The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia. Validation of the Disability Care Load Assessment (Child) - CP (child), CA (child)


If the delegate has concerns about the validity or accuracy of the professional questionnaire or the ACL questionnaire, the delegate can initiate a validation process.

Professional questionnaire

If the delegate has concerns about the validity of the professional questionnaire, the DCLA allows the delegate to request the carer to obtain an assessment from another THP. The carer is responsible for any costs incurred in obtaining another medical opinion.

Note: If the THP is a close relative (parent, child, sibling or grandparent) of the carer or care receiver, there may be a conflict of interest because a relative may benefit financially from the THP assessment. Discretion should be exercised in determining whether the assessment should be accepted as an accurate reflection of the child's functional ability.

When is validation required

Validation is necessary ONLY if there are fundamental concerns about the:

  • reliability of the THP report as a whole, OR
  • ability or qualification of the THP to comment on the child, OR
  • impartiality of the THP.

The impartiality of the THP should not be assumed because the person is a specialist in a particular field of disability. However, there must be good reason to believe the THP assessment is actively biased towards a particular outcome.

Validation of the THP questionnaire should occur only in exceptional cases.

Policy reference: SS Guide 3.6.12 Disability Care Load Assessment (Child) (DCLA)

ACL questionnaire

If the delegate has concerns that the completed ACL is not an accurate reflection of the child's functional ability, behaviour and special care needs and cannot resolve these concerns without additional assistance, or after consultation with the carer and/or the THP, the delegate may request assistance from the Carers Specialised Assessment Team to provide a recommendation to the delegate with respect to the determination.

Note: This applies to CP (child) applications only.

Policy reference: SS Guide Referrals to the Carer Specialised Assessment Team (CSAT)

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