Caretaker message

Before an election, the Australian Government assumes a caretaker role. Limited updates will be made to this site in line with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions.

The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia.

Guide to Social Security Law Updates - 2005

Guide to Social Security Law Updates - 5 December 2005 (v1.101)

Topic No Topic Title Details
1.1.D.70 Dependent child Clarified policy in relation to temporary absences, confirming change of care and situation where child is confined to a psychiatric institution.
1.1.P.340 PP child (PP) Updated policy. Determining a Marriage-Like Relationship (De Facto Marriage) Clarified issues in relation to interviews. Determining Separation Under One Roof Clarified policy. Payability of YA Clarified information in relation to portability of YA for new apprentices. Payability of CrP - Extreme Circumstances (other) Clarified further what is meant by unforeseen circumstance for the purposes of paying crisis payment. Sharers Provisions for RA Clarified definition of a sharer. Qualification for EEP - Pension PP (single), WidB, CP & DSP Customers Included WidB pension in qualification for EEP. Notification & Recipient Obligations for CSHC Customers Updated notification requirements to reflect that CSHC only cancelled when a customer's income exceeds the allowable limit.
4.2.2 Benefits Income Test & Limits Clarified policy. Full-time New Apprentices Personal Income Test, Limits & New Apprentices Income Bank Clarified policy. What is Compensation Included information on treatment of 'approved' personal care support schemes. Treatment of Periodic Payments Paid as a Lump Sum Moved information on Queensland Workers' Compensation Act to Compensation Part of Lump Sum - 50% Rule Added information on Queensland Workers' Compensation Act, previously found in Married Pensioner Couple - Compensation Effect on Partner New topic. Married Allowance Customer - Compensation Effect on Partner New topic. Benefit PP (partnered) - Compensation Effect on Partner New topic.
6.4.9 Overview of Recovery Rules Clarified effect of bankruptcy of compensation customer on recovery from compensation payer/insurer.

Guide to Social Security Law Updates - 7 November 2005 (v1.100)

Topic No Topic Title Details
1.1.C.103 CDEP Programme Participant Supplement (CPS) Updated policy.
1.1.C.212 Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP) Programme Updated policy.
1.1.C.212 Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP) Programme Updated definition.
1.1.L.130 Lower ADAT score adult (CP (adult)) Updated definition.
1.1.S.130 Severe medical condition Updated definition.
1.1.T.85 Terminal care & palliative care (CA) (CP) Updated definition.
1.1.T.86 Terminal illness (CA) (CP) Updated definition.
1.1.T.100 Treating health professional (THP) (CA) Updated definitions.
1.1.T.170 THP score greater than zero (CA (child)) Updated definition.
1.1.T.190 Two or more children with disabilities (CP (child)) Updated definition.
1.1.V.20 Validation of THP questionnaire (CA (child)) Updated definition.
1.1.W.20 Weighting for developmental milestones (CA (child)) Updated definition.
1.1.W.30 Weighting for functional domains (CA (child)) Updated definition.
1.1.W.40 Weighting for questionnaires (CA (child)) Updated definition.
1.1.Y.20 Young person (CA (child)) Updated definition. Carer Payment (CP) - Description Updated policy. Carer Allowance (CA) - Description Updated objective and components of CA Community Development Employment Project Programme Participant Supplement (CPS) - Description Updated policy and removed irrelevant act reference. Assessment of CP Claim - other Factors Clarified the role of a social worker in determining carer payment claims. Notification & Recipient Obligations for CP Added information under notification required in 14 days and updated terminology used. Continuation, Variation or Termination of CP Added information under summary and updated terminology used.. Qualification for HCC Only CA (Child) Clarified definitions and updated terminology used.. HCC Only CA (child) - Measuring the Level of Care & Attention Updated terminology used. Qualification for CA (child) with Combined CDAT Scores of 2 Children Updated terminology used. Qualification for CA - Carer & Care Receiver not Co-resident Updated terminology used. Qualification for CA - Verifying Care Provided by Non Co-resident Carers Clarified policy. Qualification for CA during Temporary Cessation of Care Clarified policy. Qualification during Temporary Absence from the Private Home - Hospitalisation (CA) Clarified policy when the care receiver is hospitalized for more than 63 days in a calendar year. Qualification for CA during Overseas Travel Revised title and clarified policy. Qualification during Temporary Absence from the Private Home - Education, Training or Treatment (other than in hospital) - CA (child) Updated terminology used. Qualification during Temporary Absence from the Private Home - HCC only CA (child) Clarifed policy. Payability of CA Added information to table for clarification. Payability of CA - Customers with Shared Care Responsibilities Updated terminology used. Saved Cases - CA (child) Customers before July 1998 (Historical) Updated content to reflect historical nature of topic. Transitional arrangements for the transfer of CDA & DNCB to CA Updated content to reflect historical nature of topic. Claims lodged in the transitional period (Historical) Updated content to reflect historical nature of topic. Backdating Start Day for CA Clarified policy. Supplementary Benefits & Assistance for CA (child) Recipients Updated terminology used. Notification & Recipient Obligations for CA Clarified policy. Continuation, Variation or Termination of CA Clarified policy.
3.6.8 Child Disability Assessment Tool (CDAT) Clarified policy. Overview of CDAT Scoring Regime Clarified policy. CDAT Step 1 - Child' Chronological Age Clarified title in table. CDAT Steps 2-4 - Developmentally-linked Functional Domains Clarified policy. CDAT Step 5 - Scoring for Non-developmentally-linked Categories of Function Updated terminology used. CDAT Steps 6-7 - Adjusting Raw Scores Changed wording from 'customer' to 'carer' and clarifying the meaning of the term 'greater importance'. CDAT Step 8 - Special Calculations for Children over 12 Years Updated terminology used. CDAT Step 9 - The Total Score Updated terminology used. CDAT Step 10 - Cusp Adjustment Updated terminology used. CDAT Steps 11-12 - Further Investigation (Validation) Updated terminology used. Validation of the THP Questionnaire - CA (child) Clarified policy. Recalculating the CDAT Score Updated terminology used. Answering the CDAT Questionnaire Clarified policy.
3.6.9 Adult Disability Assessment Tool (ADAT) Clarified policy. Overview of ADAT Scoring Regime Clarified policy. ADAT Step 1 Clarified policy. ADAT Step 2 Updated terminology used. ADAT Step 3 Clarified policy. ADAT Step 4 Clarified policy. ADAT Step 5 Clarified policy. Answering the ADAT Questionnaire Clarified policy. Qualification for CRP - Extreme Circumstances (domestic & family violence) Updated definition of home for crisis payment purposes. What are the SpB Activity Tests? Removed references to Adult Migration English Program (AMEP) and Advanced English for Migrants Program (AEMP). Payability of TAL Added information in relation to partnered rate of TAL.
4.2.11 CP Income & Assets Tests Updated terminology used. Other Income Exempt from Assessment - Specifically Approved Added personal care support schemes approved by ministers. Other Income Exempt from Assessment - s8(11) Exempt Lump Sums Added to list of lump sums specifically exempted under section 8(11). Notional Ordinary Income - Non-farm Property & Other Assets Clarified information in relation to notional income for assets. Characteristics of pre-20/09/2004 Asset Test Exempt Income Streams Clarified information in relation to assessment of arrears payment where an income stream reverts to the reversionary beneficiary. Characteristics of post-20/09/2004 Asset-Test Exempt Income Streams Clarified information in relation to the assessment of arrears payments where the income stream reverts to the reversionary beneficiary. What is Compensation Added information relating to treatment of F111 ex-gratia payments. Included information, previously in, on death, war injuries, Army Reserve activity and treatment of Military Compensation Special Rate Disability Pension safety net payment. Moved information regarding compensation affects most social security payments, compensation as ordinary income, compensation for personal injury non-economic loss, compensation as under the provisions of Part 3.14 and compensation as an assessable asset to Moved information regarding compensation and wife (age) pension, BVA and FTB and compensation effect on exempt payments. Assessment of Compensatory Type Payments Removed information on death, war injuries, Army Reserve activity and treatment of Military Compensation Special Rate Disability Pension safety net payment. Now found in Effect of Compensation on Compensation Affected Payments Included information, previously in, regarding compensation affects most social security payments, compensation as ordinary income, compensation for personal injury non-economic loss, compensation as under the provisions of Part 3.14 and compensation as an assessable asset Exemptions from the Compensation Provisions Included information relating to compensation and FTB, compensation, wife pension and BVA and effect of compensation on exempt payments. Compensation Part of Lump Sum - Judgement by Contested Hearing Updated summary and included additional policy reference. CP - Reviews (Adult with a Disability) Updated terminology used. CP - Reviews (Child with a Profound Disability) Updated terminology used. CP - Reviews (Lower ADAT Score Adult) Updated policy in relation to child reviews. CA - General Provisions & HCC Only CA (Child) - Medical Care & Attention Reviews Updated policy in relation to purpose of reviews and change of care. CA - Medical Reviews - Full CA (child) Changed title. CA (child) - Disabilities & Medical Conditions Recognised for Review Purposes Only Clarified that conditions are 'medical conditions'. CA (child) - Recognised Disability & 16 Years of Age Reviews Updated policy. CA - Reviews (Adult with a Disability) Revised terminology. Backdated Start Days - Carer Allowance Updated terminology used.

Guide to Social Security Law Updates - 4 October 2005 (v1.99)

Topic No Topic Title Details
1.1.C.250 Compensation affected payment Included reference to supplementary payments. Bereavement Payment Provisions for CP Updated policy in relation to bereavement payment and LBP calculation. Changes to Care Receiver Situation - Effect on CP Qualification Updated policy in relation to determining continued qualification. Changes to Carer Situation - Effect on CP Qualification Clarified policy. Qualification for CP during Overseas Travel Clarified policy re qualification for carer payment during overseas travel. Payability of CP Clarified policy. Assessment of CP Claim - Medical Information Clarified policy, especially in relation to additional carers and provision of medical evidence.
3.8.13 UA - Qualification & Payability Amended incorrect act references.
4.1.7 Deprivation Related to Farm Transfers Updated information in relation to transfer of the farm. Other Income Exempt from Assessment - s8(11) Exempt Lump Sums Included information relating to F-111 deseal/reseal exempt lump sum. Income from Personal Injury Insurance Schemes Added information relating to salary continuance payments.
4.13.1 Overview of Compensation Included information relating to low income HCCs. Overview of Lump Sums for Compensation Included information relating to treatment of loans paid against a future compensation settlement. Treatment of Periodic Payments Paid as a Lump Sum Updated policy and added information relating to treatment of payments under the Queensland Workers' Compensation & Rehabilitation Act. Lump Sum Preclusion Period - General Included information relating to when a preclusion period applies to a partner. Commencement of Lump Sum Preclusion Period Updated policy especially in areas of lump sum payment and compensation continuing at same rate and commencement date of preclusion period. Overview of Periodic Compensation Payments Included information relating to salary continuance payments. Effect of Periodic Compensation on a Compensation Recipient Added explanation relating to general effect of periodic compensation payments. Effect of Periodic Compensation on the Partner of a Compensation Recipient Addded information relating to treatment of periodic compensation payments for non-independent youth allowees. Overview of the Application of the Special Circumstance Provisions Updated policy, especially in relation to special circumstance provisions. Factors to Consider When Determining Special Circumstance Provisions Updated policy.
6.4.1 Compensation Recovery in Specific Circumstances Updated policy.
6.4.6 Recoverable Debts - Compensation Clarified what content is in the chapter.
6.4.7 Recovery Rules Specific to Lump-Sums Updated summary.
6.4.8 Recovery Rules Specific to Periodic Payments Updated summary.
6.4.9 Overview of Recovery Rules Added information relating to compensation and FTB, and recoverable additional payments.
6.4.11 Waiver of CAPs During Victorian TAA Non-Payment Periods Removed material on date of commencement of the preclusion period.
6.4.12 Compensation Recovery - Historical Information Clarified non benefit parenting payment partnered recovery. Incorrect Claims Updated policy and moved information about inappropriate claims to new topic Inappropriate Claims New topic.

Guide to Social Security Law Updates - 20 September 2005 (v1.98)

Topic No Topic Title Details
1.1.A.79 Adult with a disability (CA, CP) New topic. Term 'adult with a disability' replaced 'disabled adult' (1.1.D.171).
1.1.A.290 Asset Included income streams as an asset separate from financial investments.
1.1.A.375 AWOTE, relevant AWOTE, AWOTE weeks Added AWOTE figure for May 2005.
1.1.C.25 Care situations Added additional information relating to usage and definitions of care situation, community based care and residential care.
1.1.C.40 Carer (CP) (CA) Updated definition.
1.1.C.55 Carer visa holder (CP) Updated definition.
1.1.C.88 CA adult (CA) Updated definition.
1.1.C.90 CA child (CA) Updated definition.
1.1.C.100 CDAT score (CA) Updated definition.
1.1.C.115 Child (HCC) Updated definition.
1.1.C.120 Child Disability Assessment Determination (CDAT) 2001 (CA (child)) Updated definition.
1.1.C.130 Child Disability Assessment Tool (CDAT) (CA) Included additional information relating to definition and the purpose of CDAT.
1.1.C.144 Child with a Disability (CA) New topic. Term 'child with a disability' replaced 'disabled child' (1.1.D.170).
1.1.C.146 Child with a profound disability New topic. Term 'child with a profound disability' replaced 'profoundly disabled child' (1.1.P.430.
1.1.C.160 Chronological age (CA) Clarified definition of chronological age.
1.1.C.200 Combined CDAT scores of 2 children - (CA) (child) Updated definition and purpose.
1.1.C.210 Commonwealth Training Award rate (YA) Clarified the appropriate award to use is determined by date employment commenced and updated the rates table.
1.1.C.240 Compensation Clarified that disability compensation made by Department of Veterans' Affairs is under the Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986.
1.1.C.250 Compensation affected payment Updated definition and added act and policy references.
1.1.C.340 Continuous personal care (CP) Updated definition.
1.1.C.360 Cusp adjustment - Child Disability Assessment Tool (CA (child)) Changed title.
1.1.D.10 Daily basis (CA) Clarified definition and added an extra example.
1.1.D.130 Developmental milestones - CDAT (CA (child)) Clarified definition.
1.1.D.170 Disabled child (CA) (deleted - see 1.1.C.144) Deleted topic. Term 'child with a disability' replaced 'disabled child' (1.1.D.170).
1.1.D.171 Disabled adult (CA & CP) (deleted - see 1.1.A.79) Deleted topic. Term 'adult with a disability' replaced 'disabled adult' (1.1.D.171).
1.1.D.258 Dual care (CP) Updated definition.
1.1.E.10 Economic loss compensation Clarified what can be regarded as economic loss compensation.
1.1.E.20 Education, training or treatment (other than treatment in hospital) (CA) Updated definition.
1.1.F.05 Faecal incontinence Updated definition.
1.1.F.61 Family member (CA) adult Clarified definition.
1.1.F.170 Fourteen hours rule for HCC only CA (child) (CA) Updated definition.
1.1.F.250 Functional abilities (CA) (child) Updated definition.
1.1.F.251 Functional abilities (CP & CA (adult)) Updated definition.
1.1.F.260 Functional age (CA) Clarified definition.
1.1.F.280 Functional domains (CA)(child) Updated definition.
1.1.H.30 Health Care Card only CA (HCC only CA (child)) Updated definition.
1.1.H.63 Higher ADAT score adult (CP)(adult) Updated definition.
1.1.M.90 Medical condition (DSP, SA, CP, CA) Updated definition.
1.1.N.110 Non-economic loss compensation Added policy reference.
1.1.P.180 Periodic payments period Added policy reference.
1.1.P.190 Periodic reviews (CA, CP) Updated definition.
1.1.P.230 Permanently or for an extended period (CP, CA) Updated definitions.
1.1.P.280 Physical, intellectual or psychiatric disability (CA) Updated definition.
1.1.P.426 Private home of the carer and/or care receiver (CA) Changed title.
1.1.P.430 Profoundly disabled child (deleted - see 1.1.C.146) Deleted topic. Term 'child with a profound disability' replaced 'profoundly disabled child' (1.1.P.430).
1.1.R.10 Raw score (CA (child)) Updated definition.
1.1.R.90 Recognised disability (CA (child)) Replaced term 'disabled child' with 'child with a disability'.
1.1.R.250 Respite care Updated definition.
1.1.S.40 Saved cases, saving provisions (historical) Updated definition.
1.1.S.42 Saved compensation affected payment Added policy reference.
1.1.S.133 Severe multiple disability Updated definition.
1.1.S.240 Special care needs (CA (child)) Changed title.
1.1.S.390 Substantially more care & attention (CA (child)) Updated definition.
1.1.T.60 Temporary cessation of care (CP,CA) Updated definition. Determining a Marriage-Like Relationship (De Facto Marriage) Updated and clarified policy in relation to the investigation of marriage-like relationships. Discretion to Treat a Customer as Not Being a Member of a Couple for a Special Reason Updated and clarified policy, especially in relation to section 24 issues. Bereavement Payment Provisions for Couples Clarified bereavement payment recoverability where compensation is involved. Death of a Child with a Disability Clarified the family tax benefit situation where a child with a disability dies.
3.1.9 Compensation Provisions Added policy references. Compensation & Payability Updated policy and included additional policy reference. Power to Obtain Information Added policy reference. YA Full-time Students Satisfactory Progress - Study at the Same Level Removed reference to Student Financial Supplement Scheme. Qualification for PBS Removed text made redundant by revised Age Pension claim form. Added additional references. Claiming the PBS Bonus Removed text made redundant by revised Age Pension claim form. Updated policy. PBS - How to Determine a Part Year Bonus Period Added material relating to work test requirements. Amount of PBS Bonus Updated sample calculations in line with current pension bonus rate. Sample PBS Calculations Updated sample calculations in line with current pension bonus rate. Qualification for CP Clarified qualification criteria, working credit participants, and shared care and dual care situations. Testing Qualification for CP Updated to reflect change in terminology. CP Qualification - Higher ADAT Score Adult is not Receiving an Australian Government Income Support Payment Updated 'carer may still qualify' and 'insufficient qualifying residence'. Qualification for CP during Temporary Cessation of Care Clarified when there is more than one care receiver and temporary cessation of care - up to 63 days and more than 63 days. Qualification for CP during Temporary Absence from the Private Home - Hospitatlisation Updated 'new claims while the care receiver is hospitalised'. Long Term Available Funds Test for SpB Clarified the cut-off amounts for available funds test. SpB for Australian Citizen Children & Australian Permanent Resident Children in the Custody of a Non-permanent Resident Clarified meaning of rate of NSA. Qualification for CrP - Extreme Circumstances (other) Clarified payment of CrP in relation to DRP payability Low Income HCC - Assessment of Income Updated income limits for the LIC.
4.1.1 General Provisions of Deprivation Clarified information on returned disposals. Pensions Income Test & Limits Included additional act references. Other Income Exempt from Assessment - Specifically Approved Added information on changes in who approves Determinations, and a new scheme to the list of approved personal support care schemes. Other Income Exempt from Assessment - s 8(11) Exempt Lump Sums Updated what are s 8(11) exemptions and s 8(11) delegation. Added new scheme to list of determinations. Hardship Provisions for the IMP Clarified that the IMP waiver can start from the date of expenditure that caused the severe financial hardship. Income from Overseas Payments - General Rules Updated treatment of blocked overseas pensions and moved details on specific payments to Income from Overseas Payments - Specific Payments New topic. Assessable Income & Assets from Statutory Trusts Updated assessment of court-ordered trusts. Criteria for post-20-09-2004 ATE Lifetime or Life Expectancy Income Streams to Retain 100 Per Cent Asset Test Exemption Clarified policy. General Provisions for Assessing Income Streams Paid from SMSFs or SAFs Clarified treatment of unallocated reserves held within SMSFs and SAFs. Historical Widow Class A & Sole Parent Benefit Means Test Limits. Amended pension asset limit for single homeowners as at 1 July 2002. Historical Income Limits for Low Income HCC from 20/9/96 Added 20 September 2005 limits. Assessable Income & Assets from Court-Ordered (Statutory) Trusts Added information on post 18 May 2005 assessment of court-ordered trusts.
4.13 Compensation Added policy references. Effect of Compensation on Farm Household Support Act Payments & the Sugar Industry Assistance Package Added act reference to the Farm Household Support Act 1992. Aggregation of Multiple Lump Sums Updated summary.
4.13.3 Periodic Compensation Updated introduction.
4.13.4 Applying Special Circumstance Provisions to Compensation Payments Updated introduction. RA - Current Rates Updated rates. TAL - Current Rates Updated rates. RAA - Current Rates Clarification who claims the RAA payment for a dependent child. Common Pension Rates Updated rates. Common Benefit Rates Updated rates. Single Unemployment & Sickness Benefit - November 1984 to Present Date Updated rates. Married Unemployment & Sickness Benefit - November 1984 to Present Date Updated rates. Rates of Pension - July 1909 to Present Date Updated rates. Additional Payments - April 1943 to Present Date Updated rates. Widow Class A, Supporting Parent's Benefit, Sole Parent Pension - Rates from July 1942 to Present Date Updated rates. Widow B, C & D Pension, Bereavement Allowance - July 1942 to Present Date Updated rates. RA (families with children) - December 1987 to Present Date Updated rates. Parenting Payment & Associated Rates - July 1995 to Present Date Updated rates. RA Rates - June 1990 to Present Date Updated rates. TAL & Telephone Rental Concession - January 1990 to Present Date Updated rates.
6.4 Compensation Recovery Added policy references.
6.6 Member of a Couple Reviews Clarified policy relating to member of a couple reviews.
6.8 Profiling Reviews Added DSP to list of payments profiling has been developed for. Portability Table Added seniors concession allowance and utilities allowance to table.
10.2 Agreement with New Zealand 2002 Revised complete chapter.

Guide to Social Security Law Updates - 1 July 2005 (v1.97)

Topic No Topic Title Details
1.1.A.40 Activity test (NSA, YA) Included information relating to new apprentices.
1.1.A.50 Acute medical condition (DSP, CA, SA) Clarified policy.
1.1.A.52 Acute onset (CA) Clarified policy.
1.1.A.75 Adult Disability Assessment Determination 1999 (CA) (CA, CP) Clarified definition.
1.1.A.78 Adult Disability Assessment Tool (ADAT) (CA(adult), CP) Updated policy.
1.1.A.370 Averaging for self-care skills (CA) (Child) Clarified title.
1.1.A.375 AWOTE, relevant AWOTE, AWOTE weeks Updated rates.
1.1.B.20 Behaviours (CA) (Child) Clarified title.
1.1.C.10 Care & attention (CA) Updated policy.
1.1.C.15 Care definitions Updated title.
1.1.C.20 Care receiver (CP) Updated policy.
1.1.C.21 Care receiver (CA) Updated policy.
1.1.C.150 Chronic medical condition (CA) Updated to reflect changes due to review of List of Recognised Disabilities.
1.1.C.208 Commonwealth Registration Number New topic.
1.1.L.100 Long term income support student (YA, Austudy) Included information relating to new apprentices.
1.1.N.50 New apprentices (YA, Austudy) Revised definition of new apprentices.
1.1.N.52 New Apprentice Income Bank (YA, Austudy) New topic.
1.1.O.30 Ordinary income Included policy reference.
1.1.S.100 Severe disability (CA) Updated to reflect changes due to review of List of Recognised Disabilities.
1.1.S.370 Student income bank (YA, Austudy) Included reference relating to new apprentices. Youth Allowance (YA) - Description Included information relating to new apprentices. Customers Eligible for Working Credit Clarified information relating to YA or Austudy and new apprentices. Working Credit Depletion Included example of depletion for an allowee/age pensioner couple. Working Credit Opening Balances & Carryovers Clarified information relating to YA or Austudy and new apprentices. Qualification for YA Included information relating to new apprentices. Payability of YA Included information relating to new apprentices. Start Day for YA Included information relating to new apprentices. Notification & Recipient Obligations for YA Included information relating to new apprentices. Continuation, Variation or Termination of YA Included information relating to new apprentices. General Provisions for YA Exemptions for U18s Included information relating to new apprentices. Qualification for Away from Home Rate of YA Included information relating to new apprentices. Rules that Determine the Need to Live Away from Home for YA Included information relating to new apprentices.
3.2.7 NSA/YA Activity Testing Included information relating to new apprentices. Who Does Activity Testing Apply to? Included information relating to new apprentices.
3.2.8 NSA/YA Activity Test - Approved Activities for Jobseekers Included information relating to new apprentices. Approved Activity - Job Search Included information relating to new apprentices and added extra reasons that a jobseeker may vary their number of job contacts. Special Circumstances Activity Test Exemption Added extra guidelines on homelessness issues. Satisfying the YA Activity Test Included information relating to new apprentices. YA Customers Under 18 Included information relating to new apprentices. Qualification for Austudy Included information relating to new apprentices. Payability of Austudy Included information relating to new apprentices. Supplementary Benefits & Assistance for Austudy Recipients Included low income HCC to list of departmental benefits. Notification & Recipient Obligations for Austudy Included information relating to new apprentices. Continuation, Variation or Termination of Austudy Included information relating to new apprentices. Qualification for SpB Included details of the new removal pending bridging visa. Payability of SpB Included details of the new removal pending bridging visa. Long Term Available Funds Test for SpB Included details of the new removal pending bridging visa. SpB for Customers not Residentially Qualified for Other Payments Included details of the new removal pending bridging visa. What are the SpB Activity Tests? Included details of the new removal pending bridging visa. Qualification for RA Added information on duplicate payments of rent assistance. Notification, Verification& Recipient Obligations for RA Added policy references. Date of Effect & Arrears of RA Highlighted that date of effect rules are different under family assistance legislation to social security legislation. Special RA Rules for Couples & Families with Children Added additional information on payment of rent assistance to members of a couple residing together. Eligibility for FAA Included information relating to new apprentices. Qualification for HCC - Automatic Issue Clarified information relating to YA and new apprentices. Low Income HCC - Assessment of Income Included information relating to assessment of compensation. Qualification for CSHC Amended CSHC qualification for DVA payments. Full-time New Apprentice Personal Income Test, Limits & New Apprentices Bank New topic. Deferred Income, Salary Sacrifice, Valuable Consideration & Fringe Benefits Included information relating to fringe benefits reported on payment summary. Operation of Deeming Updated deeming threshold amounts. Deeming Rate Calculation - Single DSP Customer Updated deeming threshold amounts. Deeming Rate Calculation - Age Couple Updated deeming threshold amounts. Deeming Rate Calculation - Single WidB Customer Updated deeming threshold amounts. Deeming Rate Calculation - NSA Customer, Partner Receiving PP Updated deeming threshold amounts. Deeming Rate Calculation - Pensioner & Non-Pensioner Couple Updated deeming threshold amounts. General Provisions for Assessing Income Streams Paid from SMSFs or SAFs Included information relating to treatment of unallocated reserves held within SMSFs and SAFs. Documentation Required for Assessment of Lifetime or Life Expectancy ATE Income Streams Paid from SMSFs or SAFs Included extension of requirements for SMSFs/SAFs to other income streams that share similar characteristics. Actuarial Valuation Certificate for Lifetime or Life Expectancy ATE Income Streams Paid from SMSFs or SAFs Included extension of requirements for SMSFs/SAFs to other income streams that share similar characteristics. Deprivation Assessment for Lifetime or Life Expectancy ATE Income Streams Paid from SMSFs or SAFs Clarify deprivation guidelines can be applied to lifetime and life expectancy income streams other than those provided from SMSFs and SAFs. Payment Splits of Income Streams: Base Amount Payment Splits Included information relating to lifetime/life expectancy and market-linked income streams. Base Amount Payment Splits - Non Defined Benefit Income Streams (Non Allocated) Updated policy in relation to lifetime and life expectancy income streams purchased before and from 20 September 2004. Base Amount Payment Splits - Non Defined Benefit Income Streams (Allocated Income Streams and Market-Linked Income Streams) Updated policy and included information relating to market-linked income streams.
4.10.3 Historical Age & Invalid (Disability Support) Pension Income & Assets Limits Updated historical rates. Historical Widow Class A & Sole Parent Benefit Means Test Limits Updated historical rates. Historical Widow B Means Test Limits and Additional Payments Updated historical rates. Resignations from a Controlled Private Trust or Controlled Private Company On or After 01/01/2002 Clarified policy on assessment of income on resignation. Disposal of the Assets of a Private Trust or Private Company On or After 01/01/2002 Amended act reference. Qualification Provisions for the Primary Production Concession Updated threshold amounts for the primary production concession. Effect of Compensation on Low Income Health Care Cards New topic. Overview of Lump Sums for Compensation Clarified the treatment of lump sum compensation for eligibility for a concession card. Overview of Periodic Compensation Payments Clarified the treatment of periodic compensation for eligibility for a concession card. General Rules of Portability Elaborated on the concept of 'terminal illness' - a condition that must be met for unlimited DSP portability. Portability Table Updated information in the table for disability support pension. Summary of CFP Legislation Clarified under what requirements former New Zealand residents in Australia, are not required to lodge a claim for New Zealand CFP, if they were on an Australian income support payment on 30/6/2002.
9.4.6 Duration of the AoS Period Deleted repetitive information on visa subclasses 143 and 864. History of the Agreement with Malta Added that the new Agreement with Malta entered into force on 1/7/2005. Social Security System in Malta Revised the name of the Ministry in Malta responsible for the Maltese social security system.
10.7.2 Terms Used - Agreement with Malta Updated to reflect new Agreement that entered into force on 1/7/2005. People Covered by the Agreement with Malta Updated to reflect new Agreement that entered into force on 1/7/2005. Benefits Payable under the Agreement with Malta Updated to reflect new Agreement that entered into force on 1/7/2005. Who Can Lodge Claims under the Agreement with Malta Updated to reflect new Agreement that entered into force on 1/7/2005. Where People can Lodge Claims under the Agreement with Malta Updated to reflect new Agreement that entered into force on 1/7/2005. Totalising to Qualify for an Australian Benefit - Agreement with Malta Updated to reflect new Agreement that entered into force on 1/7/2005. Totalising to Qualify for a Maltese Benefit Updated to reflect new Agreement that entered into force on 1/7/2005.
10.7.6 Requirement to Claim a Foreign Benefit - Agreement with Malta Updated to reflect new Agreement that entered into force on 1/7/2005. Australian Working Life Residence - Agreement with Malta Updated to reflect new Agreement that entered into force on 1/7/2005. Inside Australia Rate - Agreement with Malta Updated to reflect new Agreement that entered into force on 1/7/2005. Exempt Payments - Agreement with Malta Updated to reflect new Agreement that entered into force on 1/7/2005. Portability & the Agreement with Malta Updated to reflect new Agreement that entered into force on 1/7/2005. Australia to Malta & Malta to Australia Updated to reflect new Agreement that entered into force on 1/7/2005. People Who Travel to a Third Country - Agreement with Malta Updated to reflect new Agreement that entered into force on 1/7/2005. Confidentiality - Agreement with Malta Updated to reflect new Agreement that entered into force on 1/7/2005. Termination of the Agreement with Malta Updated to reflect new Agreement that entered into force on 1/7/2005.
10.19 Agreement with Belgium New chapter.

Guide to Social Security Law Updates - 6 June 2005 (v1.96)

Topic No Topic Title Details
1.1.A.16 Accommodation bond transitional provisions New topic.
1.1.A.18 Accommodation charge Renumbered from 1.1.A.16 - content unchanged.
1.1.E.60 Eligible Descendant Updated explanation of who has discretion under the Act and removed reference to Centrelink Disability Rural & Housing Customer Segment Team. General Procedures for Verifying Identity Updated requirement to provide POI document for partners. Qualification for CrP - General Provisions Clarified example under 'treatment of CDEP participants'. Assessment of Income for CSHC Updated CSHC claimant's non-customer partner information. Income from Scholarships Clarified details about Commonwealth Learning Scholarships and scholarships awarded as gifts or prizes. Splitting of Income Streams - Overview Updated information under 'Summary' and 'Summary of changes'. Clarified information in relation to payout in full of non-member spouse's interest. Payment Splits of Income Streams: Percentage Payment Splits Added information in relation to market-linked income streams. Percentage Payment Splits - Non Defined Benefit Income Streams (Non Allocated) Updated policy. Added information in relation to ATE income streams purchased pre 20 September 2004 and on or after 20 September 2004. Percentage Payment Splits - Non Defined Benefit Income Streams (Allocated Income Streams) Updated information in relation to subsequent commutations made by member spouse. Percentage Payment Splits - Market-linked Income Streams New topic. Payment Splits of Income Streams: Creation by Trustee of New Interest, Transfer/Rollover or Lump Sum Payment Updated policy in relation to trustee discretion before first split income stream payment is made. Added additional policy reference.
4.10.2 Historical Unemployment & Sickness Benefit Income Test Updated historical rates.
9.2.1 Visa Subclass 070 Bridging (Removal Pending) Visa New topic.

Guide to Social Security Law Updates - 2 May 2005 (v1.95)

Topic No Topic Title Details Move to Area if Lower Employment Prospects for NSA Recipients Included information relating to moving to obtain cheaper accommodation or public housing. Guidelines for Negotiating Preparing for Work Agreements Clarified guidelines on what should be considered. What is a Job Search Plan? Deleted paragraphs on 'job search plan sent from job network member to DEWR State Office' and 'job search plan to Centrelink'. Added paragraphs on 'approval of job search plans.' Changes to Carer Situation - Effect on CP Qualification Update to reflect change from 20 hour rule to 25 hours. Dependent YA - Parental Income Test & Limits Updated parental income free area. Dependent YA - Family Assets Test & Limits Updated family assets test for youth allowance. About DVA Service Pensions Noted that responsibility for carer service pension was transferred to the then Department of Social Security on 11 December 1997. Specific Provisions for Assessing Income Streams Clarified policy and examples. Providing TFN Information Updated policy. TFN Exemptions (deleted - see Deleted topic. Current policy now in Minimum Income Requirements for Discretionary (Unbonded) AoS Updated policy relating to the assurer and assets.

Guide to Social Security Law Updates - 4 April 2005 (v1.94)

Topic No Topic Title Details Low Income HCC - Assessment of Income Updated income limits. Criteria for post 20/09/2004 ATE Lifetime or Life Expectancy Income Streams to Retain 100 Per Cent Asset Test Exemption Title change. Updated policy. Commuting an Asset-Test Exempt Income Stream to a Lump Sum Updated policy in circumstances when commutation is allowed.
9.2.10 Visa Subclass 787 Witness Protection (Trafficking) (Temporary) Included the availability of special benefit and other benefits pursuant to the Ministerial Determination.
9.2.12 Visa Subclass 852 Witness Protection (Trafficking) (Permanent) Included the availability of special benefit and other benefits pursuant to the Ministerial Determination. Minimum Income Requirements for Mandatory (Bonded) AoS Updated documents suitable for proof of income. Recovery of Other Debts (Agreement with New Zealand) New topic.

Guide to Social Security Law Updates - 22 March 2005 (v1.93)

Topic No Topic Title Details
1.1.A.375 AWOTE, relevant AWOTE, AWOTE weeks Updated AWOTE figure. Qualification for CrP - Extreme Circumstances (domestic & family violence) Added information on perpetrators or alleged perpetrators of domestic violence being eligible for crisis payment. Qualification for CrP - Extreme Circumstances (other) Moved information on perpetrators or alleged perpetrators of domestic violence being eligible for crisis payment to Payability of CrP - Extreme Circumstances (domestic & family violence) Corrected to allow perpetrators or alleged perpetrators of domestic violence to be eligible for crisis payment. HCC Provisions for Children & Dependants Added additional details about low-income health care card provisions for ABSTUDY secondary students. Income Received to Cover Expenses Clarified where a reimbursement to a volunteer exceeds the expense, the extra amount is income. Characteristics of pre-20/09/2004 Asset-Test Exempt income Streams Clarified assessment of an ATE income stream purchased prior to 20/09/2004 is transferred to a reversionary beneficiary. Historical Income Limits for Low Income HCC from 20/9/96 Updated income limits. RA - Current Rates Updated rates. Common Pension Rates Updated rates. Common Benefit Rates Updated rates. Single Unemployment & Sickness Benefit - November 1984 to Present Date Updated rates. Married Unemployment & Sickness Benefit - November 1984 to Present Date Updated rates. Rates of Pension - July 1909 to Present Date Updated rates. Additional Payments - April to Present Date Updated rates. Widow Class A, Supporting Parent's Benefit, Sole Parent Pension - Rates from July 1942 to Present Date Updated rates. Widow B, C & D Pension, Bereavement Allowance - July 1942 to Present Date Updated rates. RA (families with children) - December 1987 to Present Date Updated rates. Parenting Payment & Associated Rates - July 1985 to Present Date Updated rates. RA Rates - June 1990 to Present Date Updated rates. Taxation of Payments & PAYG Payment Summary - Individual Non Business Included seniors concession allowance and utilities allowance in non-taxable payments. Backdated start dates Clarified the operation of backdating start dates under schedule 2, clause 11 of the Social Security (Administration) Act 1999. Temporary Protection Visas, Other Temporary Humanitarian Visas & Return Pending Visas Included information on Return Pending Visas (subclass 695) and access to social security for holders of temporary protection visas, other humanitarian temporary visas and return pending visas.
9.2.9 Visa Subclasses 600-695 Payment Eligibility Added visa subclass 695 Return Pending Visa. Introduction to the AoS Scheme Updated summary in relation to the AoS Scheme.

Guide to Social Security Law Updates - 7 March 2005 (v1.92)

Topic No Topic Title Details Participation Interview Outcomes Updated policy. Temporary Incapacity Activity Test Exemption Updated policy in relation to which customers will be referred to Personal Advisers. YA Study Load - Full-time Students in Non-traditional Courses Updated name for Open Learning Australia to Open Universities Australia. Outcomes of the Personal Adviser Interview (Better Assessment - At Risk) Added information relating to Job Network and barriers to employment. Participation Support for NSA 50+ - Background Added information relating to Job Network and process involving majority of NSA 50+ customers. Participation Interviews for NSA 50+ Added additional information relating to responsibilities of Personal Advisers, purpose and outcomes from participation interviews and referral process to Job Network. Participation Requirements for Mature Age NSA Customers - 2 Streams Added information in relation to mainstream customers and options for servicing majority of mature age NSA customers. Terms of the Participation Agreement (NSA 50+) Added information relating to voluntary and paid work to satisfy the activity test. Payability of PP - Partnered Rate Added additional information relating to CDEP payments received by the customer's partner. Participation Support (PP) - Background Added information relating to parents with youngest child aged 6 or over. Participation Support for Parents - Information at New Claim for PP Added that information about employment support provided through Job Network should be provided. Participation Interviews for PP - Interview Types Added information relating to progress checks. Participation Interviews for PP - Interview Content Added information relating to who should attend an interview. Updated information relating to outcomes, referrals and the participation agreement. Participation Agreements - Requirement to Enter (PP) Updated policy objectives. Participation Agreements - Approved Activities Updated policy and included information relating to Job Network. Qualification for SpB Added new visa subclass 787 Temporary Witness Protection (Trafficking). Payability of SpB Added visa subclass 787 Temporary Witness Protection (Trafficking) and visa subclass 852 Permanent Witness Protection (Trafficking) to list of visas exempt from the special benefit newly arrived resident waiting period. Long Term Available Funds Test for SpB Added visa subclass 787 Temporary Witness Protection (Trafficking) and visa subclass 852 Permanent Witness Protection (Trafficking) to example 1 under the heading Summary. SpB for Customers not Residentially Qualified for Other Payments Added visa subclass 787 Temporary Witness Protection (Trafficking) to the list of temporary visas where a holder may be paid special benefit. Payability of CPS Changed references relating to ATSIC to DEWR. Start Day for CPS Changed references relating to ATSIC to DEWR. Notification & Recipient Obligations for CPS Changed references relating to ATSIC to DEWR. Other Income Exempt from Assessment - s8(11) Exempt Lump Sums Added information relating to Determination 1 of 2005, Determination 2 of 2005. Revoked Determination 2 of 2003. General Provisions for Assessing Income Streams Paid from SMSFs or SAFs Updated guidance on return of purchase price assessment. Actuarial Valuation Certificate for Lifetime or Life Expectancy ATE Income Streams Paid from SMSFs or SAFs Revised what the requirements for an actuarial certificate are and when an actuarial certificate does not specify high probability or a positive opinion. Deprivation Assessment for Lifetime or Life Expectancy ATE Income Streams Paid from SMSFs or SAFs Revised information on treatment of indexation for ATE income streams for deprivation purposes. Assessment of Non-Performing Income Streams Paid from SMSFs or SAFs Updated information on treatment where an income stream ceases to be an income stream and where the income stream's payments reduce. Qualification Provisions for the Primary Production Concession Added historical threshold amounts. Reasonable Action Requirements Updated deferring entitlement to an overseas pension. People Who Travel to a Third Country - Agreement with Malta Revised example. Australia to Ireland & Ireland to Australia Revised example.

Guide to Social Security Law Updates - 7 February 2005 (v1.91)

Topic No Topic Title Details Seniors Concession Allowance (SCA) - Description New topic. Utilities Allowance (UA) - Description New topic. RA - Verification Required Added a second exception under formal renting arrangements lease or tenancy agreement. Qualification for YA Updated policy in relation to residence criteria. Work for the Dole Removed reference to automatic referral system. Special Circumstances Activity Test Exemption Clarified extension of exemption for refugees. Participation Agreements - Requirement to Enter (PP) Clarified that CDEP, CPS and PSP participants still need to attend Personal Adviser/JET Adviser interviews..
3.8.12 SCA - Qualification & Payability New topic.
3.8.13 UA - Qualification & Payability New topic. Other Income Exempt from Assessment - s8(11) Exempt Lump Sums Added determination 8 of 2004, Tasmanian Government ex gratia payment for child abuse while in Tasmanian State care, to list of lump sums specifically exempted under section 8(11). Income from General Employee Entitlements & Redundancy Scheme (GEERS) Updated email address and added annual income cap for 2003-2004. Income from Overseas Pensions Updated arrears of overseas pensions. Married Unemployment & Sickness Benefit - November 1984 to Present Date Removed duplicate entry for 18/04/1990 and added rates for 20/03/1991, 20/09/2003, 20/03/2004 and 20/09/2004 in table 1. Taxation of Payments & PAYG Payment Summary - Individual Non Business Amended non-taxable payments list in relation to CP. Payment Methods for Advance Payments Updated the guidelines for issuing advance payment when a nominee exists.
8.2.1 Transfers Clarified that a customer must lodge a claim to transfer from one income support payment to DSP or SA (other than from NSA).
8.5.1 Payment Nominee Updated policy relating to nominee appointments and customer capability to consent.
8.5.2 Correspondence Nominee Updated policy relating to nominee appointments and customer capability to consent.
8.5.3 Responsibilities of Nominee Updated policy. Included information relating to cancellation of arrangements, notification of appointments and allegations of misuse.
9.2.8 Visa Subclass 576 AusAid or Defence Sector Explained Australian residency exceptions for CCB in relation to certain scholarships. Embargoes on Arrears of New Zealand Benefit Title change. Updated policy. Overpayments Resulting from the Grant of a New Zealand Benefit Title change. Updated policy. Where People can Lodge Claims under the Agreement with Austria Clarified procedure for lodging claims under the Agreement with Austria. Who Can Lodge Claims under the Agreement with Germany Clarified who can lodge claims under the Agreement with Germany. Where People Can Lodge Claims under the Agreement with Germany Clarified procedure for lodging claims under the Agreement with Germany.

Guide to Social Security Law Updates - 4 January 2005 (v1.90)

Topic No Topic Title Details
1.1.A.16 Accommodation charge Changed definition of accommodation charge following changes to Aged Care Act 1997
1.1.A.375 AWOTE, relevant AWOTE, AWOTE weeks Updated rates.
1.1.C.240 Compensation Updated definition and included DFISA as an excluded payment.
1.1.D.70 Dependent child Added more detail and examples on temporary absences and extra information on the definition of dependent child in respect of carer allowance. Updated dependency limit and personal income limit.
1.1.P.340 PP child (PP)

Provided more detail and examples on temporary absences.

Clarified the 8 week rule in regard to temporary absences.

1.1.R.35 Reasonable excuse (deleted - see Deleted topic.
1.1.U.30 Unemployed (NSA) Updated policy in relation to full-time students claiming NSA. Verifying Separation Under One Roof Updated explanation for independent evidence. Bereavement Payment Provisions for Couples Revised information on DFISA and bereavement payment. Working Credit Accrual Updated text relating to daily rate of working credit accruals. Approved Activity - Personal Support Programme New topic.
3.6.3 DSP Case Studies (deleted) Deleted topic. Continuation, Variation or Termination of CPS Updated reference to ATSIC with reference to DEWR. Activity Test & Breach Penalties for CPS Recipients Updated reference to ATSIC with reference to DEWR. CDEP CPS Income Test Updated reference to ATSIC with reference to DEWR. Other Income Exempt from Assessment - Specifically Approved Clarified unacceptability of participating in an Exchange Trading System as an activity in a Preparing for Work Agreement. Commuting an Asset-Test Exempt Income Stream to a Lump Sum Clarified circumstances when commutation is allowed . Historical Student Income Dependency Limits Since 1975 Updated income dependency limits. Historical Employment Amount (Permissible Child Earnings) - January 1990 to Present Date Added employment amounts from January 2000 to January 2005. What is Compensation Clarified definition of compensation as it relates to personal injury. Compensation Part of Lump Sum - Judgement by Contested Hearing Clarified treatment of cases finalised by case appraisal systems. YA - Current Rates Updated rates. Austudy - Current Rates Updated rates. DOP - Current Rates Updated rate. DSP - Current Rates Updated rates. Youth Related Payments - July 1986 to Present Date Updated rates. Family Payment, FA Rates (Non-standard) - October 1973 to Present Date Updated rate. MOB - April 1983 to Present Date Updated rate. CA, CDA & HCA - December 1974 to Present Date, DNCB 1987 to 1999 Updated rate. PhA Rates - 01/11/90 to Present Date Updated rate.
9.2.5 Visa Subclass 309 Spouse (Provisional) Added that eligible for HCC, holders may be exempt from HCC NARWP.
9.2.11 Visa Subclass 820 Spouse (Provisional) Added that eligible for HCC, holders may be exempt from HCC NARWP.