The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia.

9.2.4 Visa subclasses 200-299 payment eligibility


Note: The information below has been compiled by DSS as a guide only. It only covers residential qualification for social security payments and concessions for the specified visa subclasses. Visa holders must also meet other qualification requirements to receive a payment or concession card.

Visa subclasses and their conditions are the responsibility of the Department of Home Affairs. Please check the Department of Home Affairs website for any updates to visa details.

Payment eligibility

Visa subclass numberVisa namePermanent residence visaAoSSponsored/nominatedPayments & concession cards residentially qualified forAdditional information
200RefugeeYes - permanentNo AoSNot sponsored

All payments and concession cards

Has a QRE (Note B) and NARWP exemption (Note C).

201In-Country Special HumanitarianYes - permanentNo AoSNot sponsored

All payments and concession cards

Has a QRE (Note B) and NARWP exemption (Note C).

202Global Special HumanitarianYes - permanent

Discretionary AoS (under Community Support Program only)

No AoS if not under Community Support Program (Note A)

Not sponsored

All payments and concession cards

Has a QRE (Note B) and NARWP exemption (Note C).

203Emergency RescueYes - permanentNo AoSNot sponsored

All payments and concession cards

Has a QRE (Note B) and NARWP exemption (Note C).

204Woman at RiskYes - permanentNo AoSNot sponsored

All payments and concession cards

Has a QRE (Note B) and NARWP exemption (Note C).

205Camp ClearanceYes - permanentNo AoSNot sponsored

All payments and concession cards

Has a QRE (Note B) and NARWP exemption (Note C).

This visa is no longer issued and was repealed in November 1997.
206Lebanese ConcessionYes - permanentMandatory AoS (Note A)Not sponsored

All payments and concession cards

Has a QRE (Note B) and NARWP exemption (Note C).

This visa is no longer issued and was repealed in August 1994.
207Soviet ConcessionYes - permanentNo AoSNot sponsored

All payments and concession cards

Has a QRE (Note B) and NARWP exemption (Note C).

This visa is no longer issued and was repealed in August 1994.
208East Timorese in Portugal, Macau or MozambiqueYes - permanentNo AoSNot sponsored

All payments and concession cards

Has a QRE (Note B) and NARWP exemption (Note C).

This visa is no longer issued and was repealed in November 1997.
209Citizens of the Former Yugoslavia - Displaced PersonsYes - permanentNo AoSNot sponsored

All payments and concession cards

Has a QRE (Note B) and NARWP exemption (Note C).

This visa is no longer issued and was repealed in November 2012.
210Minorities of Former USSRYes - permanentNo AoSNot sponsored

All payments and concession cards

Has a QRE (Note B) and NARWP exemption (Note C).

This visa is no longer issued and was repealed in July 1999.
211Burmese in BurmaYes - permanentNo AoSNot sponsored

All payments and concession cards

Has a QRE (Note B) and NARWP exemption (Note C).

This visa is no longer issued and was repealed in November 2000.
212SudaneseYes - permanentNo AoSNot sponsored

All payments and concession cards

Has a QRE (Note B) and NARWP exemption (Note C).

This visa is no longer issued and was repealed in November 2000.
213Burmese in ThailandYes - permanentNo AoSNot sponsored

All payments and concession cards

Has a QRE (Note B) and NARWP exemption (Note C).

This visa is no longer issued and was repealed in November 2000.
214CambodianYes - permanentNo AoSNot sponsored

All payments and concession cards

Has a QRE (Note B) and NARWP exemption (Note C).

This visa is no longer issued and was repealed in November 1997.
215Sri Lankan (Special Assistance)Yes - permanentNo AoSNot sponsored

All payments and concession cards

Has a QRE (Note B) and NARWP exemption (Note C).

This visa is no longer issued and was repealed in November 2000.
216AhmadiYes - permanentNo AoSNot sponsored

All payments and concession cards

Has a QRE (Note B) and NARWP exemption (Note C).

This visa is no longer issued and was repealed in November 2000.
217VietnameseYes - permanentNo AoSNot sponsored

All payments and concession cards

Has a QRE (Note B) and NARWP exemption (Note C).

This visa is no longer issued and was repealed in July 1999.



Certain visas require an AoS. An AoS is a commitment by one or more Australian residents as defined by the SSAct section 7(2) (the assurer) to provide financial support to a new resident (the assuree) during the AoS period (between 12 months and 10 years, depending on the visa). It is also a legal commitment to repay the Commonwealth certain social security payments, if such payments are made to the new resident while the AoS is in force.

Policy reference: SS Guide Overview of the AoS scheme


Refugees and former refugees have a QRE under SS Act section 7(6) for all payments and concession cards.

Holders of visa subclasses 200, 201, 202, 203, 204 and 851 are regarded as refugees due to a Ministerial declaration under section 25 of the SSAct for the purposes of subparagraph 7(6B)(c)(iii).

Policy reference: SS Guide 1.1.Q.35 Qualifying residence exemption (QRE)


Refugees, former refugees and family members of a refugee have a NARWP exemption for all payments and concession cards.

Policy reference: SS Guide Exemptions from the NARWP

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