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The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia.

7.5.1 Non-agency payments


In some circumstances, the Registrar may credit payments made directly to a payee (1.1.P.30) or to a third party against a child support liability registered for agency collect (1.1.A.50) or a carer liability (1.1.C.30). The Registrar may also credit the value of non-cash transfers or the provision of services in the same way. These credits are known as 'non-agency payments'.

Act references

CSRC Act section 71, section 71A, section 71B, section 71C, section 71D

CSRC Regs section 19

On this page

  • What is a non-agency payment?
  • Was the payment in respect of an enforceable maintenance liability or carer liability?
  • Was a payment made?
  • How is a non-cash payment valued?
  • Was the payment intended to be in lieu of a child support payment or carer debt?
  • Election to have a non-agency payment made to a third party credited towards less than 100% of the relevant liability
  • Credit against future liabilities
  • What happens to a credit if an assessment has ended or the enforceable maintenance liability is no longer payable to the Registrar?
  • Discretion to refuse to credit an amount
  • Objections
  • Other options

What is a non-agency payment?

A non-agency payment is one of the following types of payment.

  • A payment made directly to a payee of an enforceable maintenance liability (1.1.E.30) or to a payee of a carer liability (CSRC Act section 71).
  • A payment to a third party in discharge of a debt owed by the payee or payer (1.1.P.40) of the enforceable maintenance liability or carer liability, or both (CSRC Act section 71A).
  • A non-cash transaction, such as a transfer of property or the provision of services, taken to be an amount paid under the enforceable maintenance liability or carer liability (CSRC Act section 71B).

The Registrar can credit a non-agency payment to a child support debt (1.1.C.90) or carer debt if, at the time the payment was made, the payer and the payee both intended that it was a payment towards the enforceable maintenance liability or the carer liability, except if the liability is an agency reimbursement liability (1.1.A.60) (CSRC Act sections 71(3), 71A(4)).

The legislation also provides for payments under CSRC Act section 71C if the payment was of a kind specified in section 19 of the CSRC Regs (known as a prescribed payment).

See 7.5.2 for further information about prescribed non-agency payments.

Was the payment in respect of an enforceable maintenance liability or carer liability?

The Registrar can only credit payments if the payment was made in respect of an enforceable maintenance liability or a carer liability. This includes non-agency payments made for arrears (1.1.A.100) on ended cases.

Example: Blythe is liable to pay child support (1.1.C.60) to the Registrar from 1 April 2020, which is the date that Trevor applied for collection. On 13 April 2020, Blythe asks the Registrar to credit $200 paid directly to Trevor on 30 March 2020. Blythe and Trevor intended the payment to be for child support for April. The Registrar cannot credit the payment under section 71 of the CSRC Act. At the time of payment, there was no enforceable maintenance liability and the payment was a private payment to the payee.

Example: Morris was liable to pay child support of $200 per month to the Registrar until Petra opted for private collection on 1 May 2020. At that time, Morris had an overdue child support amount of $800, which remained enforceable. On 2 June 2020, Morris asks the Registrar to credit $600 paid directly to Petra on 1 June 2020. Morris and Petra intended the payment to be for child support for the month of May and for overdue child support. At the time of payment, Morris had a liability of $200 for May, which was not enforceable as the liability was raised during the private collect (1.1.P.110) period. The remaining $400 of the payment can be credited against the overdue amount under section 71 of the CSRC Act, as the overdue amount is an enforceable maintenance liability. After the Registrar has credited the $400 against the overdue amount, Morris now has a remaining enforceable maintenance liability of $400.

The Registrar cannot credit a non-agency payment against a liability that is an agency reimbursement liability ( (CSRC Act sections 71(3) and 71A(4)).

Was a payment made?

The Registrar can only credit a non-agency payment if the amount has actually been paid or transferred. The Registrar will not credit the value of goods that the payer intends to transfer at a later time, or where the payer has allowed the payee use of those items.

Example: Cosmo, the payer, advises the Registrar that he has given his car to Margit, the payee, and that he wants the value of the car to be credited against his child support liability. Margit advises the Registrar that she agrees to the credit, but mentions that the car is still registered in Cosmo's name because he cannot transfer the ownership while he is paying it off. The Registrar does not credit the value of the car, because Cosmo still owns it. The Registrar suggests that Cosmo and Margit discuss a value for the use of the car and, if they can reach agreement, ask the Registrar to credit this on an ongoing basis.

If a payer and payee disagree about whether a cash payment was made, or on the amount of the payment, the Registrar will ask for evidence of the payment. The Registrar will decide, on the basis of all the evidence, whether or not a payment was made and the value of the amount paid.
Acceptable evidence includes bank statements, cheques or receipts. The Registrar will also consider oral or written statements provided by both parents (1.1.P.10).

Example: Jordan, a payer, advises the Registrar that they paid $350 directly to the payee, Flora. When the Registrar asks Flora to confirm the payment, Flora denies receiving it. Jordan then supplies a bank statement, which shows a direct debit from Jordan's account to an account in Flora’s name. The Registrar contacts Flora to discuss this evidence. Flora admits she received the payment, but says she believed it was from another source. The Registrar was satisfied on the basis of the evidence provided that the payment was made, and credits $350 against Jordan’s enforceable maintenance liability.

Example: Alex and Vincent agree that Alex, the payer, will pay $200 per month towards Vincent's monthly loan repayments and that Alex's payment is intended to be payment for child support. Vincent then supplies a bank statement and advises the Registrar that Alex has been regularly redrawing funds of $100 per month from the loan account. The Registrar contacts Alex, who agrees that payments have been withdrawn. The Registrar determines that payments of only $100 per month have been made as non-agency payments.

How is a non-cash payment valued?

Where parents agree about the value of a non-cash payment (for example, a transfer of property or a service provided), the Registrar will use this agreed value (CSRC Act section 71B(2)(a)).

Where parents cannot agree about a value, the Registrar will decide an amount (CSRC Act section 71B(2)(b)). The Registrar will first try to negotiate an agreed amount with both parents. If this fails, the Registrar will request further information from the parents to determine a value.

Further information could include an independent valuation from a professional valuer (for real estate, etc.), or a letter from a local real estate agent estimating the market value of the property when it was transferred, or a local council valuation. Where the non-cash payment involves the transfer of a motor vehicle, the information sought could include a valuation from a car yard or local garage, or a list of prices showing the approximate value of an equivalent model. The Registrar can seek a receipt for items recently purchased.

Was the payment intended to be in lieu of a child support payment or carer debt?

The Registrar will accept a parent's advice that a payment received or the value of goods or services provided by the other parent were intended as a payment towards child support or a carer debt.

Where the parents disagree, the Registrar will seek evidence from both parents and decide, on the basis of that evidence, whether the relevant intention existed when the payment was made.

The Registrar will seek oral statements (or written, if either parent cannot be contacted by telephone) from both parents about their intention at the time the payment was made and the circumstances surrounding the payment. Before making a decision, the Registrar will discuss the evidence with both parents, so that they have an opportunity to respond or expand on their statements.

If the Registrar cannot obtain a statement from one of the parents, the Registrar will consider a statement made by the other parent and any other available evidence.

In making a decision, the Registrar will take into account the following factors:

  • Whether the parents have agreed that previous payments made in similar circumstances were for child support, as this may indicate the same intention in relation to the present payment.
  • The circumstances in which the payment was made. For example, where a payer has made payments or provided goods as part of a contact visit, this may have occurred without the prior knowledge or consent of the payee.
  • Any documents that support the case of either parent. For example, if there were legal proceedings in progress at or before the time of the payment, there may be relevant documents which refer to payments made by the payer to the payee or a third party.
  • Sometimes the notations on a court order will refer to the payment of expenses. While notations are not part of the court order, they may support the proposition that a parent has agreed that they are separately or jointly responsible for certain payments.
  • Whether one of the parents has previously stated that payment was to be credited, but subsequently changed their statement. The Registrar will examine both statements to determine what their intention was at the time the payment was made.

Example: The payer Marta advises of payments of $2,500 for school fees and clothing. Marta claims a credit for that amount under CSRC Act section 71A.

Scenario 1: The payee Toni agrees that the amounts were paid with the intention that they be credited against Marta's child support liability. The Registrar credits the total amount of $2,500.

Scenario 2: Toni states that only an agreed amount of $2,000 was intended to be credited against Marta's child support liability. Toni says that Marta agreed to pay $500 to cover half the cost of school uniforms and that this amount was in addition to Marta's usual child support. Marta is contacted and confirms that arrangement. The Registrar credits an amount of $2,000, a partial credit of the original $2,500 claimed.

Scenario 3: The payee Toni states that the amount should not be credited, as the payments were additional to Marta's ongoing child support liability. Toni claims that there was no agreement or intention on Toni's part that the school fees and clothing would be in lieu of child support payments to the Registrar. Toni later sends in a copy of their property settlement, which included a clause that Marta would pay all school fees and associated costs until their child turns 18 years of age. The amount is not credited. (Note: The Registrar's discretion to refuse to credit this as a prescribed payment under section 71D of the CSRC Act would also be exercised).

Example: The payer Owen asks for payments totalling $300 to be credited. The total is made up of several amounts including a trip to the zoo, computer games and a pair of sports shoes.

The payee Morgan states that the payments were not intended as child support payments and that the child already had a perfectly good pair of sports shoes. Morgan states that there has been no discussion regarding footwear and the child has said that the shoes were a birthday present from Owen. Morgan contends that the trip to the zoo and computer games were also birthday presents.

Owen then agrees that some items were for the child's birthday but contends that the cost of the shoes ($150) should be credited as the child needed them.

There is no evidence that Morgan intended that the shoes were to be credited as child support. The amount claimed is not credited. Owen is advised that Morgan's agreement should be sought before purchasing similar items in the future.

Election to have a non-agency payment made to a third party credited towards less than 100% of the relevant liability

Parents can apply to have an amount paid to a third party credited against an enforceable maintenance liability or a carer liability (CSRC Act section 71A).

For amounts paid against an enforceable maintenance liability on or after 1 July 2008, the payer and the payee can agree to specify a percentage (that is less than 100%) at which the ongoing liability will be met by the third party non-agency payment (CSRC Act section 71A(2)). The percentage agreed to by the payee and payer cannot be changed after the non-agency payment has been accepted.

The agreed allocation percentage does not affect the overall amount to be credited. Rather, the agreed allocation percentage changes the rate at which the amount is credited against the liability. The third party non-agency payment will be applied against the ongoing liability at the specified percentage as the liability is raised each month until the credit is fully allocated.

Example: The payer Lee applies for a third party payment of $500 to be credited to his account. The payee Taylor states that she agrees that the payment was made in lieu of child support, however, she requires some periodic child support payments while the credit is being absorbed. Lee and Taylor agree to have the payment applied at the rate of 50% of the ongoing liability, and payer Lee will pay the other 50% of the ongoing liability, so that Taylor will still receive 50% of her child support as periodic payments.

If the parents cannot agree to a lesser percentage, the third party non-agency payment will be applied against 100% of the liability.

Example: Payer Olivia applies for a third party payment of $500 to be credited to her account. The payee Dennis states that he agrees that the payment was made in lieu of child support, however, he requires some periodic child support payments while the credit is being absorbed. Dennis asks for it to be applied at the rate of 50% of the ongoing liability. Olivia does not agree, therefore, the credit is applied against 100% of the liability.

If a non-agency payment is to be credited against 100% of the liability, it is applied against any child support outstanding and the remainder against future liabilities during the same child support enforcement period (1.1.C.100) as they are raised.

For amounts paid against a carer liability, the payer and the payee can agree to specify a percentage (that is less than 100%) at which the liability will be met by the third party non-agency payment (CSRC Act section 71A(2)). The percentage agreed to by the payee and payer cannot be changed after the non-agency payment has been accepted.

Example: Sam, the payer of the carer liability, applies for a third party payment of $500 to be credited against the $500 carer liability that she owes to Ewan, the payee of the carer liability. Ewan states that he only agrees that the payment was made in partial satisfaction of the carer liability, as he requires an amount of cash to meet his other expenses. Sam and Ewan agree to have the third party payment applied at the rate of 60% of the carer liability and Sam pays the remaining 40% to the Registrar in cash, which is then disbursed to Ewan.

Credit against future liabilities

Where an amount (whether cash, property or provision of services) is credited as a non-agency payment satisfying an enforceable maintenance liability, any remaining excess amount can be applied against future amounts payable under the same enforceable maintenance liability during the same child support enforcement period, where this is consistent with the expressed intention of both the payer and the payee.

See 7.5.2 Prescribed non-agency payments for information about how uncredited amounts can be applied for these types of payments.

Where an amount is credited as a non-agency payment satisfying a carer liability, any remaining excess amount is disregarded and cannot be applied against future carer liabilities or enforceable maintenance liabilities.

What happens to a credit if an assessment has ended or the enforceable maintenance liability is no longer payable to the Registrar?

Note: The information below relates to non-agency payments only. It does not apply to uncredited amounts for prescribed non-agency payments under CSRC Act section 71C, which can be carried over to a new child support enforcement period for the same liability.

If an enforceable maintenance liability or assessment ends with uncredited non-agency payments, these amounts will be disregarded. An uncredited amount paid within one child support enforcement period cannot be applied to future amounts that become payable in a different child support enforcement period. For example, uncredited non-agency payments cannot be carried over where:

  • the parents make an election to end collection, and later make an application to resume collection
  • a parent moves to a non-reciprocating jurisdiction, and later returns to Australia or a reciprocating jurisdiction, or
  • parents re-separate after a period of reconciliation (1.1.R.20).

Uncredited non-agency payments also cannot be carried over where there is a change in circumstances (for example, change in care or income) which creates a role reversal. A role reversal results in the payee becoming the new payer, and the payer becoming the new payee. An uncredited amount paid in respect of an enforceable maintenance liability cannot be credited towards a carer liability, and vice versa.

If a subsequent role reversal occurs and a parent returns to their previous role, an earlier uncredited amount cannot be credited towards their new liability as it is associated with a different child support enforcement period.

When the Registrar receives an election to end collection, the parents will be notified if there are any uncredited non-agency payments on the child support account. Similarly, the Registrar will notify the parents of any uncredited non-agency payments on the child support account when the Registrar requires the child support payee to make private arrangements to collect their child support.

Discretion to refuse to credit an amount

The Registrar may refuse to credit a non-agency payment claimed if the Registrar is satisfied that, in the circumstances of the particular case, the amount ought not to be credited (CSRC Act section 71D).

The Registrar may refuse to credit an amount in certain circumstances, including, but not limited to the payee's agreement to credit an amount paid to a third party or payment made as a transfer of property was obtained through coercion or harassment. (However, where the Registrar is informed about this after the payment has been credited, it will be necessary for the payee to object to the Registrar's decision to credit the amount.)

See 7.5.2 for information on when the amount ought not to be credited on a prescribed non-agency payment.


A payee can object to the Registrar's decision to credit a non-agency payment under CSRC Act section 71, 71A or 71C (CSRC Act section 80).

A payer and a payee can object to the Registrar's decisions to refuse to credit all or part of a non-agency payment under CSRC Act section 71, 71A or 71C (CSRC Act section 80).

Other options

If a non-agency payment is not credited, there may be other options available to the payer, such as:

  • applying for a variation to a court ordered liability (2.8.1) (10.4.2)
  • applying for a COA (1.1.C.50) under CSA Act Part 6A (2.6)
  • applying for a departure order under CSA Act Part 7 Division 4 (10.4.2)
  • applying for an order under CSA Act Part 7 Division 5 to have non-periodic or payments to third parties credited against an assessment (10.4)
  • making a child support agreement under CSA Act Part 6 providing for non-periodic amounts or payments to third parties to be credited against an assessment (2.7).

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