The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia. Payments subject to income management

Payments subject to income management

If a person is assessed as being eligible for income management, a percentage of that person's category I payments will be subject to income management.

Under the VWPR, Disengaged Youth, Long-term Welfare Payment Recipients and VIM measures, 50% of payments defined in the SSAct as category I payments are subject to income management.

Under the SPAR and the Child Protection measures, 70% of category I payments are subject to income management.

Lump sum, advance, ES and ABSTUDY (with living allowance or PES) payments are income managed at 100%.

Relocation scholarship payments are income managed at 100%.

For specific categories of payments that are subject to income management under each measure, see the following SS Guide sections:

Supporting People at Risk11.9.2
Child Protection11.3.4
Vulnerable Welfare Payment Recipient11.4.3
Disengaged Youth11.5.2
Long-term Welfare Payment Recipient11.6.2
Voluntary Income Management11.7.5

Category I payments

Below is a list of category I payments under the SSAct:

  • a category H welfare payment
  • double orphan pension
  • FTB (under the FAAct)
  • FTB (under the FA(Admin)Act)
  • baby bonus under the FAAct (ceased on 1 March 2014)
  • stillborn baby payment under the FAAct (from 1 March 2014)
  • maternity immunisation allowance (ceased on 1 July 2012)
  • carer allowance
  • child disability assistance
  • carer supplement
  • mobility allowance
  • pensioner education supplement
  • schoolkids bonus (under the FAAct and the FA(Admin)Act) (last payment was made in July 2016)
  • TAL under SSAct Part 2.25
  • UA under SSAct Part 2.25A
  • a distance education payment under the AIC scheme, where payment relates to a child or children at a Homelands Learning Centre
  • a payment under the ABSTUDY scheme that includes an amount identified as PES
  • social security bereavement payment
  • veterans' entitlement bereavement payment
  • an advance payment under SSAct Part 2.22
  • an advance PhA under SSAct Part 2.23
  • a MOB advance under SSAct section 1045
  • an advance payment under Part IVA of the VEA
  • ISB (Note: This payment ceased on 31 December 2016).

Payments not subject to income management

Payments and allowances that are not subject to income management include, but are not limited to:

  • all DVA compensation payments
  • CCS and additional child care subsidy
  • crisis payment
  • Australian Government disaster recovery payment
  • PBS payments including the top-up and bereavement payments
  • one-off, bonus or ex gratia payments paid to older Australians or carers
  • special employment advances
  • education entry payment
  • seniors concession allowance
  • fares allowance
  • ABSTUDY payments that do not include an amount identified as either living allowance or PES
  • AIC payments except those paid directly to parents for children at a Homelands Learning Centre
  • Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry payments made by Centrelink to farmers or small businesses
  • PPL payments, including DAPP
  • low income supplement, and
  • essential medical equipment payment.

Last reviewed: