Assessment of continuing basis for standard rate MOB
Work (paid & voluntary) & vocational training to be on a continuing basis
Whatever paid work, voluntary work or vocational training the recipient is engaged in must be on a continuing basis. For the purposes of MOB, continuing paid work, voluntary work or vocational training is generally considered to be a period of 3 months or longer. If the recipient has been working/doing voluntary work/training continuously preceding the claim, the 3 month period may include the period immediately before the claim was lodged.
Example: A recipient has 2 months work or training remaining when they lodge their claim. They have been working or training continuously for the preceding one month or more however, so they still meet this criteria.
Exception 1: Participation in independent living/life skills training meets the criteria of being on a continuing basis regardless of the likely duration.
Exception 2: Participation in the following activities is not subject to the continuing basis rule:
- receipt of JSP, YA or Austudy
- job search activities approved under an EPP with a Department of Employment and Workplace Relations funded service provider
- participation in DES - DMS.
Act reference: SSAct section 1035(1)(d) A person is qualified for a MOB ā¦
Policy reference: SS Guide Assessment of vocational training for standard rate MOB, Assessment of voluntary work for standard rate MOB, Assessment of 32 hours every 4 weeks rule for standard rate MOB