system (PAYG).

The at home rate applies to a dependent person living at home, an accommodated independent person and a person in supported State care.

The away from home rate applies to a dependent person required to live away from home, an independent person in unsupported state care and an independent person who is not 'accommodated', not in supported State care and who does not have a dependent child. The away from home rate applies to a partnered person without a dependent child.

From 1 July 2012, the maximum age for YA (job seeker) was increased to 21.

On 1 April 2021, the maximum basic rates of working age payments increased by $50 per fortnight. This was given effect by the Social Services Legislation Amendment (Strengthening Income Support) Act 2021.

On 20 September 2023, the maximum basic rates of working age and student payments increased by $40 per fortnight. This was given effect by the Social Services and Other Legislation Amendment (Strengthening the Safety Net) Act 2023.

Table 5: Young homeless allowance (YHA) - July 1986 to January 1990

This table shows the rates in dollars per week (pw).

Date of effectUB/SB component ($ pw)JSA component ($ pw)YHA component ($ pw)Max rate payable ($ pw)

Notes for Table 5

An SA recipient could receive both YHA and RA, although the YHA component had to be reduced by the amount of RA payable. Therefore the maximum rate payable could not be increased by the addition of RA.

The income test on YHA was the same as the personal income test on JSA under 18.

From 1 January 1990, YHA as a separate component ceased to be paid and these cases were paid the 'independent or homeless rate of JSA'.

From 1 January 1995, recipients under 18 became eligible for YTA rather than JSA.

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