The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. TheĀ information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia.

1.1.C.15 Care definitions


These definitions apply to all payments subject to assets testing provisions.

Definition: caree

A caree is a person receiving a substantial level of care.

Note: This term is used when referring to care situations (1.1.C.25) rather than CP.

Definition: carer

A carer (care provider) is a person who is providing a substantial level of care to a caree.

Note: This term is used when referring to care situations rather than CP.

Definition: substantial level of care

Substantial level of care is a criterion for determining whether a person is:

  • receiving care in a care situation, OR
  • providing community-based care, for a person in a care situation.

A substantial level of care is accepted if ONE OR MORE of the following is true:

  • the carer is paid CA (1.1.C.88, 1.1.C.90) or CP or DVA Carer Service Pension in respect of the caree, OR
  • the caree is paid DSP and because of their medical condition (1.1.M.90) they require assistance, OR
  • the caree is over age pension age and regarded as frail, OR
  • the caree can provide medical evidence (1.1.M.100) that they left their home because of illness, OR
  • the caree can provide medical evidence that they required assistance after being discharged from hospital, OR
  • the caree has been assessed by an ACAT and is waiting to be admitted to residential care or has been accepted for approved respite care.

Act reference: SSAct section 4(9) For the purpose of this Act, a person is in approved respite care ā€¦, section 23(5A) to (5D) Pension age

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