Caretaker message

Before an election, the Australian Government assumes a caretaker role. Limited updates will be made to this site in line with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions.

The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia.

Guide to Social Security Law Updates - 2004

Guide to Social Security Law Updates 1502G # - 6 December 2004 (v1.89)

Topic No Topic Title Details
1.1.A.210 Approved course of education or study (NSA, YA, Austudy, PES) Updated portfolio responsibilities for relevant Minister.
1.1.A.371 Award wages (DSP, CA) Added information relating to carers.
1.1.C.10 Care & attention on a daily basis (CA) Added that care no longer needs to be provided in the home of the carer.
1.1.C.90 CA child (CA) Included reference to eligibility requirement, be an Australian resident.
1.1.D.10 Daily basis (CA) Updated act references to include SSAct section 954A.
1.1.D.250 Draw down phase Clarified definition of draw down phase.
1.1.F.61 Family member (CA) adult Updated to reflect SSAct section 954A that care can be provided in the home of either the carer or the care receiver.
1.1.P.426 Private home of the carer and care receiver (CA) Updated to reflect new rules relating to co-residence from 1 September 2004.
1.1.P.430 Profoundly disabled child (CP) Amended punctuation to clarify definition.
1.1.S.130 Severe medical condition Clarified definition of severe medical condition.
1.1.S.133 Severe multiple disability Revised definition of severe multiple disability. Bereavement Payment Provisions for Singles Updated policy regarding the defence force income support allowance. Marriage-like Relationships & YA Added additional Act reference. Claiming the PBS Bonus Updated details regarding DFISA bonus.
3.4.8 RAFS - Qualification & Payability Added note that the Retirement Assistance for Farmers Scheme is now closed. RASF Provisions for Eligible Descendants Clarified active involvement in a sugarcane farm. Child-related Qualification for PP - Shared Care Emphasised that a written determination confirming who has the PP child is not to be forwarded to non-claimants of PP. Qualification for CP during Temporary Absence from the Private Home - Hospitalisation Clarified policy where the 63 day hospitalisation limit is exceeded. Changes to Care Receiver Situation - Effect on CP Qualification Revised entire topic. Notification & Recipient Obligations for CP Clarified information on notification required within 14 days and 28 days. Expanded on what constitutes changes to level of care for adult care receivers. Qualification for CA Updated to reflect 1 September 2004 changes, carer allowance extended to eligible carers who do not live with the person for whom they provide substantial levels of care on a daily basis. Qualification for CA - Carer & Care Receiver not Co-resident New topic. Qualification for CA - Verifying Care Provided by Non Co-resident Carers New topic. Qualification for CA during Temporary Cessation of Care Updated to reflect 1 September 2004 changes, carer allowance extended to eligible carers who do not live with the person for whom they provide substantial levels of care on a daily basis. Qualification during Temporary Absence from the Private Home - Hospitalisation (CA) Clarified policy where the 63 day hospitalisation limit is exceeded. Payability of CA - Customers with Shared Care Responsibilities Added example of customers qualifying for carer allowance. Continuation, Variation or Termination of CA Clarified the term 'FTB child' in respect of CA (child) bereavement payments.
3.6.9 Adult Disability Assessment Tool (ADAT) Clarified what the Adult Disability Assessment Tool (ADAT) is and whether the one ADAT score can be used for assessing a carer's eligibility to both carer allowance and carer payment. Overview of ADAT Scoring Regime Clarified the overview of the scoring process using the Adult Disability Assessment Tool. ADAT Step 1 Added the total final score for carer allowance and carer payment where the test is complete and no further steps are necessary, if the care receiver is in the terminal phase of their illness and is not expected to live longer than 3 months. ADAT Step 2 Revised how to calculate the total customer questionnaire score. ADAT Step 3 Revised how to calculate the total health professional questionnaire score. ADAT Step 4 Revised how to calculate the final total score. ADAT Step 5 Updated how the Adult Disability Assessment Tool validates that a customer should receive carer allowance and/or carer payment. Answering the ADAT Questionnaire Revised how a customer and the treating health professional should respond to the questions on the Adult Disability Assessment Tool questionnaires. Payability of SpB Removed information on short term available funds test. Short term Available Funds Test for SpB Added information relating to NARWP exempt customers. SpB for Newly Arrived Residents Revised for changes to NARWP for SpB. Substantial Change in Circumstances for SpB Updated interpretation of substantial change in circumstances for newly arrived residents. Qualification for CrP - General Provisions Clarified CDEP recipients entitlement to CrP. Qualification for CrP - Extreme Circumstances (domestic & family violence) Clarified qualification for crisis payment customers. Qualification for CrP - Extreme Circumstances (other) Clarified qualification for crisis payment customers. PP Change Between Single & Partnered Corrected date of effect for favourable determination rules for customers transferring between partnered and single rate of PP. Family Actual Means Test - Designated Parents Amended the exception under FAMT categories. Other Income Exempt from Assessment - Specifically Approved Updated information on approved exchange trading systems. About DVA Defence Force Income Support Allowance (DFISA) Clarified appeals and reviews of defence force income support allowance. Income from Real Estate Added link to Administrative Appeals Tribunal decision MacDonald. Income from Personal Injury Insurance Schemes Added additional Act and policy references. Principles for Assessing Superannuation Investments Clarified the treatment of withdrawals from superannuation in the draw down phase. General Provisions for Assessing Income Streams Clarified policy regarding transfer of an income stream to a reversionary beneficiary. Specific Provisions for Assessing Income Streams Added policy regarding treatment of an income stream paid to a trust. Characteristics of pre-20/09/2004 Asset-Test Exempt Income Streams Clarified policy regarding transfer of an income stream to a reversionary beneficiary. Characteristics of post-20/09/2004 Asset-Test Exempt Income Streams Clarified policy regarding transfer of an income stream to a reversionary beneficiary. General Provisions for Asset-Tested Income Streams Added treatment of income streams that do not satisfy the requirements for retaining the asset test exempt status. Assets Test Assessment of Asset-Tested Income Streams Added treatment of income streams that do not satisfy the requirements for retaining the asset test exempt status. Overview of the Application of the Special Circumstance Provisions Clarify situations where special circumstances provisions are not to be used. Taxation of Payments & PAYG Payment Summary - Individual Non Business Changed references to group certificates to PAYG payment summary. Clarified references to bereavement lump sum payments in relation to whether they are taxable or tax exempt. CA (child) - Disabilities & Conditions Recognised for Review Purposes Only Clarified that this topic relates to CA (child) only. SpB Reviews - Mail & Intensive Reviews Updated information on mail reviews.
10.3.2 Terms Used - Agreement with the UK Removed term - carer payment. Benefits Covered Under the Agreement with the UK Removed reference to carer payment. Rate Calculation -Member of a Couple - Agreement with the UK Clarified rate calculation where one partner is an agreement pensioner and one an autonomous pensioner.
10.3.100 UK Glossary Removed carer payment glossary term. People Who Travel to a Third Country - Agreement with Italy Updated third country portability and added material relating to 1988 Agreement and payment under that when people travel to a third country. People Who Travel to a Third Country - Agreement with Canada Updated third country portability. People Who Travel to a Third Country - Agreement with Spain Updated third country portability. People Who Travel to a Third Country - Agreement with the Netherlands Updated third country portability. People Who Travel to a Third Country - Agreement with Ireland Updated third country portability. People Who Travel to a Third Country - Agreement with Portugal Updated third country portability.
10.10.100 Portugal Glossary Updated term - carer payment. People Who Travel to a Third Country - Agreement with Austria Updated third country portability People Who Travel to a Third Country - Agreement with Cyprus Updated third country portability People Who Travel to a Third Country - Agreement with Germany Updated third country portability People Who Travel to a Third Country - Agreement with the USA Updated third country portability People Who Travel to a Third Country - Agreement with Chile Updated third country portability People Who Travel to a Third Country - Agreement with Croatia Updated third country portability People Who Travel to a Third Country - Agreement with Slovenia Updated third country portability

Guide to Social Security Law Updates 1501G # - 1 November 2004 (v1.88)

Topic No Topic Title Details
1.1.E.180 Exempt lump sums Added details of ongoing treatment of lump sum after initial exemption.
1.1.F.210 Full year course (YA, Austudy, PES) Removed references to special benefit.
1.1.F.230 Full-time study (YA, Austudy, PES) Removed references to special benefit.
1.1.R.105 Reference tax year (CSHC) Updated tax years used in examples.
1.1.T.150 Transport concessions (HCC, PCC & CSHC) Deleted topic, the information appears elsewhere in the Guide to Social Security Law. Health Care Card - Description Updated to achieve consistency between concession card topics. Pensioner Concession Card (PCC) - Description Updated to achieve consistency between concession card topics. Commonwealth Seniors Health Card - Description Updated to achieve consistency between concession card topics. General Procedures for Verifying Identity Minor amendments due to changes in POI. Verifying Residence/Citizenship Updated citizenship requirements to reflect DIMIA policy. Verification Required

Clarified that customers in disability housing are not subject to 6 monthly rent reviews.

Highlighted that short term travellers must notify Centrelink when changing address.

3.1.4 Imprisonment, Psychiatric Confinement & Prison Release Included CrP. Situations that Constitute Being in Gaol or Psychiatric Confinement Clarified payability while customer serving periodic detention. Effect of a Community Service Order on Activated Tested Payments Clarified payability while customer serving periodic detention. Effect of Home Detention on Social Security Benefits, Social Security Pensions, PP, PES & CrP Included CrP. Bereavement Payment Provisions for Singles Updated to reflect impact of DFISA. Bereavement Payment Provisions for Couples Updated to reflect impact of DFISA. Variable Reporting for NSA Clarified allowing variable reporting. Rules that Determine the Need to Live Away from Home for YA Included excessive travel time requirement for tertiary students. Austudy & Progress Rules for Tertiary Study Amended example. Rate of PLS Updated to reflect impact of DFISA. Qualification for PBS Updated to reflect impact of DFISA. Claiming the PBS Bonus Added information on access to the DFISA bonus. Qualification for CP during Temporary Absence from the Private Home - Hospitalisation Clarified information relating to new claims while the care receiver is hospitalised. Qualification for CA Updated to reflect change in legislation, that a carer who does not live in the same private home as the care receiver may qualify for carer allowance. Qualification during Temporary Absence from the Private Home - Hospitalisation Clarified information relating to new claims while the care receiver is hospitalised. Qualification during Temporary Absence fro the Private Home - Overseas Clarified policy. Payability of SpB Updated payability of SpB. What are the SpB Activity Tests? Included information allowing people to undertake short-term vocational courses. SpB Activity Agreement Included changes to SpB activity agreements. Study for SpB Customers New topic. Qualification for RA Clarified eligibility for RA for YA customers and rationale for non-payment of RA to Austudy recipients. Assessing RA Payable & Net Rent Rules Added information to clarify RA payable to a customer who runs a business from their principal home. PES & Impact of Previous Study Changed wording in 'Exceptions - other reasons' to reflect educational institutions as a whole. General Date of Effect Rules Added links to new sections 8.6.6 and 8.6.7 Benefit PP (partnered) Income & Assets Tests & Limits Clarified treatment of the DVA disability pension. Dependent YA - Family Assets Test & Limits Remove reference to low income HCC. Determining the rate of Income for Benefits Added details of ongoing treatment of lump sum after initial exemption. Determining the Assessable Income for Pension Customers Below Age Pension Age Added details of ongoing treatment of lump sum after initial exemption. Determining the Rate of Income for PP Added details of ongoing treatment of lump sum after initial exemption. Other Income Exempt from Assessment - s8(11) Exempt Lump Sums Included details of exempt lump sum Determinations 6 and 7of 2004 and determination dates for all listed Determinations. Deferred Income, Salary Sacrifice, Valuable Consideration & Fringe Benefits Amended treatment of 'valuable consideration' to include customer and partner. Assessing Income from DVA Added that payments made under Part VIIAB of the Veterans' Entitlements Act (DFISA and DFISA bonus) are not income for the purposes of the Social Security Act. About DVA War Widow/ers Pension, MRCA Death Benefit & Income Support Supplement Updated the Veterans' Affairs information. Added information on the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Scheme Death Benefit. About DVA Defence Force Income Support Allowance (DFISA) New topic. DVA Defence Force Income Support Allowance (DFISA) & the Pension Loans Scheme (PLS) New topic. DFISA Bonus & the Pension Bonus Scheme (PBS) New topic. DFISA & Bereavement Payments New topic. General Provisions for Hardship Clarified that to be eligible for hardship provisions a customer must be qualified for payment, but not necessarily payable. Characteristics of pre-20/09/2004 Asset-Test Exempt Income Streams Clarified various aspects of the policy. Characteristics of post-20/09/2004 Asset-Test Exempt Income Streams Clarified various aspects of the policy. Relief for Certain post-20/9/04 ATE Lifetime or Life Expectancy Income Streams from Change in Asset Test Exemption Clarified various aspects of the policy. Asset Test Assessment of post-20/09/2004 ATE Income Streams Clarified various aspects of the policy. Income Test Assessment of Asset-Test Exempt Income Streams Clarified various aspects of the policy. Joint Income Streams Clarified various aspects of the policy. Allocated Income Streams - Relevant Number where Reversionary Beneficiary Exists Clarified relevant number where the trustee does not have absolute discretion. Deprivation Assessment for Lifetime or Life Expectancy ATE Income Streams Paid from SMSFs or SAFs Updated 'Lifetime income streams' as per advice from the Australian Government Actuary. Aggregation of Multiple Lump Sums Clarified the treatment of lump sum settlements for multiple claims. RA - Current Rates Updated rate. TAL - Current Rates Updated rates. TAL & Telephone Rental Concession - January 1990 to Present Date Updated rates. PES Historical Rates New topic. EdEP Historical Rates New topic. EEP Historical Rates New topic. Summary of Portability under International Social Security Agreements Amended portability for wife pension from 26 weeks to 13 weeks. Portability Provisions for Customers Paid Under the 1995 Agreement with New Zealand Going to New Zealand or to Another Country Clarified portability provisions under the 1995 New Zealand Agreement. Portability & Rate under the 2002 Agreement with New Zealand Amended example.
8.6 Date of Effect of Determinations Included information relating to working credit customers under age pension age. Added two new sections.
8.6.1 Date of Effect of Determinations - Summary of Legislation Updated title.
8.6.3 Date of Effect of Favourable Determinations (Not Involving Working Credit or Student Income Bank) Updated title.
8.6.4 Date of Effect of Adverse Determinations & Automatic Cancellations & Variations (Not Involving Working Credit or Student Income Bank) Updated title.
8.6.6 Summary of Rules for Date of Effect - Determinations Not Involving Working Credit or Student Income Bank New section.
8.6.7 Summary of Rules for Date of Effect - Determinations Involving Working Credit or Student Income Bank New section. Arrears of Foreign Payment Added that from 1 July 2004 lump sum arrears of foreign payments are assessed using s1228A of the Social Security Act 1991. Embargoes on Arrears of Foreign Payment Added a note on how s1228A affects embargoes on arrears of foreign payment. Overpayments Resulting from Arrears of Foreign Payment Added that from 1 July 2004 s1228A of the Social Security Act 1991 generally provides for the recovery of overpayments. Overpayments Resulting from Grant of UK Benefit Added that from 1 July 2004 a debt can be raised against the customer and their partner under s1228A of the Social Security Act 1991. Overpayments Resulting from Arrears of Canadian Benefits Added that from 1 July 2004 a debt can be raised against the customer and their partner under s1228A of the Social Security Act 1991. Overpayments Resulting from the Grant of Spanish Benefits Added that from 1 July 2004 a debt can be raised against the customer and their partner under s1228A of the Social Security Act 1991. Overpayments Resulting from Arrears of Maltese Benefits Added that from 1 July 2004 a debt can be raised against the customer and their partner under s1228A of the Social Security Act 1991. Overpayments Resulting from Arrears of Netherlands' Benefit Added that from 1 July 2004 a debt can be raised against the customer and their partner under s1228A of the Social Security Act 1991. Overpayments Resulting from the Grant of Irish Benefits Added that from 1 July 2004 a debt can be raised against the customer and their partner under s1228A of the Social Security Act 1991. Overpayments Resulting from the Grant of Portuguese Benefit Added that from 1 July 2004 a debt can be raised against the customer and their partner under s1228A of the Social Security Act 1991. Exempt Payments - Agreement with Portugal Clarified policy. Overpayments Resulting from the grant of Austrian Benefit Added that from 1 July 2004 a debt can be raised against the customer and their partner under s1228A of the Social Security Act 1991. Australia to Austria & Austria to Australia Corrected country can travel to in 'Note'. Overpayments Resulting from Arrears of Cypriot Benefits Added that from 1 July 2004 a debt can be raised against the customer and their partner under s1228A of the Social Security Act 1991. Overpayments Resulting from Arrears of Danish Benefits Added that from 1 July 2004 a debt can be raised against the customer and their partner under s1228A of the Social Security Act 1991. Overpayments Resulting from the Grant of German Benefits Added that from 1 July 2004 a debt can be raised against the customer and their partner under s1228A of the Social Security Act 1991. Overpayments Resulting from the Grant of US Benefits Added that from 1 July 2004 a debt can be raised against the customer and their partner under s1228A of the Social Security Act 1991. Overpayments Resulting from Arrears of Chilean Benefits Added that from 1 July 2004 a debt can be raised against the customer and their partner under s1228A of the Social Security Act 1991. Overpayments Resulting from the Grant of Croatian Benefits Added that from 1 July 2004 a debt can be raised against the customer and their partner under s1228A of the Social Security Act 1991. Overpayments Resulting from Arrears of Slovenian Benefits Added that from 1 July 2004 a debt can be raised against the customer and their partner under s1228A of the Social Security Act 1991.

Guide to Social Security Law Updates 1500G # - 20 September 2004 (v1.87)

Topic No Topic Title Details
Topic No Topic Title Details
1.1.A.155 Annual payment Updated policy references.
1.1.A.375 AWOTE, relevant AWOTE, AWOTE weeks Updated rates.
1.1.C.210 Commonwealth Training Award rate (YA) Added the National Training Award wage effective from 3 July 2004.
1.1.D.70 Dependent child Updated rates.
1.1.S.10 Safety net (HCC, PCC, CSHC) Clarified information on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme and the Medicare safety nets including updating of rates.
2.2.3 Verifying Financial Information Added material relating to verifying customer's financial circumstances. Verifying an Illness Separated Couple Clarified policy re separation due to ill health. Work for the Dole Amended requirement to renegotiate a Preparing for Work Agreement in relation to breaches and Work for the Dole. Full-time Students Clarified policy re continuing students. YA Study Load - Full-time Tertiary Student Clarified extent of study required. Types of Breaches for Jobseekers Added exceptions for the no contact no breach rule. Rules for Applying Breaches Added exceptions for the no contact no breach rule. Commencement of Breach Penalties Updated information relating to payment pending review. Breach Penalties Stopped or Reduced on Commencement of Participation in Certain Programs or Activities Updated to reflect change in terminology and additional information added. Reasonable Excuse Expanded on the explanation of what is reasonable excuse.
3.4.10 RASF - Qualification & Payability Retirement Assistance for Sugarcane Farmers Amended the introduction. RASF - Income for the Farmers' Income Test Added more detail on how farmers with private trusts and companies are treated under the Retirement Assistance for Sugarcane Farmers Scheme. Transfer of Legal Title for RASF Added more detail on how farmers with private trusts and companies are treated under the Retirement Assistance for Sugarcane Farmers Scheme. RASF Provisions for Eligible Descendants Clarified the summary. Trust Issues for RASF Added more detail on how farmers with private trusts and companies are treated under the Retirement Assistance for Sugarcane Farmers Scheme. Payability of CA - Customers with Shared Care Responsibilities Expanded policy and clarified examples. Qualification for SpB Included return pending visa (subclass 695). Payability of SpB Included return pending visa (subclass 695). Long Term Available Funds Test for SpB Included return pending visa (subclass 695). Determining the Rate of SpB Included additional information relating to scholarships. SpB for Customers not Residentially Qualified for Other Payments Included return pending visa (subclass 695). What are the SpB Activity Tests? Included return pending visa (subclass 695). Qualification for CrP - Extreme Circumstances (other) Changed the qualification criteria surrounding assurance of support. Continuation, Variation or Termination of RA Corrected act reference. Qualification for Low Income HCC Included specific information on youth allowance, Austudy and ABSTUDY recipients and HCC qualification. HCC Provisions for Children & Dependants Clarified the health care card provisions for FTB children. HCC Benefits Updated the possible benefits available to cardholders due to the new Medicare Safety Net and the additional incentives provided to doctors for bulk-billing of cardholders. Low Income HCC - Assessment of Income Updated income limits CSHC Benefits Updated the possible benefits available to cardholders due to the new Medicare Safety Net and the additional incentives provided to doctors for bulk-billing of cardholders. Other Income Exempt from Assessment - S8(11) Exempt Lump Sums Added Sugarcane Farmer's Re-establishment Grants to the list of lump sums that have been specifically exempted under Section 8(11). Assessing Income from DVA Included information on DVA Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act and on ex-gratia payment of $25,000 to Australian service Personnel and civilians held as prisoners of war by the North Koreans. About DVA Service Pensions Added information about the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act. About DVA Disability Pensions Added information about the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act. About DVA Defence Force Income Support Allowance (DFISA) New topic advising that this topic is under construction. Income from Overseas Pensions Added note about survivor's pension to the information relating to arrears of overseas pensions. Income from Scholarships Updated waiver of fee explanation to reflect new legislation. Exempting the Principal Home - Care Situations Revised for the indefinite extension of the exemption of the former principal home for customers who enter a care situation after 1 July 2004. Granny Flats - Additional Features Clarified wording in the exception. Rate Calculation under the Hardship Provisions Added hardship provision treatment of certain income paid under the DVA Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act. General Provisions for Assessing Income Streams Updated to reflect 20 September 2004 legislative changes. Specific Provisions for Assessing Income Streams Updated policy reference. Exemptions from Assessment of Income Streams (deleted - see Deleted topic. Content moved to History of the Treatment of Income Streams Added exemptions from assessment for income streams purchased prior to 20/9/98 and Family and Community Services Legislation (Income Streams) Act 2004. Characteristics of pre-20/9/04 Asset-Test Exempt Income Streams Updated to reflect 20 September 2004 legislative changes. Characteristics of post-20/9/04 Asset-Test Exempt Income Streams New topic to reflect 20 September 2004 legislative changes. Relief for Certain pre-20/9/04 ATE Lifetime or Life Expectancy Income Streams from Change in Asset Test Exemption New topic to reflect 20 September 2004 legislative changes. Extension of Asset-Test Exemption to pre-20/9/98 Defined Benefit Income Streams Updated heading to reflect 20 September 2004 legislative changes. Asset Test Assessment of post-20/9/04 ATE Income Streams New topic to reflect 20 September 2004 legislative changes. Income Test Assessment of Asset-Test Exempt Income Streams Updated to reflect 20 September 2004 legislative changes. Commuting an Asset-Test Exempt Income Stream to a Lump Sum Updated to reflect 20 September 2004 legislative changes. Joint Income Streams Updated to reflect 20 September 2004 legislative changes. Sections 9A (Lifetime) & 9B (Life Expectancy) of the SSAct Applying Prior to 20/9/04 New topic. General Provisions for Asset-Tested Income Streams Updated to reflect 20 September 2004 legislative changes. Assets Test Assessment of Asset-Tested Income Streams Amended policy reference. Income Test Assessment of Asset-Tested Income Streams Updated to reflect 20 September 2004 legislative changes. Allocated Income Streams - Relevant Number where Reversionary Beneficiary Exists Updated to reflect 20 September 2004 legislative changes. Background to Income Streams Paid from SMSFs or SAFs Updated to reflect 20 September 2004 legislative changes. General Provisions for Assessing Income Streams Paid from SMSFs or SAFs Updated to reflect 20 September 2004 legislative changes. Documentation Required for Assessment of Lifetime or Life Expectancy ATE Income Streams Paid from SMSFs or SAFs Updated to reflect 20 September 2004 legislative changes. Actuarial Valuation Certificate for Lifetime or Life Expectancy ATE Income Streams Paid from SMSFs or SAFs Updated to reflect 20 September 2004 legislative changes. Deprivation Assessment for Lifetime or Life Expectancy ATE Income Streams Paid from SMSFs or SAFs Updated to reflect 20 September 2004 legislative changes. Assessment of Non-Performing Income Streams Paid from SMSFs or SAFs Updated to reflect 20 September 2004 legislative changes.
4.9.5 Life Expectancy, Pension Valuation Factor & Payment Factor Tables Updated to reflect 20 September 2004 legislative changes. Table of Life Expectancy - Payments Commenced between 01/01/2000 & 31/12/04 Updated to reflect 20 September 2004 legislative changes. Table of Life Expectancy - Payments Commenced on or after 1 January 2005 New topic. Pension Valuation Factors for Defined Benefit Income Streams Updated title to reflect 20 September 2004 legislative changes. Pension Valuation Factors for Allocated Income Streams New topic. Payment Factors for Market-linked Income Streams New topic. Income & Assets Test Assessment of Payments Arising from a Structured Settlement Added additional act and policy references. Historical Income Limits for Low Income HCC from 20/9/96 Updated historical rates. Allowable & Non-allowable Deductions Added changes for superannuation contributions. Assessment of Compensatory Type Payments Excluded ex-gratia payment to former prisoners of war held by Koreans. RA - Current Rates Updated rates. Common Pension Rates Updated rates. Common Benefit Rates Updated rates. Single Unemployment & Sickness Benefit - November 1984 to Present Date Updated rates. Rates of Pension - July 1909 to Present Date Updated rates. Additional Payments - April 1943 to Present Date Updated rates. Widow Class A, Supporting Parent's Benefit, Sole Parent Pension - Rates from July 1942 to Present Date Updated rate. Widow B, C & D Pension, Bereavement Allowance - July 1942 to Present Date Updated rate. RA (families with children) - December 1987 to Present Date Updated rates. Parenting Payment & Associated Rates - July 1995 to Present Date Updated rates. RA Rates - June 1990 to Present Date Updated rates. DSP - Service Update Reviews (from 20/09/2003) New topic. DSP - General Provisions for Medical Review (prior to 06/12/2003) Clarified that this topic covers conditions/processes before the introduction of service update medical/work capacity reviews on 06/12/2003. DSP - General Provisions for Medical/Work Capacity Service Update Reviews (from 06/12/2003) New topic. DSP - Manual Medical/Work Capacity Service Update Reviews (from 06/12/2003) New topic. DSP - Automatic Reviews (prior to 06/12/2003) Clarified that this topic covers conditions/processes before the introduction of service update medical/work capacity reviews on 06/12/2003. DSP - Manual Reviews (prior to 06/12/2003) Clarified that this topic covers conditions/processes before the introduction of service update medical/work capacity reviews on 06/12/2003.
6.3.1 Non-payment-specific Overpayments Added note about survivor's pension to information relating to overpayments from a lump sum CFP. Deemed Refusal of Claims Amended to take into account the addition of section 39(5) of the Social Security Administration Act.
9.2.7 Visa Subclass 495 Skilled - Independent Regional (Provisional) Added Visa Subclass 495 Skilled - Independent Regional (Provisional). AoS - Minimum Income Requirements Removed reference to social security payments. Minimum Income Requirements for Discretionary (Unbonded) AoS Added a tighter definition of a couple. People Who Travel to a Third Country - Agreement with Italy Added material relating to time limit for travel to a third country. People Who Travel to a Third Country - Agreement with Canada Added material relating to time limit for travel to a third country. People Who Travel to a Third Country - Agreement with Spain Added material relating to time limit for travel to a third country. People Who Travel to a Third Country - Agreement with the Netherlands Added material relating to time limit for travel to a third country. People Who Travel to a Third Country - Agreement with Ireland Added material relating to time limit for travel to a third country. People Who travel to a Third Country - Agreement with Portugal Added material relating to time limit for travel to a third country. Australia to Austria & Austria to Australia Clarified period people in receipt of DSP under the Agreement who are not severely disabled can be paid while outside Australia*. People Who Travel to a Third Country - Agreement with Austria Added material relating to time limit for travel to a third country. People Who Travel to a Third Country - Agreement with Cyprus Added material relating to time limit for travel to a third country. Included Guide reference. Australia to Denmark & Denmark to Australia Updated time limits for payment of DSP and PPS following departure from Australia. Benefits Payable under the Agreement with Germany Updated German benefits covered. Australia to Germany & Germany to Australia Added information re the period people in receipt of DSP under the Agreement who are not severely disabled can be paid while outside Australia* People Who Travel to a Third Country - Agreement with Germany Added material relating to time limit for travel to a third country. Included Guide reference.
10.14.100 German Glossary

Updated glossary terms

- Australian Disability Support Pension, and

- German Pension Insurance Fund(s)/German Pension Fund(s)/Insurance Fund(s). People Who Travel to a Third Country - Agreement with the USA Added material relating to time limit for travel to a third country. People Who Travel to a Third Country - Agreement with Slovenia Added material relating to time limit for travel to a third country. People Who Travel to a Third Country - Agreement with Chile Added material relating to time limit for travel to a third country. People Who Travel to a Third Country - Agreement with Croatia Clarified policy.

Guide to Social Security Law Updates 1499G # - 2 August 2004 (v1.86)

Topic No Topic Title Details
1.1.E.60 Eligibility descendant (RAFS & RASF) Updated to reflect that definition also relates to RASF.
1.1.E.72 Eligible former partner of a qualifying sugarcane farmer (RASF) New definition.
1.1.E.75 Eligible Interest (RASF) New definition.
1.1.F.100 Farm (RASF & RASF) Updated to reflect that definition also relates to RASF.
1.1.F.110 Farm enterprise (RASF & RASF) Updated to reflect that definition also relates to RASF.
1.1.L.130 Lower ADAT score adult (CP) Amended fifth dot point to reflect legislation.
1.1.Q.50 Qualifying Sugarcane Farmer New topic.
1.1.R.140 Relevant State land law (RAFS & RASF) Updated to reflect that definition also relates to RASF.
1.1.R.142 Relevant Sugarcane Farm Asset (RASF) New definition.
1.1.S.405 Sugarcane Farm (RASF) New definition.
1.1.S.406 Sugarcane Farm Enterprise (RASF) New definition. Retirement Assistance for Sugarcane Farmers (RASF) - Description New topic.
2.2.6 Verifying a Death Added to methods used to confirm death and removed age of death as one of the partial conditions used to confirm details of deceased. Residence in External Territories Updated Norfolk Island example. Austudy & Progress Rules for Tertiary Study Updated policy relating to allowable time.
3.4.10 RASF - Qualification & Payability New section. Qualification for CP Clarified when a carer qualifies for CP for a carer receiver who is receiving CP for caring for another care receiver. Continuation, Variation or Termination of CP Updated information relating to temporary absences overseas and clarified when a carer qualifies for CP for a carer receiver who is receiving CP for caring for another care receiver. Low Income HCC - Assessment of Income Updated policy. PCC Benefits Added new health concessions relating to bulk-billing and the Medicare Safety Net. Other Income Exempt from Assessment - Legislated Clarified income test treatment of the value of board or lodging. Other Income Exempt from Assessment - Section 8(11) Exempt Lump Sums Added information relating to comparable foreign payments and compensation payments for North Korean internment. Deferred Income, Salary Sacrifice, Valuable Consideration & Fringe Benefits Simplified explanation of treatment of salary sacrifice. About DVA Military Rehabilitation & Compensation Act New topic. Income from Overseas Pensions Updated information relating to arrears of overseas pensions. Common Pension Rates Updated policy relating to pensioners paid overseas.
9.2.2 Visa Subclass 100 Spouse Included Age and DSP in 'What payments eligible for'. Removed references to provisional visa checking procedure.
9.2.2 Visa Subclass 110 Interdependency Included Age and DSP in 'What payments eligible for'. Removed references to provisional visa checking procedure.
9.2.11 Visa Subclass 801 Spouse Included Age and DSP in 'What payments eligible for'. Removed references to provisional visa checking procedure.
9.2.11 Visa Subclass 814 Interdependency Included Age and DSP in 'What payments eligible for'. Removed references to provisional visa checking procedure.

Guide to Social Security Law Updates 1498G # - 1 July 2004 (v1.85)

Topic No Topic Title Details
1.1.A.310 Assuree, assurer, assurance of support, assurance of support bond Updated act and policy references.
1.1.C.240 Compensation Added Military Compensation Special Rate Disability Pension Safety Net Payment to list of excluded payments.
1.1.C.250 Compensation affected payment Added to list of compensation affected payments, with effect from 1 July 2004.
1.1.P.310 Portability, proportional portability Clarified wording and added policy references.
1.1.R.170 Rent increased pension (RA) Updated act reference.
1.1.S.110 Severely disabled (DSP) Removed reference to portability. Payability of NSA Added details for payment during temporary absence overseas. Payability of YA Updated 26 weeks to 13 weeks in relation to portability of YA, effective 1 July 2004. YA Study Load - Full-time Secondary Students Added information in relation to students attending non-school institutions. Participation Support & Portability (NSA 50+) Updated 26 weeks to 13 weeks in relation to portability of NSA, effective 1 July 2004. Issues Affecting Qualification for PA Updated 26 weeks to 13 weeks in relation to portability of PA, effective 1 July 2004. Qualification for MAA after 1 July 1996 Updated 26 weeks to 13 weeks in relation to portability of MAA, effective 1 July 2004. Payability of Austudy Added that Austudy for full-time students who travel overseas for temporary absences during holiday periods is now only portable for 13 weeks, effective 1 July 2004. Qualification for WP Updated 26 weeks to 13 weeks in relation to portability of WP, effective 1 July 2004. Qualification for WA Updated 26 weeks to 13 weeks in relation to portability of WA, effective 1 July 2004. Payability of WidB Added information on payment during temporary absences overseas. Child-related Qualification for PP - Overview Updated 26 weeks to 13 weeks in relation to portability of PP, effective 1 July 2004. Payability of DSP Updated duration of payment of DSP overseas and portability for DSP customers. Qualification for CP during Overseas Travel Updated 26 weeks to 13 weeks in relation to portability of CP, effective 1 July 2004. Continuation, Variation or Termination of CP Updated 26 weeks to 13 weeks in relation to portability of CP, effective 1 July 2004. Qualification for SA Updated 26 weeks to 13 weeks in relation to portability of SA, effective 1 July 2004. Payability of MOB Updated 26 weeks to 13 weeks in relation to portability of MOB, effective 1 July 2004. Qualification during Temporary Absence from the Private Home - Overseas Updated 26 weeks to 13 weeks in relation to payment of CA during temporary overseas abbsences, effective 1 July 2004. Payability of SpB Updated 26 weeks to 13 weeks in relation to portability of SpB, effective 1 July 2004. Qualification for CrP - Extreme Circumstances (domestic & family violence) Clarified start of claiming period for CrP for victims of domestic violence. Qualification for RA Updated act references. Special RA Rules for Young Single People Updated act references. Savings Provisions for RA Noted that some saving provisions are gradually phased out. Qualification for PhA Updated policy in relation to absences from Australia, effective 1 July 2004. Qualification for PES Updated 26 weeks to 13 weeks in relation to payment of PES during temporary absences overseas. Payability of TAL Updated 26 weeks to 13 weeks in relation to portability of TAL. Other Income Exempt from Assessment - Specifically Approved Added payment made by Disability Services Qld toward the personal care support of people with disabilities as a payment exempted by the Minister. Other Income Exempt from Assessment - Section 8(11) Exempt Lump Sums Updated policy and list of lump sums that have been specifically exempted. Income from Overseas Payments Included details about Chilean Pensions of Mercy (Pensiones de Gracia) excluded as income by the Social Security Agreement with Chile from 1 July 2004. Income from Maintenance, Property Settlements & Life Interest Included reference to maintenance received from a non-custodial parent. Operation of Deeming Updated rates. Deeming Rate Calculation - Single DSP Customer Updated rates. Deeming Rate Calculation - Age Couple Updated rates. Deeming Rate Calculation - Single WidB Customer Updated rates. Deeming Rate Calculation - NSA Customer, Partner Receiving PP Updated rates. Deeming Rate Calculation - Pensioner & Non-Pensioner Couple Updated rates. Assessing Withdrawals from Superannuation Benefits Added Act and Guide references.
4.10.3 Historical Age & Invalid (Disability Support) Pension Income & Assets Limits Updated rates. Historical Widow Class A & Sole Parent Benefit Means Test Limits Updated rates. Historical Widow B Means Test Limits and Additional Payments Updated rates. Qualification Provisions for the Primary Production Concession Updated rates. What is Compensation Clarified effect of compensation on BVA. Assessment of Compensatory Type Payments Added treatment of Military Compensation Special Rate Disability Pension safety net payment and moved income test concession information to Effect of Compensation on Compensation Affected Payments Added list of compensation affected payments, with effect from 1 July 2004. Overview of Lump Sums for Compensation Included material relating to treatment of court approved compromises. Clarified impact of a structured settlement on a compensation recipient's partner. Compensation Part of Lump Sum - 50% Rule Clarified application of 50% rule where repayments of periodic compensation are made. Aggregation of Multiple Lump Sums Clarified treatment of advance payments from settlements or judgements. Commencement of Lump Sum Preclusion Period Clarified term 'compensable event'. Effect of Periodic Compensation on a Compensation Recipient Added information on income test concession and information about the effect of separation. RA - Current Rates Updated act references. Common Pension Rates Corrected the date applying to the rates table.
6.1.4 Reviews - Assurance of Support Added information relating to assurer rights of review. SpB Reviews - Non-permanent Resident & Temporary Absence Overseas Amended 26 weeks to 13 weeks in relation to portability of SpB, effective 1 July 2004.
6.3.1 Non-payment-specific Overpayments Added overpayments resulting from a lump sum comparable foreign payment.
6.4.1 General Provisions for Compensation Recovery Clarified recoverable additional payments. Added details of the effect of separation on compensation recovery and compensation effect on bereavement payment.
6.4.7 Recovery Rules Specific to Lump-Sums Added when compensation affected payments paid are not recoverable.
6.4.8 Recovery Rules Specific to Periodic Payments Amended act references.
6.4.9 Recovery Rules Moved effect of separation to Debts Due to the Commonwealth Added SSAct reference for comparable foreign payment debts. Assurance of Support Debts Updated to reflect changes to AoS Scheme effective from 1 July 2004. Miscellaneous Categories of Debts Added SSAct reference for comparable foreign payment debts. Overview of Portability Legislation Updated policy to reflect 2003-04 Budget changes effective 1 July 2004. General Rules of Portability Updated portability rules effective from 1 July 2004. Portability Table Updated portability table to reflect 2003-04 Budget changes, reduction in portability from 26 weeks to 13 weeks for many payments, effective from 1 July 2004. Departure & Arrival Notification Updated policy to reflect 2003-04 Budget changes relating to notification arrangements for people departing Australia, effective 1 July 2004. Customer Advice Before Departure Updated payment information - rate of payment to reflect 2003-04 Budget changes effective from 1 July 2004. Medical Examination for DSP Updated to reflect 2003-04 Budget changes, reduction in portability from 26 weeks to 13 weeks for DSP, effective from 1 July 2004. Calculating Proportional Portability for Non-Agreement Pensions Updated policy to reflect 2003-04 Budget changes clarifying which DSP customers are affected, effective 1 July 2004. General Provisions - Changing Payment Types when a Customer is Outside Australia Updated policy to reflect 2003-04 Budget changes, effective 1 July 2004. Applying CFP Provisions Updated information on overpayments and removed information on CFP amnesty. Deemed Claims Added to special circumstances in which it may be reasonable to lodge a claim within 13 weeks of contact.
Part 9 Visas, Entitlements & Assurances of Support Added new chapter (9.4) covering the assurance of support scheme. Portability of DSP under an Agreement Added that most agreements allow for indefinite portability to the agreement country and limited portability to third countries but there are some exceptions. WP & Widow Pension - Entitled & Not Entitled Persons Changed 12 months to 13 weeks. Portability of PPS under an Agreement Changed 26 weeks to 13 weeks. Totalising to Qualify for a USA Benefit Added information relating to qualification for a US disability benefit. Totalising to Qualify for an Australian Benefit (Agreement with the USA) Added information relating to a person residing in Australia.
10.16 Agreement with Chile New chapter.
10.17 Agreement with Croatia New chapter.

Guide to Social Security Law Updates 1497G # - 7 June 2004 (v1.84)

Topic No Topic Title Details
1.1.S.125 Severe financial hardship - Ordinary Waiting Period, Seasonal Work Preclusion Period, Liquid Assets Test Waiting Period, Income Maintenance Period Added references to seasonal work preclusion period. Verifying Treatment as Not Being a Member of a Couple for a Special Reason Removed references regarding Assurance of Support, when determining hardship and clarified when a partner is not residentially qualified for an income support payment, or subject to the NARWP. Variable Reporting for NSA Amended to reflect new rules for NSA 50+. Approved Activity - Study Clarified policy. Participation Requirements for Mature Age NSA Customers - 2 Streams Clarified new claims policy for NSA 50+ and policy on Personal Support Programme customers. Terms of the Participation Agreement (NSA 50+) Clarified information on full-time voluntary work arrangements for NSA 50+. Continuation, Variation or Termination of Age Clarified information on suspension and cancellation of Age during short periods of employment. SpB for Australian Citizen Children & Australian Permanent Resident Children in the Custody of a Non-permanent Resident Added another explanation and updated information in relation to other income. Qualification for CrP - Extreme Circumstances (domestic & family violence) Clarified explanation in relation to 7-day claim period. Qualification for CrP - Extreme Circumstance (other) Clarified examples and explanation in relation to 7-day claim period. Income from Scholarships Updated policy re fee pay and fee waiver scholarships. PhA Rates - 01/11/90 to Present Date Corrected date that PhA increased from $2.50 to $2.60
8.2.1 Transfers Clarified granting Age Pension without claim when transferring from other payments.

Guide to Social Security Law Updates 1496G # - 3 May 2004 (v1.83)

Note: Section 4.7.1 has been restructured and extensively revised to improve usability.

Topic No Topic Title Details Pensioner Concession Card (PCC) - Description Reworded to clarify policy.
2.2.2 Verifying Personal Details Updated details for verifying date of birth, to be consistent with assumed date of birth given by DIMIA for unaccompanied humanitarian minors. Exemptions from Waiting Periods Changed to reflect that partner exemption only applies to NSA recipients. Qualification for Away from Home Rate of YA Updated 'What is the away from home rate of YA'. Away from Home Rate of YA & Bypassing Local Schools Added another factor that may influence students' preference of schools. Medical Evidence for DSP Updated instruction for when a condition is not mentioned on the Treating Doctor's Report. Manifest Grants & Rejections for DSP Clarified example for permanent blindness. Qualification for CrP - Extreme Circumstances (domestic & family violence) Updated policy regarding the beginning of the claiming period following the extreme circumstance and redefined qualification for CrP under AOS. Qualification for CrP - Extreme Circumstances (other) Updated to reflect introduction of a 7 day claiming period for victims of trauma not related to domestic violence. Qualification for CrP - Released Prisoners Redefined qualification for CrP under AOS. SpB Activity Agreement Updated to reflect the change to the operation of the activity test to allow a wider range of activities to be undertaken other than simply LLNP. Start Day for CPS Updated policy in relation to ABSTUDY. Bereavement Payments for CPS Recipients Updated figures used in examples. PCC Benefits Reworded to clarify policy. PCC due to Employment Corrected requirements for PPS customer to receive a HCC for 26 weeks following employment. Dependent YA - Family Assets Test & Limits Updated assets limit. Failed Financial Investments Clarified valuation of a failed financial investment.
4.7.1 Assessing the Income & Assets of Sole Traders & Partnerships (whole section) Revised and restructured whole section. Actuarial Valuation Certificate for ATE Income Streams Paid from SMSFs or SAFs Clarified what are the requirements for an actuarial certificate, expiry of an actuarial certificate and when an actuarial certificate does not specify high probability or a positive opinion. Assessment of Non-Performing Income Streams Paid from SMSFs or SAFs Updated to reflect policy on where an ATE income stream loses high probability and the customer does not roll-over to a new ATE income stream. General Provisions for Income & Assets Reviews Clarified variations in income. Criminal Justice Stay Visas (CJSV) Clarified work rights for criminal justice stay visas.
9.2.2 Visa Subclasses 100-149 Payment Eligibility

Added possible eligibility for FTB and CCB to all visas, except visa subclass 139.

Clarified that holders of visa subclass 116 are eligible for Age and DSP.

9.2.3 Visa Subclasses 150-199 Payment Eligibility Added possible eligibility for FTB and CCB to visa subclasses 150 to 158.
9.2.4 Visa Subclasses 200-299 Payment Eligibility Added possible eligibility for FTB and CCB to all visas in this section.
9.2.5 Visa Subclasses 300-399 Payment Eligibility Clarified possible exemption from SpB NARWP for visa subclasses 309 and 310.
9.2.6 Visa Subclasses 400-449 Payment Eligibility

Added possible eligibility for FTB and CCB to visa subclasses 431 and 444.

Clarified payment eligibility for visa subclass 444.

9.2.11 Visa Subclasses 800-849 Payment Eligibility

Added possible eligibility for FTB and CCB to visa subclasses 800, 801, 803 to 819 and 831 to 846.

Clarified possible exemption from SpB NARWP for visa subclasses 820 and 826.

Explained why holders of visas 822, 823 and 827 to 830 are not eligible for payments.

Clarified that holders of visa subclass 836 are eligible for Age and DSP.

9.2.12 Visa Subclasses 850-899 Payment Eligibility Added possible eligibility for FTB and CCB to all visas, except visa subclasses 852 and 884.
9.2.13 Visa Subclasses 900-999 Payment Eligibility

Added possible eligibility for FTB and CCB to visa subclass 998.

Explained why holders of visas 956 to 995 are not eligible for payments.

9.2.14 Criminal Justice Stay Visa Added possible eligibility for FTB and CCB.

Guide to Social Security Law Updates 1495G # - 5 April 2004 (v1.82)

Title of this page and previous guide update pages have had minor changes.

Topic No Topic Title Details
1.1.A.190 Approved activities (NSA, YA) Removed reference to self-employment development.
1.1.C.240 Compensation Added to 'excluded payments'.
1.1.D.70 Dependent child Removed reference to SFSS. Customers Experiencing Difficulty with Identity Verification Included reference for POI for people born overseas. Liquid Assets Waiting Period Clarified allowable deductions. Qualification for YA Amended maximum age criteria. When are Preparing for Work Agreements Required? Removed reference to self-employment development. What is a Job Search Plan? Removed reference to self-employment development. Approved Activity - Self-employment Development Removed information on the self-employment development program for jobseekers as the program has been terminated. YA Study Load - Part-time Students Removed references to SFSS. Terms of the Participation Agreement (NSA 50+) Removed reference to self-employment development. Austudy & Impact of Previous Study Added act reference. Participation Agreements - Approved Activities (PP) Removed reference to self-employment development. What are the SpB Activity Tests? Emphasised the delegate's discretion when issuing jobseeker diaries to SpB recipients. Payability of CPS Clarified details about Royal Assent and treatment. CDEP CPS Income Test Clarified the information in this topic and date of Royal Assent. Dependent YA - Parental Income Test & Limits Updated the parental income free area limit. Arrears, Embargoes & Exchange Rates for Overseas Income Updated information on the 'appropriate market exchange rate.' What is Compensation Added policy reference to clarify what is compensation. Compensation Assessed as Ordinary Unearned Income Clarified when the income test concession applies and examples of payments that do not fall within the section 17(2) definition. Exemptions from the Compensation Provisions Clarified affect of transfer from SCAP to CAP. RA - Current Rates Updated rates. Common Pension Rates Updated rates. Single Unemployment & Sickness Benefit - November 1984 to Present Date Updated rates. Rate of Pension - July 1909 to Present Date Updated rate. Additional Payments - April 1943 to Present Date Updated rate. Widow Class A, Supporting Parent's Benefit, Sole Parent Pension - Rates from July 1942 to Present Date Updated rate. Widow B, C & D Pension, Bereavement Allowance - July 1942 to Present Date Updated rate. RA (families and children) - December 1987 to Present Date Updated rate. Parenting Payment & Associated Rates - July 1995 to Present Date Updated rates. RA Rates - June 1990 to Present Date Updated rates.
6.4.8 Recovery Rules Specific to Periodic Payments Corrected act reference for income test concession contraventions.
6.4.9 Recovery Rules Clarified circumstances when recovery is sought from a customer.
8.6.3 Date of Effect of Favourable Determinations Updated the explanation and example of the application of section 110(3A) under favourable determinations relating to employment income.
9.2.13 Visa subclass 998 Australian Declaratory Visa (ADV) Updated payment eligibility.

Guide to Social Security Law Updates 1494G # - 22 March 2004 (v1.81)

Topic No Topic Title Details
1.1.A.375 AWOTE, relevant AWOTE, AWOTE weeks Added figures from August 2002.
1.1.E.102 Employment income Included casual loading in list of examples of employment income. Pharmaceutical Allowance (PhA) - Description Clarified conditions under which PhA is added to certain payments. Liquid Assets Waiting Period Clarified date of commencement for the LAWP and how the LAWP is calculated. The Mutual Obligation Initiative Revised wording on approved activities that meet MOI requirements. Approved Activity - Voluntary Work Clarified table on when PFWAs are required. Approved Activity - Study Clarified when Masters study can be approved in relation to an undergraduate degree. Commencement of Breach Penalties Clarified policy on payment pending review for breach penalties. Manifest Grants & Rejections for DSP Revised manifest rules for blind customers. Assessment of Blindness for DSP Revised manifest rules for DSP customers who are blind. Assessment of People with Intellectual Impairments for DSP Updated details of evidence required for manifest grant of DSP for customers with intellectual impairments. Qualification for SpB Added that holders of a Criminal Justice Stay Visa may be paid SpB even though the visa holder is not an Australian resident. Payability of SpB Added that holders of a Criminal Justice Stay Visa are exempt from the SpB NARWP. Long Term Available Funds Test for SpB Added Criminal Justice Stay Visa holders to example 1. SpB for Customers not Residentially Qualified for Other Payments Added holders of Criminal Justice Stay Visas to list of specified subclasses of visas. Who do the SpB Activity Test Apply to? Add Criminal Justice Stay Visa holders not subjected to SpB activity test. Assessing RA Payable & Net Rent Rules Clarified treatment of student scholarships. Qualification for PhA Clarified conditions under which PhA is added to certain payments. PhA for DVA Customers Clarified legislative references for SpB. Low Income HCC - Assessment of Income Updated income limits to reflect 20 March indexation. Operation of Deeming Updated to reflect increased deeming rates from 20 March 2004. Deeming Rate Calculation - Single DSP Customer Updated to reflect increased deeming rates from 20 March 2004. Deeming Rate Calculation - Age Couple Updated to reflect increased deeming rates from 20 March 2004. Deeming Rate Calculation - Single WidB Customer Updated to reflect increased deeming rates from 20 March 2004. Deeming Rate Calculation - NSA Customer, Partner Receiving PP Updated to reflect increased deeming rates from 20 March 2004. Deeming Rate Calculation - Pensioner & Non-Pensioner Couple Updated to reflect increased deeming rates from 20 March 2004. Deemed Income from Unlisted Public Securities, Delisted & Suspended Shares Revised information on delisted and suspended company shares. Deprivation Assessment for ATE Income Streams Paid from SMSFs or SAFs Updated information provided by the Australian Government Actuary. Historical Income Limits for Low Income HCC from 20/9/96 Updated limits to reflect 20 March indexation. Assessment of Other Income from a Private Trust or Private Company Added new topic. Taxation Deductions Added that customers can authorise the commencement or cancellation of taxation deductions orally. Criminal Justice Stay Visas (CJSV) New topic.
9.2.1 Visa Subclasses 010-099 Payment Eligibility Added visa subclass 060 Bridging Visa F (BVF).
9.2.10 Visa Subclasses 700-799 Payment Eligibility Added visa subclass 852 Witness Protection (Trafficking) (Temporary).
9.2.12 Visa Subclasses 850-899 Payment Eligibility Added visa subclass 852 Witness Protection (Trafficking) (Permanent).

Guide to Social Security Law Updates 1493G # - 1 March 2004 (v1.80)

Topic No Topic Title Details
1.1.C.170 Clean slate provision (YA) Updated list of programs customer can be selected to participate in for clean slate provisions to apply.
1.1.C.220 Comparable foreign payment (CFP) Clarified definition.
1.1.J.10 Job search (MOB) Updated definition. Working Credit Depletion Clarified interaction of payment qualification and working credit depletion rules. Qualification for NSA Clarified interaction of qualification for NSA and working credit rules. Participation Requirements for Mature Age NSA Customers - 2 Streams Added policy re customers in PSP and personal adviser interviews. Participation Support (PP) - Background Amended to reflect PSP participants not required to attend an interview or enter into a participation agreement. Participation Interviews for PP - Interview Types Amended to reflect PSP participants not required to attend an interview. Participation Agreements - Requirement to Enter (PP) Amended to reflect PSP participants not required to enter into a participation agreement. Qualification for MOB Clarified the meaning of job search activities and replaced old term 'job matching' with new term 'job search support'. Qualification for Low Income HCC Added material relating to card claim and issue. Foster Care HCC Updated material relating to card claim and issue. Low Income HCC - Assessment of Income Included policy on gifting and the effect on qualification for the low income HCC. Actuarial Valuation Certificate for ATE Income Streams Paid from SMSFs or SAFs Updated requirement for separate certificate for each ATE income stream at commencement. Splitting of Income Streams - Overview Added information on what constitutes 'operative time' if it is not specified in a court order for family law affected income streams.
4.9.7 Social Security Treatment of Structured Settlements New section. DOP - Current Rate Updated rate. Reasonable Action Requirements Clarified departmental requirements.
9.2.2 Visa Subclasses 100-149 Payment Eligibility Clarified, for various visas, that payments subject to a NARWP are payable only if the person has either served, or is exempt from, the NARWP.
9.2.3 Visa Subclasses 150-199 Payment Eligibility Clarified, for various visas, that payments subject to a NARWP are payable only if the person has either served, or is exempt from, the NARWP.
9.2.6 Visa Subclasses 400-449 Payment Eligibility Clarified, for visa subclass 431, that payments subject to a NARWP are payable only if the person has either served, or is exempt from, the NARWP.
9.2.11 Visa Subclasses 800-849 Payment Eligibility Clarified, for various visas, that payments subject to a NARWP are payable only if the person has either served, or is exempt from, the NARWP.
9.2.12 Visa Subclasses 850-899 Payment Eligibility Clarified, for various visas, that payments subject to a NARWP are payable only if the person has either served, or is exempt from, the NARWP.
9.2.13 Visa Subclasses 900-999 Payment Eligibility Clarified, for visa subclass 998, that payments subject to a NARWP are payable only if the person has either served, or is exempt from, the NARWP.

Guide to Social Security Law Updates 1492G # - 2 February 2004 (v1.79)

Topic No Topic Title Details Residence in External Territories Clarified policy relating to Australia's external and previous external territories and where a person has only resided in an external territory. Qualification for RA Clarified the rationale for non-payment of RA to Austudy recipients. Continuation, Variation or Termination of RA Updated policy in relation to paying private rent. Assessing RA Payable & Net Rent Rules Added policy on student scholarships. Assessing Income from DVA Changed Act reference for seniors health card. YA - Current Rates Updated rates. Austudy - Current Rates Updated rates. DSP - Current Rates Updated rates. Youth Related Payments - July 1986 to Present Date Updated rates. Family Payment, FA Rates (Non-standard) - October 1973 to Present Date Updated rate. MOB - April 1983 to Present Date Updated rate. CA, CDA & HCA - December 1974 to Present Date, DNCB 1987 to 1999 Updated rate. PhA Rates - 01/11/90 to Present Date Updated rate. Urgent Payments Clarified and expanded policy to specify a delegate must decide whether alternative assistance will alleviate a customer's hardship before determining whether an urgent payment should be made.

Guide to Social Security Law Updates 1491G # - 5 January 2004 (v1.78)

Note: Chapter 4.9 has been restructured and extensively revised to improve usability.

Topic No Topic Title Details
1.1.C.240 Compensation Clarified definition.
1.1.D.45 Deduction amount Clarified definition.
1.1.E.102 Employment Income Added bonus payments to types of employment income. Mobility Allowance (MOB) - Description Updated to include 32 hour every 4 weeks rule and combination of activities. Student Financial Supplement Scheme (SFSS) - Description Updated details due to closure of the scheme. General Procedures for Verifying Identity Added information relating to POI requirements for foster children. Identity Verification Requirements Added foster care HCC. Verifying International Agreements Clarified explanation. Participation Support for NSA 50+ - Background Clarified assessment where customer has recent Job Network participation. Notification & Recipient Obligations for PA Added telecommunication problems to example 2. Notification & Recipient Obligations for WP Added telecommunication problems to example 2. Notification & Recipient Obligations for WA Updated reporting methods and examples for late reporting. Notification & Recipient Obligations for WidB Added telecommunication problems to example 2. Notification & Recipient Obligations for BVA Added telecommunication problems to example 2. Notification & Recipient Obligations for PP Added telecommunication problems to example 2. Participation Support (PP) - Background Amended phase 2 start date. Participation Interviews for PP - Interview Types Amended phase 2 start date. Participation Agreements - Requirement to Enter (PP) Included policy on customers entering into participation agreements earlier than requested. Participation Agreements - Penalties & Re-engagement (PP) Included material where customer exiting participation requirement group may have remaining penalty waived. Payability of DSP Clarified information on DSP (blind) customers. Notification & Recipient Obligations for DSP Added telecommunication problems to example 2. Notification & Recipient Obligations for CP Added telecommunication problems to example 2. Notification & Recipient Obligations for SA Added telecommunication problems to example 2. Qualification for SpB Added material relating to PP. PCC due to Employment Updated overview of PCC continuation and extension provisions table.
4.1.10 Deprivation Related to Self Managed Superannuation Funds (deleted see Deleted topic. Income from Employment or Independent Contracting Clarified that GST is not include as income for social security purposes. Income from Scholarships Added material on Commonwealth learning scholarships and fee exempt scholarships. Description - Other Managed Investments Updated to reflect Taxation Ruling TR 2000/8. General Provisions for Sole Traders & Partnerships Added that assessment of income and expenses may be determined using the simplified tax system (STS). Assessment of Income for Sole Traders & Partnerships Added material to stress that GST is not included in income for Social Security purposes. Allowable Deductions for Sole Traders & Partnerships Added material to stress that GST is not included in income for Social Security purposes.
4.9 Income Streams (Whole chapter) Revised and restructured whole chapter. Historical Income Limits for Low Income HCC from 20/9/96 Added limits for 20 March 1998 and 1 July 2000. Protective Trusts Added note to 'Protective trusts established after 9 May 2000'. Reassessments of a Controlled Private Trust or Controlled Private Company Clarified reassessment requests.from customers. What is Compensation Clarified treatment of compensation when a social security payment is not a compensation affected payment. Overview of Lump Sums for Compensation Added material relating to date of compensable events and treatment of structured settlements. Overview of Periodic Compensation Payments Clarified the meaning of salary sacrifice and the social security treatment of pre-assessment payments from ComSuper. Factors to Consider When Determining Special Circumstance Provisions Clarified meaning of unjust operation of legislative amendment relating to the 50%. Calculating a Rate for PP - General Added details of participation agreement breach rate reduction. Provision of Information Updated to reflect inclusion of mobility allowance customers under SS(Admin)Act section 64.
9.2.7 Visa subclass 470 Professional Development (Temporary) Added new visa subclass 470.
10.18 Agreement with Slovenia New topic.