1.1.F.70 Family member (CA (adult))
CA (adult) is available to a person who provides care in a private home that is the home of either the carer or the care receiver. This care can be provided to a family member, as defined in the SSAct (section 23(14) see (a) and (b)), or a person approved in writing by the Secretary as a care receiver for the purposes of CA.
Examples: Family member includes:
- a partner or parent of the carer
- a sibling, child or grandchild of the carer
- a niece, nephew, aunt, uncle or in-laws of the carer, or
- a step-relative.
Another person approved as a care receiver may include:
- a friend or neighbour, or
- any person who receives care on a daily basis in a private home that is home of either the carer or the care receiver.
Act reference: SSAct section 23(1) Dictionary, section 23(14) For the purposes of this Act other than Part 2.11 …, section 954 Qualification for CA—caring for a disabled adult in a private home of both the adult and the carer, section 954A Qualification for CA—caring for a disabled adult in a private home not shared by the adult and carer
Policy reference: SS Guide 3.6.7 CA - qualification & payability