1.1.T.188 Two or more carers (CP)
Definition: adult
For the purpose of CP (adult) 2 or more carers refers to a situation where more than one person cares for an adult with a disability (1.1.A.79), and each carer qualifies for CP in their own right. Each carer must meet ALL the qualification criteria and the care recipient must get a score of 80 or above on the ADAT (1.1.A.78), with at least 32 points attributable to the THP's assessment.
Definition: child
For the purpose of CP (child) 2 or more carers refers to a situation where more than one person cares for a child with a severe disability (1.1.S.133) or severe medical condition (1.1.S.130), and each carer qualifies for CP in their own right.
Each carer must complete an ACL questionnaire for the child; one professional questionnaire must be completed by a THP for the child; and the THP must have certified the number of carers the child requires.
The carers must each achieve a qualifying rating of intense for the child with a total score of 85 or more for the ACL questionnaire and a score on the professional questionnaire of greater than zero.
Act reference: SSAct section 198 Qualification—disabled adult or disabled adult and dependent child
Disability Care Load Assessment (Child) Determination 2020
Policy reference: SS Guide Qualification for CP, 3.6.12 Disability Care Load Assessment (Child) (DCLA)