1.1.E.90 Employer provided benefit (YA)
For the purposes of the YA parental means test (1.1.P.45) an employer provided benefit is a benefit an employer provides to, or on behalf of, an employee for the employee's, or in some cases their family's, private use.
Example: Employer provided benefits include:
- cars
- school fees
- private health insurance
- low interest loans
- housing assistance
- financial investments, and
- expense benefits.
Example: Some of the most common types of expense benefits include:
- novated car lease
- telephone expenses
- holiday expenses
- medical or hospital expenses
- union dues/professional association membership fees
- fuel and/or power expenses, including electricity, gas, oil or firewood
- entertainment
- grocery bills
- credit card accounts
- sporting or social club fees, and
- child care expenses.
Amounts paid to meet or reimburse expenses incurred in connection with the employee's employment are NOT employer provided benefits.