The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia.

2.1.6 Notice of the decision on an application for administrative assessment


If the Registrar accepts or refuses an application for a child support assessment the applicant and the other parent or parents must be notified.

Act reference

CSA Act section 33, section 34, section 106A, section 107

Accepting an application

The Registrar must immediately notify the applicant and the other parent or parents when an application for a child support assessment is accepted (CSA Act section 34). The notification must be in writing and must include:

  • the right to object (4.1.2) to the Registrar's decision to accept the application for a child support assessment, and to apply to the AAT for a first review of the objection decision, and
  • the parent's right to apply to a court for a declaration under section 107 if they believe they are not a parent of the child (4.3.2).

Refusing an application

The Registrar must immediately notify the applicant if an application for a child support assessment is refused (CSA Act section 33). The notification must be in writing.

If one of the reasons the application is refused is because the Registrar is not satisfied that a person is a parent of the child, the applicant must be notified of:

  • the reasons why their application was refused, and
  • their right to apply to a court for a declaration under section 106A (4.3.2).

If the application is refused for any other reason, the applicant must be notified of their right to object (4.1.2) to the Registrar's decision to refuse the application for a child support assessment, and to apply to the AAT for a first review of the objection decision (4.2).

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