1.1.C.15 Care definitions
These definitions apply to all payments subject to assets testing provisions.
Definition: caree
A caree is a person receiving a substantial level of care.
Note: This term is used when referring to care situations (1.1.C.25) rather than CP.
Definition: carer
A carer (care provider) is a person who is providing a substantial level of care to a caree.
Note: This term is used when referring to care situations rather than CP.
Definition: substantial level of care
Substantial level of care is a criterion for determining whether a person is:
- receiving care in a care situation, OR
- providing community-based care, for a person in a care situation.
A substantial level of care is accepted if ONE OR MORE of the following is true:
- the carer is paid CA (1.1.C.88, 1.1.C.90) or CP or DVA Carer Service Pension in respect of the caree, OR
- the caree is paid DSP and because of their medical condition (1.1.M.90) they require assistance, OR
- the caree is over age pension age and regarded as frail, OR
- the caree can provide medical evidence (1.1.M.100) that they left their home because of illness, OR
- the caree can provide medical evidence that they required assistance after being discharged from hospital, OR
- the caree has been assessed by an ACAT and is waiting to be admitted to residential care or has been accepted for approved respite care.
Act reference: SSAct section 4(9) For the purpose of this Act, a person is in approved respite care ā¦, section 23(5A) to (5D) Pension age