1.1.M.160 Mutual obligation requirements
Mutual obligation requirements include all job search-related or employment preparation activities a person can be compelled to undertake in return for participation payments (JSP, YA (other), PP (when their youngest child turns 6) and SpB (NVH)), unless they have an exemption (3.11.5).
The activities that a person must undertake to meet their mutual obligation requirements are usually included in their Job Plan (1.1.J.25).
Mutual obligation requirements are based on the principle that it is fair and reasonable to expect unemployed people receiving a participation payment to do their best to find work, undertake activities that will improve their skills and increase their employment prospects and, in some circumstances, contribute something to their community in return for receiving income support.
For arrangements on how mutual obligation requirements are determined, and the types of activities people are expected to undertake, see 3.11.
Act reference: SS(Admin)Act Division 2A Subdivision A-Entry into employment pathway plans, Division 2A Subdivision C-Exemptions from employment pathway plan requirements
Policy reference: SS Guide 3.11 Mutual obligation requirements, 3.11.3 Suitable activities, 3.11.5 Exemptions - overview