Caretaker message

Before an election, the Australian Government assumes a caretaker role. Limited updates will be made to this site in line with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions.

The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia. RA (families with children) - December 1987 to March 2018


RA commenced to be payable to family allowance supplement (FAS) recipients from 17 December 1987. The table lists the maximum rates of RA since then in dollars per week, unless indicated otherwise.

Date Maximum rate of RA (1.1.M.60) ($)
less than 3 children 3 or more children
17/12/1987 15.00 -
15/06/1989 20.00 -
14/12/1989 25.00 -
14/06/1990 30.00 Note A 35.00
20/09/1990 35.00 40.00
20/03/1991 36.20 41.35
20/03/1992 36.75 41.95
20/09/1992 36.80 42.00
Date one or 2 additional family payment (AFP) children fortnightly rate Note B 3 or more AFP children fortnightly rate Note B
20/03/1993 73.80 84.20
20/09/1993 74.80 85.20
20/03/1994 75.20 85.80
20/09/1994 76.00 86.80
20/03/1995 77.00 88.00
20/09/1995 79.40 90.60
20/03/1996 86.00 97.40
20/09/1996 87.00 98.40
20/03/1997 87.40 98.80
20/09/1997 87.40 98.80
20/03/1998 87.40 98.80
20/09/1998 88.00 99.40
20/03/1999 88.60 100.00
20/09/1999 88.80 100.40
20/03/2000 90.20 102.00
01/07/2000 Note C 99.26 112.14
20/09/2000 100.94 114.10
20/03/2001 103.04 116.48
20/09/2001 105.00 118.72
20/03/2002 106.26 120.12
20/09/2002 107.94 122.08
20/03/2003 109.48 123.76
20/09/2003 110.88 125.30
20/03/2004 112.14 126.70
20/09/2004 113.68 128.52
20/03/2005 115.08 130.06
20/09/2005 116.62 131.74
20/03/2006 118.30 133.70
20/09/2006 121.24 137.06
20/03/2007 122.22 138.18
20/09/2007 123.76 140.00
20/03/2008 125.86 142.38
20/09/2008 129.36 146.30
20/03/2009 130.48 147.56
20/09/2009 131.32 148.40
20/03/2010 133.28 150.64
20/09/2010 135.24 152.88
20/03/2011 136.78 154.56
20/09/2011 140.14 158.48
20/03/2012 140.98 159.46
20/09/2012 141.82 160.44
20/03/2013 144.06 162.96
20/09/2013 145.18 164.22
20/03/2014 147.98 167.30
20/09/2014 149.52 168.98
20/03/2015 150.50 170.10
20/09/2015 151.76 171.50
20/03/2016 153.02 172.90
20/09/2016 153.30 173.18
20/03/2017 155.26 175.42
20/09/2017 156.24 176.54
20/03/2018 158.34 178.78

Policy reference: SS Guide RA savings provisions - 1974 to 2000, RA rates - June 1990 to present date


These notes relate to RA - December 1987 to 20 March 2018:

Notes Explanation
A Until June 1990 there was only one amount of RA, regardless of the amount of dependent children (1.1.D.70).
B From 1993, when Family Payment was introduced, only AFP children attract RA. RA was paid fortnightly from that date, together with the AFP.
C From 1 July 2000, RA became payable with the new FTB, to recipients with children. Maximum rates are rounded to 1 cent a day (not 20 cents a fortnight).

Last reviewed: