1.1.S.130 Severe medical condition (CP (child))
For the purposes of CP (child) the definition of severe medical condition is an intellectual, psychiatric, behavioural or physical condition that results in the child requiring, permanently or for an extended period (1.1.P.230), a high level of constant care to maintain comfort, sustain life, or attend to a bodily function that the child cannot manage themselves.
Act reference: SSAct section 197B Qualification-child with a severe disability or severe medical condition
SSAct pre-1 July 2009 section 197(2) A child is a profoundly disabled child if …, section 197(2A) A child is a profoundly disabled child if a medical practitioner …
Policy reference: SS Guide 1.1.C.146 Child with a profound disability (CP (child)), 1.1.G.55 Grandfathering arrangements (CP (child)), Qualification for CP