The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia.

9.2.10 Visa subclasses 700-799 payment eligibility


Note: The information below has been compiled by DSS as a guide only. It only covers residential qualification for social security payments and concessions for the specified visa subclasses. Visa holders must also meet other qualification requirements to receive a payment or concession card.

Visa subclasses and their conditions are the responsibility of the Department of Home Affairs. Please check the Department of Home Affairs website for any updates to visa details.

Payment eligibility

Visa subclass number Visa name Permanent residence visa AoS Sponsored/ nominated Payments & concession cards residentially qualified for Additional information
771 Transit No - temporary No AoS Not sponsored Not residentially qualified -
773 Border No -temporary No AoS Not sponsored Not residentially qualified -
780 Refugee A No - temporary No AoS Not sponsored Some exemptions applied, but visa no longer current This visa is no longer issued and was repealed in August 1994.
781 Refugee B No - temporary No AoS Not sponsored Some exemptions applied, but visa no longer current This visa is no longer issued and was repealed in August 1994.
783 Old PRC Spouse (Temporary) No - temporary No AoS Not sponsored Some exemptions applied, but visa no longer current This visa is no longer issued and was repealed in August 1994.
784 Domestic Protection No - temporary No AoS Not sponsored Some exemptions applied, but visa no longer current This visa is no longer issued and was repealed in August 1994.
785 Temporary Protection No - temporary No AoS Not sponsored SpB, FTB, PLP and HCC

Has a NARWP exemption (Note A).

This visa was subject to changes in 2008 and 2013. The latest visa was reintroduced in 2014.

Further details in Note B.

786 Temporary (Humanitarian Concern) No - temporary No AoS Not sponsored SpB, FTB, PLP and HCC

Has a NARWP exemption (Note A).

787 Witness Protection (Trafficking) (Temporary) No - temporary No AoS Not sponsored Not residentially qualified This visa subclass came into effect on 1 January 2004.

Note: These visas are no longer issued. These changes were part of the 1 July 2009 legislative changes to the Human Trafficking Visa Framework (go to National Action Plan to Combat Modern Slavery on the Department of Home Affairs website).

790 Safe Haven Enterprise No - temporary No AoS Not sponsored SpB, FTB, PLP and HCC

Has a NARWP exemption (Note A).

Further details in Note C.


Note Explanation

Residential qualification

Holders of the visa subclasses 785, 786 and 790 qualify for:

  • SpB, FTB and PLP due to Ministerial determinations made under the SSAct section 729(2)(f)(v), and
  • HCC due to Ministerial determinations made under SSAct section 1061ZO(7).

NARWP exemption

Holders of visa subclasses 785, 786 and 790 are also exempt from the NARWP for SpB, FTB, PLP and HCC due to Ministerial determinations made under SS Act section 739A(6).

Policy reference: SS Guide Newly arrived resident's waiting period (NARWP), Exemptions from the NARWP

FA Guide Residential requirements, NARWP for FTB Part A (see 'Exemptions from the NARWP')

PPL Guide 2.4.1 Australian residency test for PLP, 2.4.3 NARWP for PLP (see 'Exemptions from the NARWP')

Other eligibility

Holders of visa subclasses 785, 786 and 790 may also be eligible to be listed as a dependant on a PCC or HCC, if the person's partner is the holder of either one of these cards.

Holders of these visas may be eligible for CrP, CCS.

Act reference: SS(Admin)Act section 240B(5) The Minister may, by legislative instrument, declare that a person who …

Policy reference: SS Guide Qualification for CrP - general provisions

FA Guide CCS - Australian residency exceptions

B On 9 August 2008, the visa subclass 785 TPV (Classes XA and XC) were abolished. Visas issued prior to this date remained valid until they expired or the holders were granted another visa.

On 18 October 2013, the TPV 785 (XA) was reintroduced. However, the instrument to reintroduce this visa was disallowed and the visa was repealed on 2 December 2013.

TPV 785 (XA) visas issued between October 2013 and December 2013 remain valid until they expire or the holder is granted another visa.

The TPV 785 (XD) was reintroduced on 16 December 2014 and is currently in effect.

A class XD subclass 785 TPV is granted initially for 3 years, and in some cases remains valid beyond that 3-year period until an application for further TPV is finally determined.

C The Class XE subclass 790 Safe Haven Enterprise Visa (SHEV) provides temporary protection to those who are found to engage Australia's protection obligations, while encouraging earning and learning in regional Australia.

This visa allows the visa holder to remain in Australia for 5 years and apply for a further SHEV or a subclass 785 TPV.

Last reviewed: