The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia.

Child Support Guide updates - 2025

2 January 2025 2025 (v4.86)

The Child Support Guide is in the process of being restructured.

1.1.AKey terms beginning with the letter AIncreased section.
1.1.BKey terms beginning with the letter BNew section.
1.1.CKey terms beginning with the letter CNew section.
1.1.DKey terms beginning with the letter DNew section.
1.1.EKey terms beginning with the letter ENew section.
1.1.FKey terms beginning with the letter FNew section.
1.1.GKey terms beginning with the letter GNew section.
1.1.HKey terms beginning with the letter HNew section.
1.1.IKey terms beginning with the letter INew section.
1.1.LKey terms beginning with the letter LNew section.
1.1.MKey terms beginning with the letter MNew section.
1.1.NKey terms beginning with the letter NNew section.
1.1.OKey terms beginning with the letter ONew section.
1.1.PKey terms beginning with the letter PNew section.
1.1.RKey terms beginning with the letter RNew section.
1.1.SKey terms beginning with the letter SNew section.
1.1.TKey terms beginning with the letter TNew section.
1.1.YKey terms beginning with the letter YNew section.
1.5.1Australia's international maintenance arrangementsClarified policy.
1.6.1Australian residence - parent or non-parent carerClarified policy.
1.6.3Resident of a reciprocating jurisdictionClarified policy.
2.1.1Applications for assessmentClarified policy.
2.1.3ParentageClarified policy.
2.2.1Basics of careClarified policy.
2.3Child support periodsClarified policy.
2.3.1What is a child support period? (deleted - see 1.1.C.50)Removed information.
2.3.2When do child support periods start?Restructured page.
2.3.3When do child support periods end?Restructured page.
2.3.4Child support years (pre 1 July 1999) (deleted - see 1.1.C.170)Removed information.
2.4.1The formulasClarified policy.
2.4.2Formula tables & valuesUpdated Costs of the children tables, child support inflation factor and relocated explanation of rates, figures and factors to section 1.1 Definition of key terms.
2.4.4IncomeRestructured section. support incomeContent previously found in now in Updated title, restructured and clarified information. taxable incomeContent previously found in now in Restructured and clarified information. dependent child amountNew page.
2.4.5Care, cost & child support percentages (deleted - see 1.1.C.20, 1.1.C.200, 1.1.C.140)Content previously found in 2.4.5 now in 1.1.C.20, 1.1.C.200 and 1.1.C.140.
2.4.6The costs of the childClarified policy.
2.4.7Formula 1 - the basic formula - a single case assessmentClarified policy.
2.4.9Formulas when a parent has multiple child support cases (Formulas 3 & 4)Restructured section. 3 - multiple child support casesNew page. 4 - multiple child support cases with a non-parent carerNew page.
2.4.13Historical formula tables & valuesAdded historical information to tables.
2.4.14Historical CPI valuesUpdated CPI figures.
2.5Applications & elections to amend an assessmentClarified policy.
2.5.1Income estimates for a year of incomeClarified policy. an income estimate electionClarified policy.
2.5.2Exclusion of additional income earned post-separationClarified policy.
2.6.10Reason 4 - income of the childUpdated rates.
2.6.14Reason 8 - a parent's income, property, financial resources, or earning capacityClarified policy.
2.10.1Suspension of liability to pay child support when parents reconcileClarified policy.
3.1.7Collection agency maintenance liabilities (deleted - see 1.1.C.180)Content previously found in 3.1.7 now in 1.1.C.180.
3.4.3CPI indexation for cost of livingUpdated CPI figures and example.
5Collecting child supportClarified policy.
5.1.5Payment periods & payment of child support debtsClarified policy.
5.2.4Employer obligations for collection from salary or wagesAdded 2025 protected earnings amount.
5.2.8Tax refund interceptsClarified policy.