The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia. Change of eligibility circumstances


A person (1.1.P.80) is required to provide information regarding all circumstances that may affect their eligibility to receive FA (1.1.F.02). This topic covers:

  • eligibility circumstances affecting FA
  • eligibility circumstances affecting only FTB
  • eligibility circumstances affecting only FTB Part B
  • eligibility circumstances affecting only CCS and ACCS.

Eligibility circumstances affecting FA

An individual (1.1.I.90) must notify Centrelink if:

  • they become or cease to be an Australian resident (1.1.A.130)
  • they leave Australia (1.1.A.120) permanently or temporarily
  • their temporary absence from Australia (1.1.A.10) becomes permanent
  • they commence or cease providing care for an FTB or regular care child (1.1.R.21)
  • their FTB or regular care child becomes, or ceases to be an Australian resident (excluding CCS and ACCS)
  • their FTB or regular care child who is not an Australian resident commences or ceases living with them
  • they and/or their partner's (1.1.P.30) income changes
  • they change partnering arrangements (opposite or same-sex) for example, if they get married, registered, separated or divorced, or
  • their address or bank account details change.

Eligibility circumstances affecting only FTB

An individual must notify Centrelink if:

  • they are a member of a couple (1.1.M.50) and the other member of the couple ceases to receive FTB for their child/ren
  • their percentage of care for an FTB or regular care child changes, particularly if it reaches or falls below 35% or 66% of the care period, or
  • their FTB or regular care child dies.

An individual must also notify Centrelink if their FTB or regular care child:

  • commences or ceases to receive an income support payment (1.1.I.50)
  • is aged 16 to 19 years and ceases or recommences full-time secondary study (1.1.F.60) (
  • commences being a member of a couple
  • is prevented from being in their care without their consent, or is in their care to a reduced extent due to another person's non-compliance with a care arrangement (1.1.C.05)
  • leaves Australia temporarily or permanently
  • their temporary absence overseas becomes permanent, or
  • returns to Australia.

Explanation: If an FTB or regular care child of an individual becomes the partner of that individual, they are no longer an FTB or regular care child of the individual. The individual's eligibility to receive FTB or other government benefits for that child ceases.

If an FTB or regular care child becomes a member of a couple, they may no longer be living with or in the care of the entitled carer. In this case, eligibility to receive FTB for that child may cease.

Centrelink must also be notified if a care organisation commences or ceases to be an ACO.

Act reference: FAAct section 22 When an individual is an FTB child of another individual, section 22A Exceptions to the operation of section 22, Schedule 1 clause 7 Standard rate

FA(Admin)Act section 25 Obligation to notify change of circumstances

Policy reference: FA Guide Change of circumstances - general provisions, Change of rate circumstances, FTB child

Eligibility circumstances affecting only FTB Part B

If an individual is a member of a couple, their FTB Part B rate is nil if their youngest child is aged 13 or older, unless the individual is a grandparent or great-grandparent (1.1.G.15).

An individual must notify Centrelink if their only FTB child is 16 or older and ceases full time study.

Act reference: FAAct Schedule 1 clause 29 General method of calculating Part B rate

Eligibility circumstances affecting only CCS & ACCS

An individual who is eligible for CCS or ACCS must also notify Centrelink if:

  • their child's immunisation status changes or they have an approved exemption for the child (see explanation)
  • the individual eligible in respect of the child is absent from Australia for more than 6 weeks
  • the individual eligible in respect of the child
    • becomes a member of a couple, or
    • ceases to be a member of a couple
  • the individual's or their partner's care level for the child changes such that the child is no longer their FTB or regular care child
  • there are any changes to the residency status of
    • the individual, or
    • their partner, if they have one
  • their child, for which they claim CCS
    • starts attending secondary school
    • turns 14, or
    • dies
  • their eligibility for any ACCS payment changes.

Note: Generally, to be eligible for CCS or ACCS a child must be 13 or under and not attending secondary school. However, there are children aged 13 and under and attending secondary school and children aged 14 and above who may be eligible for CCS or ACCS in certain circumstances. If circumstances relating to the individual's eligibility in respect of a child eligible under this provision changes, for example, the child no longer has a disability or can now be left at home alone, the individual is obliged to notify Centrelink of the change.

The individual will not be eligible to receive CCS or ACCS in respect of a child for any sessions of care (1.1.S.40) delivered while they are not meeting any of the eligibility criteria.

Explanation: An individual has 63 days to comply with the immunisation requirements. If not in compliance, they lose eligibility for CCS and ACCS.

Policy reference: FA Guide CCS - eligibility for children aged 13 & under & attending secondary school or aged 14 or above, ACCS (child wellbeing) - eligibility, ACCS (grandparent) - eligibility, ACCS (temporary financial hardship) - eligibility, ACCS (transition to work) - eligibility, ACCS - change of circumstances

Last reviewed: