Backdated start days - JSP
Person reclaiming within 14 days
The start day for JSP may be backdated to the day after cancellation day for a person reclaiming within 14 days after being cancelled as a result of:
- an administrative exclusion period, or
- a rate reduction period in which the reduced rate is nil.
Act reference: SS(Admin)Act Schedule 2 clause 15 Certain persons subject to cancellation …
Policy reference: SS Guide 3.1.2 Waiting & preclusion periods
Claimant for DSP
The start day for JSP may be backdated to the day on which the DSP claim was made if the person:
- has an undetermined claim for DSP, and
- meets mutual obligation requirements (1.1.M.160) or has an exemption from mutual obligation requirements.
Act reference: SSAct section 593(1B) Qualification for JSP
SS(Admin)Act Schedule 2 clause 28 JSP - claimant for DSP