The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia.

9.2.1 Visa subclasses 010-099 payment eligibility


Note: The information below has been compiled by DSS as a guide only. It only covers residential qualification for social security payments and concessions for the specified visa subclasses. Visa holders must also meet other qualification requirements to receive a payment or concession card.

Visa subclasses and their conditions are the responsibility of the Department of Home Affairs. Please check the Department of Home Affairs website for any updates to visa details.

For more information on bridging visas, see 9.1.2.

Payment eligibility

Visa subclass numberVisa namePermanent residence visaAoSSponsored/nominatedPayments & concession cards residentially qualified forAdditional information
010Bridging ANo - temporaryNo AoSNot sponsoredNot residentially qualified-
020Bridging BNo - temporaryNo AoSNot sponsoredNot residentially qualified-
030Bridging CNo - temporaryNo AoSNot sponsoredNot residentially qualified-
040Bridging (Prospective Applicant)No - temporaryNo AoSNot sponsoredNot residentially qualified-
041Bridging (Non-applicant)No - temporaryNo AoSNot sponsoredNot residentially qualified-
050Bridging (General)No - temporaryNo AoSNot sponsoredNot residentially qualified-
051Bridging (Protection Visa Applicant)No - temporaryNo AoSNot sponsoredNot residentially qualified-
060Bridging FNo - temporaryNo AoSNot sponsored

SpB, FTB, PLP and HCC (Note A)

Has a NARWP exemption.

This is one of 2 visas in the Human Trafficking Visa Framework (go to 'National Action Plan to Combat Modern Slavery’ on the Department of Home Affairs website)
070Bridging (Removal Pending)No - temporaryNo AoSNot sponsored

SpB, FTB, PLP and HCC (Note A)

Has a NARWP exemption.




Residential qualification

Holders of visa subclasses 060 and 070 qualify for:

  • SpB, FTB and PLP due to Ministerial determinations made under the SSAct section 729(2)(f)(v), and
  • HCC due to Ministerial determinations made under the SSAct section 1061ZO(7).

Holders of these visas are also exempt from the NARWP for SpB, FTB, PLP and HCC due to Ministerial determinations made under the SSAct section 739A(6).

Policy reference: SS Guide Qualification for SpB, Qualification for LIC, Exemptions from the NARWP

FA Guide Residence requirements, NARWP for FTB Part A (see 'Exemptions from the NARWP')

PPL Guide 2.4.1 Australian residency test for PLP, 2.4.3 NARWP for PLP (see 'Exemptions from the NARWP')

Other eligibility

Holders of these visas may be eligible to be listed as a dependant on a PCC or HCC, if the person's partner is the holder of either one of these cards.

Holders of these visas may be also eligible for CrP, CCS.

Act reference: SS(Admin)Act section 240B(5) The Minister may, by legislative instrument, declare that a person who …

Policy reference: SS Guide Qualification for CrP - general provisions

FA Guide CCS - Australian residency exceptions

Last reviewed: