1.1.D.20 Default income (two-thirds MTAWE)
A default income equal to at least two-thirds annualised MTAWE may be used for the relevant child support period (1.1.C.150) where there is no ATO assessment for a parent (1.1.P.10) for 2 or more income years prior to the last relevant year of income (1.1.L.10) used in the assessment, or there is no ATO assessment available. For further information see
Act reference: CSA Act section 5A-'annualised MTAWE figure', section 45 Working out the self-support amount, section 58 Determination by the Registrar of a parent's …, section 65A Annual rate of child support for low income parents not on income support, section 66 Minimum annual rate of child support, section 155 Publication of figures
Policy reference: CS Guide Provisional income – determination of ATI, 2.4.2 Formula tables & values, 2.4.13 Historical formula tables & values