The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia.

1.1.C.21 Care receiver (CA)


For the purpose of CA a care receiver is an adult or a child who has a disability and has been assessed as meeting the following requirements:

  • Adult
    • has a disability that requires care and attention on a daily basis, AND
    • has been assessed and rated against the ADAT and given a score of 30 or more, with at least 12 points being attributable to the professional questionnaire component, AND
    • is aged 16 years or more, AND
    • is an Australian resident.
  • Child
    • requires care and attention on a daily basis, AND
    • has a recognised disability, OR has been assessed and rated on the DCLA and given an ACL score of 85 or greater with a THP score greater than zero, AND
    • is aged under 16 years of age, AND
    • is an Australian resident, AND
    • is a dependent child of the carer.

Note: A child who qualifies a carer for CA before they turn 16 years of age continues to meet the definition of a child care receiver until the later of the following:

  • they turn 16 years and 3 months of age, OR
  • where all CA (child) to CA (adult) transfer documentation is submitted on or before the day the child turns 16 years, until the ADAT assessment is completed.

Act reference: SSAct section 7(2) An Australian resident is a person who …, section 198(2) Constant care for disabled …, section 952 Carer allowance definitions, section 953 Qualification for CA-caring for either 1 or 2 disabled children, section 954 Qualification for CA-caring for a disabled adult in a private home of both the adult and the carer, section 954A Qualification for CA-caring for a disabled adult in a private home not shared by the adult and carer, section 953A Remaining qualified after child turns 16

Policy reference: SS Guide 3.6.7 CA - qualification & payability, CA (child) to CA (adult) transition process

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