The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia. Assessment of vocational training for standard rate MOB


To qualify for the standard rate MOB, recipients must also adhere to the 32 hours every 4 weeks rule. Refer to

For higher rate MOB, see

Act reference: SSAct section 1035(1) A person is qualified for a MOB …

Policy reference: SS Guide Qualification for MOB, Assessment of 32 hours every 4 weeks rule for standard rate MOB, Assessment of continuing basis for standard rate MOB, Continuation of MOB during leave from employment & training

Vocational training

Vocational training (1.1.V.60) assists the recipient to find gainful employment (1.1.G.10) or to carry on a profession, trade or business. Training courses are only accepted as vocational training if the following conditions are satisfied:

  • the course will assist the recipient gain independent living skills or life skills training which aids in gainful employment, OR
  • it is more likely than not that the course will assist the recipient to find gainful employment, AND
  • the recipient has the physical and intellectual ability to undertake gainful employment, AND
  • the recipient intends to engage in gainful employment at the end of the training course.

Assessment of vocational training courses

Participation in one of the following structured educational or training courses may be accepted as being vocational training:

  • tertiary education including off campus study under a distance learning program
  • courses undertaken at publicly funded institutions for academic or trade qualifications, including secondary education
  • courses or training activities which form part of an EPP, but excluding vocational rehabilitation services programs
    • Note: If the EPP is for work of 15 hours or more per week at award wages or above, the recipient may be eligible for higher rate MOB, see and
  • training by organisations that provide open employment services such as training under the DES, AND
  • training provided by business services that provide supported employment (Australian Disability Enterprises).

Any doubts about the vocational aspect of the training course must be clarified with the course administrator/coordinator and should establish whether the course is part of a formal or structured employment training course.

Factors to consider in assessment of course

The following factors should be considered when determining whether the course is vocational:

  • who is conducting the course
  • a completion date - the course should not be on-going
  • the objective of the course - courses that are therapeutic are not vocational
  • whether the recipient will have the necessary skills to find gainful employment or carry on a profession, trade or business as a result of undertaking a course
  • whether the course is a hobby course, AND
    • Example: A course being conducted by a local community centre would not generally be classed as vocational training.

  • whether there is a mix of vocational and non-vocational subjects within the course - if the recipient is undertaking some non-vocational units within a formal vocational course, then the course may still be vocational.

Ability or intention to work

In determining the recipient's ability or intention to undertake gainful employment, consideration must also be given to:

  • the recipient's age and nature of their disability, AND
  • the nature of the course and length of time in training.

It is irrelevant whether a recipient engaged in vocational training has a job to start after the completion of the training.

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