1.1.A.80 Annualised MTAWE figure
The annualised MTAWE figure is used for:
- the self-support amount (1.1.S.20)
- the COTC (1.1.C.210) Table income bands
- default income (two thirds MTAWE) (1.1.D.20).
The annualised MTAWE figure is the trend MTAWE figure for the relevant June quarter multiplied by 52.
The relevant June quarter is the quarter ending on 30 June of the calendar year ending before the start of the CSP (1.1.C.150). For example, the quarter ending 30 June 2022 is the relevant June quarter for CSPs starting in 2023.
Determination of MTAWE amount by Minister
Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the labour market, the ABS temporarily suspended publication of the AWE trend series from May 2020. In consultation with the Australian Statistician, alternative MTAWE amounts for June 2020, June 2021 and June 2022 have been determined under section 5A(6) of the CSA Act.
Child Support (Assessment) (MTAWE amount) Determination 2020
Child Support (Assessment) (MTAWE amount) Determination 2021
Child Support (Assessment) (MTAWE amount) Determination 2022